Ancient China Internet Activity
Please log on to the following web site to find answers:
Click on the link for Chinese History to answer the following questions:
1. Modern humans first came to China when?
2. When was the Bronze Age?
3. Under what dynasty was the time of Confucius?
4. Which dynasty built the Great Wall of China?
Click on the link for Chinese Religion to answer the following questions:
5. Who created the philosophy of Taoism?
6. Confucianism says that ______is the way to ______.
7. Which philosophy was important to the way the Chin Dynasty worked?
Click on the link for Chinese Clothing to answer the following questions:
8. People in China generally wore what?
9. Rich people wore what?
10. Why did most people in China wear their hair long?
11. Some of the earliest versions of what fairy tale came from Sung Dynasty China because of the practice of women binding their feet?
Click on the link for Chinese Science to answer the following questions:
12. What was invented and used in war during the Three Kingdoms period?
13. What was The Nine Chapters?
Click on the link for Chinese Philosophy to answer the following questions:
14. What does the philosophy of Taosim say?
15. Confucius taught that if everyone was a good citizen, what would happen?
Click on the link for Chinese Daily Life to answer the following questions:
16. In China, people thought your most important relationship was with your ______.
17. Most boys and girls in China did what, instead of going to school?
18. Who did go to school in China?
Click on the link for Chinese Architecture to answer the following questions:
19. What did Buddhists build to keep sacred things in?
20. Who built the Forbidden City in the 1400’s?
*Now that you have completed the questions, click on the link for Ancient China Memory game and play at least three rounds. Write down your best time.
Chinese Memory Game Time: