ANCHASL Spring Business Meeting

Asheville, NC

February 20, 2012

President Ms. Grigg called the meeting to order at 12:00 pm.
The Minutes of Business Meeting were approved with corrections.
Treasurer’s Report: Susan Hardee - Ms. Hardee distributed and went over the report.
Committee Reports:
Membership: Katie Zybeck - Ms. Zybeck reported that currently there are 49 members. 13 of them are new members and 3 student members.

CE Committee: Lara Sapp - Ms. Sapp reported that the Fall meeting will be held in Winston Salem on November 16, 2012. Some of the potential topics are E-Science Boot Camp, 10 Steps Approach to Service Continuity Planning, Introduction to Epidemiology for Librarians, Intro to Drug Information, Designing and Online Outreach Program for Your Library, etc. Ms. Ottosen mentioned some other ideas: New Emerging Technology coordinator is revising Geek Bearing Gift and Super Searcher course. This course would be free. Ms. Shell suggested starting a discussion thread on Facebook or creating a survey in SurveyMonkey and post on list. Board could ask how likely members are to attend the program on November. Ms. Sapp will create the survey in Surveymonkey. Ms. Gigg will post a thread on the Facebook page.

Scholarship Committee: Carol Vreeland - Ms. Vreeland welcomed the Scholarship recipients for the Spring Meeting (Lisa Jacobs and Laura Hankins) and reviewed the report.

Nominating Committee: Mary Beth Schell - Ms. Shell welcomed nominations for President-Elect and Secretary Positions.

Old Business:

Listserv: Karin Grigg - Ms. Grigg wondered who took care of the listserv. Ms. Cobb responded but she was not aware that she was supposed to be doing it. Ms. Grigg will get together with Ms. Cobb about the listserv backup duties. If there are other volunteers, please let Ms. Cobb know.

Ms. Grigg adjourned the meeting at 1:00 pm
Submitted by Karen Grigg, edited by Deniz Ender.

February 2012