Anatomy & Physiology – Chapter 5Student Name:______

Tissues – Study Guide


A. Michael May was blind for nearly 40 years, then had his sight restored:

1. Summarize the meaning of the title, “stem cells restore sight but not vision”.

2. How is the conclusion that “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts” applicable to the human body and all living things.

5.1 Introduction

A. Define Tissue =

B. List the 4 major types of tissue and explain their general functions:





C. What is the extracellular matrix?

5.2 Epithelial Tissues

A. Generalized Epithelial Tissue questions:

1. Where is this tissue found?

2. What is the Basement membrane?

3. Why does this tissue lack blood vessels?

4. What is the benefit of tightly packed epithelial cells?

5. Explain the classification of epithelial tissue in terms of. . .

a. Shape –




b. Number of layers -




B. Complete the following summary chart of Epithelial Tissue Types:

Type of
Epithelial Tissue / Picture – Draw examples of this tissue type.
(label cell types, nuclei, connective tissue and basement membrane) / Function of this tissue. / Where would this tissue be found?
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Transitional Epithelium
Glandular Epithelium / Merocrine Gland -
Apocrine Gland -
Halocrine Gland - / Serous Cells
Mucous Cells

C. Epithelial Tissue Questions:

1. What is the difference between Cilia and Microvilli in terms of structure and function?

2. What are goblet cells? How do goblet cells and cilia work together to remove debris from your respiratory system?

3. What is Keratin and how does it aid our immune system?

4. Why do 90% of all human cancers originate in epithelium?

5. What is the difference between an Endocrine gland and an Exocrine gland?

5.3 Connective Tissues

A. General Characteristics

1. What is the general function of connective tissues?

2. In general, what types of connective tissues are rigid and which are more flexible? How does this aid in their function?

B. Major Cell Types in connective tissues

- Summarize the 3 types of cells found in connective tissue:

Cell Type / Function / Fixed or Wandering?
Mast Cells

C. Connective Tissue Fibers

- Summarize the 3 types of fibers produced by fibroblasts:

Fiber Type / Function/Description / Examples of where used.

1. Explain the difference between collagen and elastin.

2. Compare and contrast ligaments and tendons.

3. Why does sunlight exposure lead to wrinkles in the skin? Why are lotions with collagen as an ingredient not helpful in smoothing wrinkles?

D. Categories of Connective Tissues

Tissue Type / Picture of Tissue / Function of Tissue / Location in the body
Loose connective tissue
Adipose Tissue
Dense connective tissue
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage

1. Differentiate between chondrocytes and osteocytes.

5.4 Muscle Tissues

A. General Characteristics

1. What unique capability does muscle tissue have over other types of tissue?

2. What is a “muscle fiber”?

3. How much of the body is muscle? What types?

B. Summarize the 3 types of muscle tissue in the following chart:

Muscle Type / Picture / General Function / Where is this found in the body?
Skeletal Muscle
Smooth Muscle
Cardiac Muscle

1. What is the difference between voluntary vs. involuntary muscle? Classify the 3 types of muscle using these terms.

2. What types of muscle have striations? What type has intercalated discs?

5.5 Nervous Tissue

1. Where is nervous tissue found?

2. What are the functions of neuroglial cells?

3. Draw a picture of a neuron. Label the nucleus, axon, dendrites. Draw neuroglial cells surrounding the neuron.

5.6 Types of Membranes

1. What is an organ?

2. What is a membrane?

3. Of the 4 types of membranes, describe them and explain where they would be found in the body.

a. Serous membranes –

b. Mucous membranes –

c. Cutaneous membranes –

d. Synovial membranes–