Ms. Mellas
General Information
Room: G225
Teacher Availability:Most days after school in G225 until 3:15, mornings by appointment only
Email Address:
The Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology [4th] by Elaine N. Marieb. On loan through Oswego East High School. Must be returned when class is completed or you will be charged for a new book.
Human Biology, Concepts and Current Issues [7th] by Michael D. Johnson. Class set for in class use only.
My internet site can be found at . Everything you need is here. Check it nightly! I also post updates and other important information there.
Consequences for tardies will follow the rules set out in the Oswego East High School Handbook.
When you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you have missed. Email me in the morning if possible. Otherwise, please check the Anatomy and Physiology website the day of your absence. If there are any changes to the schedule, the website will be updated by the end of the school day. You will have 2 days to make up any missed tests before the test becomes a zero (unless discussed prior to that 2 day period)
Grade Calculation
Homework/Classwork: (20% of Semester Grade)
READ when assigned. This may mean reading the material more than once or slowly going through the text in order to find meaning and understanding. This is essential- now and in college!! Get in the habit.
CLASS NOTES You will be expected to have class notes handwritten into your notebook prior to class discussion. You may includeimportant diagrams. This is recommended but not mandatory. **Printed pages of the powerpoint do not count for points. Notes will be checked randomly. Note checks are for points.
UNIT OBJECTIVES All material is based on written unit objectives. You will be required to answer unit objectives on paper as assigned. Answers must be in complete sentences. The objectives are listed on the A&P website for each unit. There are also objectives in the text book; however, these objectives are not the same as the objective we will be using. Answers to objectives must be your own original work or you will not be given credit. This means that you may not write answers with other students or plagiarize material. Use your text, class notes or other resources to help you understand the information, then write.
Labs/Projects: (40% of Semester Grade)
Some labs may be graded for understanding and some for completion. These may take the form of group grades and/or individual and will be explained for each specific situation. The following types of assignments fall under this category: labs, lab practicum exams, model building, web quests, and dissection portfolios.
Tests/Quizzes: (40% of Semester Grade)
All tests will be announced. The tests are based on the unit objectives found on my website. Tests may be any combination of the following formats: multiple choice, short answer, essay, diagraming. There are no assigned study guides for unit tests. The objectives are your SG! (A separate printed study outline will be provided for the comprehensive midterm and final exam.)
Midterm/Final Exam: (20% of Total Semester Grade = Final Grade for transcript)
Midterm is cumulative for 1st quarter and 2nd quarter only. The Final Exam is cumulative for 3rd and 4th quarter only.
Grading scale
90-100 % - A
80-89 % - B
70-79 % - C
60-69 % - D
<60 % - Failing
***This is an extremely fast paced course. Independent study, wise use of time and dedication is a must in order to succeed in this course.***
PROCRASTINATION. This is the number one killer of anatomy and physiology grades. Keep on top of your studies. Start memorizing terms immediately and then keep reviewing and reviewing.
ASK QUESTIONS OR FOR CLARIFICATION DURING DISCUSSION. If you don’t’ understand something or want a further explanation you’re probably not the only one. Ask me or someone in class to explain or clarify. Recognizing what you do not know is a characteristic of intelligence.
LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please discuss any special circumstances with me in private. Notes and objectives are the only exceptions and will be accepted one day late, but not for full credit.
THIS IS AN HONORS COURSE. If you have never taken a high school honors science course before, you will most likely feel overwhelmed to begin with. You may have to work harder and do more studying than you are used to, however, with focus and hard work, you can do this!!!
Topics Covered*
Introduction to Anatomy and PhysiologyNervousSystemUrogenital System Immune System
Muscular System Tissues/MembranesCardiovascular SystemDigestive System
Integumentary SystemRespiratory SystemSkeletal SystemDevelopment
(Homeostasis and the Endocrine System are covered throughout)
*subject to change based on time allowance and alignment of course to dual credit parameters