Trust Housing Association Limited
Application for Employment
Please type or write clearly in black ink and tick boxes as required. Use Tab keyto navigate this form.
Post applied for / Reference no.Post location
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Mobile number / Home number
E-mail address
I confirm I have permission to work in the UK Yes No
If you are related to anyone who works for Trust Housing Association or who is a member of Trust’s Board please give details of relatives’ name, job location and your relationship to them.
SECTION 2: Employment - Please give details of your current or most recent employer
Company name address
Job title / From / To
Current or final salary / Period of notice required
Reason for leaving
Please give a brief outline of your main responsibilities and achievements
SECTION 2a: Previous Employment
Company name address
Job title / From / To
Current/final salary / Period of notice
Reason for leaving
Please give a brief outline of your main responsibilities and achievements
Date from: / Name of employer:
Date to: / Job title:
Date from: / Name of employer:
Date to: / Job title:
If necessary, please continue with any additional relevant work experience on a separate sheet any
SECTION 3: Education and QualificationsPlease let us know of any qualificationsrelevant to the role you are applying for
SSSC registration (if applicable)
Date of registration / Valid from / Valid to / Registration number
Please confirm which part/s of the register you are a member of i.e. Worker of a Housing Support Service :-
If you have any registration conditions – please advise
SECTION 4: Personal statement in support of your application
* Please tick if you have attached more details on an additional sheet
Please provide any additional information in support of your application. Consider any achievements and skills gained in paid and/or voluntary employment, outside interests and any other relevant activities and reasons why you would like to join Trust Housing Association. This information is an important part of the selection process.
SECTION 5: References – We require you to provide two work related referees.
Referees will not be contacted until a conditional offer of employment has been made and should not be friends, relatives or immediate colleagues. If this is your first appointment, one reference should be from your guidance teacher, lecturer or similar.
Current/most recent employer
Name / Business tel. no
Referee job title
Dates of employment / From / To
Business address
Second referee
Name / Business tel. no
Referee Job title
Dates of employment / From / To
Business address
In accordance with the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exclusions & Exceptions) (Scotland) Order 2003 (as amended), you are not entitled to withhold information about convictions which for other purpose are ‘spent’ under the provisions of the Act and, in the event of employment, any failure to disclose such convictions could result in withdrawal of job offer, dismissal or disciplinary action by Trust Housing Association Ltd.
Having a criminal record will not necessarily prevent anyone from working with Trust Housing Association. Decisions regarding suitability for positions which are subject to criminal conviction vetting through Disclosure Scotland, will be dependent on the nature of the post, together with the circumstances and background of the offence(s).You are asked to declare any spent or unspent convictions (including cautions).
Self Disclosure Statement – Strictly ConfidentialHave you had any previous convictions / cautions? Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or are you at present subject to criminal charges/ investigations? Yes No
Disclosure Scotland Existing PVG Members (if applicable)
Date Issued / PVG Scheme ID Number / What Type of Regulated Work is your PVG1 / Children Adults Both
I understand these details will be held in confidence by Trust for the purposes of assessing this application, ongoing HR administration and payroll administration (where applicable) in compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
I confirm that the information given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, true and complete. I understand that any deliberate attempt to provide false information to obtain employment is a serious misrepresentation and will lead to rejection, or if employed, dismissal and is likely to constitute a criminal offence.
Signature / DatePrint name
For persons submitting an application by e-mail please type your name and the date. This, together with your attached e-mail will be deemed to form an electronic signature.
Thank you for completing this application form, which you should return by the closing date together with the monitoring questionnaire and any continuation sheet(s) to: Human Resources, Trust Housing Association Limited, 12 New Mart Road, Edinburgh, EH14 1RL by the closing date stated.
Please note that in the interests of the best use of the Association’s financial resources, only candidates called for interview will be contacted again.
We are anequal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all sections of the community.
Tick this box if you have a disability and want to ask for a guaranteed interview if you meet the minimum criteria.
Trust Housing Association Limited
A Registered Scottish Charity No SC 009086, Registered by the Scottish Housing Regulator HEP 143
Registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, No.1778R(S)