Biology 3 Syllabus, Spring 20171

Biology 3: Scholars Fundamentals of Biology

Instructor: / Christina G. von der Ohe, PhD, Professor, Dept. of Life Sciences
Office: SC-261
Phone: (310) 434-4662
OH: Mon/Wed: 9:30-11:05am Tue/Thur: 7:25-7:50am
Meeting: / Lecture TTh8:00-11:05am SC-225
Student Learning Outcomes: /
  1. After careful observations of an organism or situation, pose appropriate questions and generate hypotheses; design and perform a test; gather, analyze, and interpret data; evaluate and reformulate hypotheses.
  2. Given a biological report from the mass media, evaluate and critique the findings based on knowledge of the scientific method, the strength of the evidence, and independent research on the topic.

Textbooks: / What is Life? A Guide to Biology with Physiology, Jay Phelan,3rd ed.
Bio 3 Laboratory Manual, SMC biology faculty (SMC bookstore)
Materials: / 5 scantrons #882 or #25110 and a #2 pencil
Calculator, ruler,colored pens or pencils
Resources: / LearningResourceCenter and Computer Lab
CaytonCenter Student Computer Lab
Textbook resources at
Attendance: / Roll will be taken by the START of every session via sign-up. Participation points will be awarded only to students who have signed in by 8:00 and who stay until excused. Students who are absent for two consecutive meetings, 5 nonconsecutive meetings, or to the first exam, will be dropped from the roster.
Drop Dates: / Drop dates are listed in your catalog. You are responsible for your enrollment status and the dates and deadlines on the SMC admissions website and schedule of classes.
Make-ups: / There will be no make-ups for in-class quizzes,lab worksheets, assignments, or presentations. Only one exam can be made up under extreme and suitably documented circumstances, and with instructor consent BEFORE the start of the exam. The make-up exam will be completed immediately after the final exam.
Lecture: / The lecture will be based on PowerPoint slides that will be posted to canvas before lecture. You are welcome to print the slides before class and take notes on them.
Lab: / You will complete laboratory activities in groups. You are required to read the lab manual before coming to lab, and to bring both your lab manual to each session. In order to earn full lab points, you must be present and working with your group for both entire lab periods, and your worksheet answers must be individual work.Copied work in any form will not be graded. Attendance to only one of the lab sessions results in a maximum of half credit. Late labs are not accepted.
Exams: / There will be 5 non-cumulative exams. They will cover material from lectures, laboratories, and assigned reading. Questions will include multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill-in, and short answer. The correct scantron is required. Leaving the room during the exam is not permitted.
Quizzes: / There will be weekly quizzes at the start of class covering material from the previous and current lab exercise. There are no make-ups for quizzes, but the lowest score will be dropped.
Lab Worksheets: / You will write up your lab observations and answer questions on lab worksheets, which should be individual and unique work. Copying of any form is not permitted. They will be gradedonly when you complete the lab on Thursday. Turning in half a lab on Thursday due to Tuesday absence will result in half the final score. There are no make-ups for lab worksheets, but your lowest score will be dropped.
Reading Analysis: / You will be assigned three scientific articles to study. You will discuss these articles and answer questions as a group.
Group Project: / There will be a group research project that you will work on during the semester and present.There are no make-ups.
Scholars: / As a scholars section, this course delves into biology in great depth and requires a high level of involvement and critical thinking. The reading analysis assignments require you to study scientific literature and critically analyze the research in essay format. In the research project, you will propose and test a hypothesis, statistically analyze results, and then present findings using both a poster and oral presentation. The exams have a significant writing component. The end-of-semester field trip involves discussion about sustainability, and will challenge you to tie in biological topics across disciplines.
Grading: / You will be evaluated based on performance on exams, quizzes, worksheets, assignments, your presentation, and attendance. Points will be totaled and expressed as a percent. Grades are non-negotiable and must be earned.
5 lecture exams (75 pts each) / 375 / 90-100% = A
Quizzes (15 pts each) / 210 / 80-89% = B
Lab Worksheets (10 pts each) / 140 / 70-79% = C
Reading Analysis (25 pts each) / 75 / 60-69% = D
Group Project / 75 / Below 60% = F
Attendance / 30
To succeed in this class: / Biology 3 is a rigorous class that requires discipline, time, and dedication. Tips for success:
  1. Leave for class with time to find parking or catch the bus.
  2. Be well rested and alert for class.
  3. Actively engage in class.
  4. Be prepared for exams.
  5. Keep track of your grades on gradebook.
  6. Practice effective study habits:
-study 30 min to 1 hour every day
-study lecture notes soon after lecture
-make sure to engage in class
Class Environment: / I strive to make the classroom a safe and encouraging learning environment for everyone. There will be a lot of class discussion and group work. Please be respectful of each other. I encourage you to freely ask questions so that everyone can benefit from the discussion. Please turn off all electronic devices during class. Computers are permitted for note-taking only, by approval of instructor. Food, drink (including water), and gum are not permitted.
Academic Dishonesty: / Each student is expected to do his/her own work on all exams, quizzes, and worksheets. A first offense of academic dishonesty will result in a zero grade on that material, with a report filed with the Dean of Students. A second offense anywhere in the college or an especially egregious offense will result in disciplinary action by the professor or the Dean, which can include failing the course, suspension, or dismissal from the college. Please refer to the SMC policy on academic dishonesty posted in the classroom, or refer to the SMC Student Guide.
Final Word: / If you have any questions about course material, computer, internet, campus resources, future plans, or anything else, please don’t hesitate to ask. I am here to help you.
Feb 14 / Introduction, Scientific method / 1 / Snail races
Feb 16 / Chemical basis of life / 2.1-2.7
Feb 21 / Snail Quiz, Molecules of cells / 2.8-2.22 / pH and water
Feb 23 / Cell structures and functions / 3
Feb 28 / Water Quiz, The working cell / 2.18-2.19
4.1-4.4 / Microscopic life
Mar 2 / Exam 1
Mar 7 / Microscope Quiz, Digestion + Cellular Respiration / 22.1-22.13
4.12-4.17 / Enzymes, Projects intro, Analysis 1
Mar 9 / Cell Division / 6
Mar 14 / Enzyme Quiz, Photosynthesis / 4.5-4.11 / Respiration, Photosyn.
Mar 16 / NO CLASS
Mar 21 / Resp/Phot Quiz, Reproduction / 25 / Analysis 2, Repro, Film
Mar 23 / Exam 2
Mar 28 / Repro Quiz, Genetics / 7 / Proposals due,
Stickleback genetics
Mar 30 / DNA and gene expression / 5.1-5.11
Apr 4 / Genetics Quiz, Biotechnology / 5.12-5.18 / Projects,DNA Fingerprinting
Apr 6 / Microevolution / 8
Apr 18 / DNA Quiz, Macroevolution / 10 / Natural selection
Apr 20 / Exam 3
Apr 25 / Selection Quiz, Animal diversity / 11 / Projects, Animal diversity
Apr 27 / Microbes, plants, and fungi / 12,13
May 2 / Animal Quiz, Circulatory system / 21.1-21.11 / Heart
May 4 / Immune System / 26
May 9 / Heart Quiz, Skeletal system / 23.16 / Analysis 3
Bones, Statistics
May 11 / Exam 4
May 16 / Bone Quiz, Plants / 17,18 / Flowers
May 18 / Population Ecology / 14
May 23 / Flower Quiz, Communities, Ecosystems / 15 / Seeds, Film
May 25 / Conservation biology / 16
May 30 / Seed Quiz, Field Trip / Field Trip
Jun 1 / Exam 5
Jun 6 / Group Project Presentations