Chabot College
Course Outline for Computer Science 11, Page 1
December 1995
Chabot CollegeDecember, 1995
Removed Fall 2006
Course Outline for Computer Science 11
Catalog Description:
11 - Programming WINDOWS using Visual BASIC 2 units
Creation of MICROSOFT WINDOWS applications using the Visual Basic programming language. Course designed for students with prior programming experience. How to build programs around the Windows user interface and create Windows controls, dialog boxes and menus. Event driven programming. Includes special Visual BASIC features of variable types and scope, arrays, numeric functions, general procedures as well as debugging methods. Designed for students with prior programming experience. Beginning programmers should take CS 10 instead. Strongly Recommended: A prior college level programming course, Mathematics 65 or 65B (completed with a grade of C or higher) and some experience with Windows operating system. 2 hours lecture 1 hour laboratory.
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1.recognize and identify the specific elements of Visual Basic for Windows environment;
2.state the properties of controls and be able to create controls in a program;
3.Use Visual Basic menu design window feature to create programs which contain menus including submenus and pop-up menus;
4.describe the properties of dialog boxes and be able to create programs which contain dialog boxes;
5.define, recognize and use variables of various Visual Basic data types;
6.write Visual Basic code which sets and retrieves properties, uses control structures, and is modular;
7.write Visual Basic code which uses event and general procedures and functions;
8.create introductory Windows applications with elementary controls, menus, and dialog boxes;
9.write Windows applications involving mathematical calculations, text processing and list processing;
10.use Visual Basic system debugging features to find and correct errors in a program;
Course Content:
1.The Visual Basic Environment bar, toolbar, toolbox
b.form view
c.code view window
e.creating, opening and saving projects
f.creating new forms and code modules
2.Introductory Windows Applications
a.creating a "Windows" interface
b.setting properties of controls
c.writing event procedure driven code
3.Creating Controls of controls
b.labels and text boxes
c.command buttons
d.list and combo boxes
e.option buttons, check boxes and scroll bars
f.image and picture controls
g.object and focus visibility
h.control arrays
i.using multiple forms
a.using the menu design window
b.writing code for menu controls
c.creating submenus
e.enabling and disabling menu commands
5.Dialog Boxes
a.Input Box
b.MsgBox (message box)
c.using COMMON dialog custom control (open, save as, print, color, font)
6.Data Types
a.declaring variables
b.local, module, and global level
c.numeric and character data
d.built-in numeric and string functions
f.sequential files
7.Program Code in Visual Basic
a.setting and retrieving properties
b.object methods
c.decision structures
d.iteration structures
e.event procedures
f.general procedures
h.functions (built-in and programmer created)
8.Advanced Applications and Debugging Techniques and mathematical applications
b.list processing
c.text processing including mini word processor
d.use of sequential files
e.How to use the Visual Basic debugger
Methods of Presentation:
1.Lecture, discussion and classroom demonstrations
2.Student use of appropriate computer laboratory
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1.Exams which, according to instructor preference, may include quizzes, midterms and a required final examination. Each instructor may choose their own examination modality but is expected to test during the term. All instructors are expected to write tests which relate to the lecture/discussion/assignments/textbook being presented in the course.
2.Students will be asked to write and implement various and multiple assigned programs and other assignments which utilize all topics included above in the course of study.
3.Grading based upon a combination of exam scores and assignments.
Textbook(s) (Typical):
The Visual Basic Coursebook, Forest Lin, Scott/Jones Publishers
Using Visual Basic 4.0, Michael McKelvy, Que Publishers
Special Student Materials:
Computer Access Diskette
M. Rube 9/94
revised CYC 11/95
revisedMR 10/95