Anaerobic Degradation under Sewage Plant Simulation Conditions (AnBUSDiC test)

Annex 1

Information summary

The results should be reported in table form like indicated below.

Table 1: Testsubstance

TOC (g/g) / Weight (g) per batch / VTh at standard temperature (ml)
Test substance:

Table 2: Sludge mixture

Start / End
DR (g/L) / IL % / DR (g/L) / IL %
Sludge mixture

DR = dry residue IL = ignition loss

Table 3: Methaneand carbon dioxide gas

% CH4 / % CO2 / % O2 / Day
Control batch
Test batch:

Table 4: pH of thebatches

Start / End
pH / pH
Control batch
Test batch:

Raw data

Table 5: Raw data of the batches

Control batch 1 / Control batch 2 / Test batch 1 / Test batch 2 / Temperature
Date / Day / XY / XY / Room temperature / inwater bath
Gasvolume (ml/d) / Gasvolume (ml/d) / Gasvolume (ml/d) / Gasvolume (ml/d) / ° C / ° C
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35
20 / 35

Table 6: Gas productionmean values of gas volumes converted to standardtemperaturewith biodegradation

Day / Gas production (ml)
V (NIG) / Test batch XY
Gas production (ml)
V(NTj) / Net gas production
(VNTj - VNkj) / Degradation