(Parish Projects Committee)



Cell: +265 8 386 246


A Report on the progress of the multipurpose hall project co-funded by the parishioners of St. Augustine’s Parish, Malawi and Friends of Ireland through Ungweru Organisation.



The St. Augustine’s Catholic Parish is to start the implementation of a multipurpose hall project. With support from some friends of Ireland, the project is set to commence in August of 2008. The hall is to be constructed within the premises of the parish at Luwinga Mzuzu 2. Apart from serving the church during spiritual gatherings, the hall will also be a hive of activities for the youth (Ba ukilano) who meet at Ungweru Organisation as well as those meeting at the church.

This is an update to our friends in Ireland who have tirelessly fundraised for the cause.

2.0Progress to Date

2.1Preparatory Activities

2.1.1Sensitisation of the Laity

The laity have been sensitised about the project in a bid to instil ownership and subsequently achieve sustainability of the project. They have been told about what they are supposed to do as contribution towards the successful implementation of the project. The Parish Council led by the Pastoral Team made efforts in telling the people the progress of the activity. Currently all the 15 outstations of the parish are in the know about the project and thus are proud of it. Each and every outstation is busy now mobilising bricks, sand and crushed stones for the project.

2.1.2Election of Project Committee

When news came that our friends in Ireland have mobilised some resources, the Parish Council (a grouping of the Pastoral Team and elected representatives of the laity) met to chart the way forward. During that meeting it was resolved that a Project Implementation Committee be elected to oversee the implementation of the hall project. The members are doing the job on voluntary basis and thus do meet often during weekends or after working hours. The committee is as follows;

Chrispin C. Mphande / M / Education/ Business / Chairperson
Oliver B. Sichali / M / Accounts / Vice Chairperson
Edgar K. Bayani / M / Agriculture/ Social Develop / Secretary
Brenda Dakishoni / F / Business / Vice Secretary
William Kayuni / M / Administration / Treasurer
Mrs. Mtumbuka / F / Education / Vice Treasurer
Mr. Ngwire Mwalughali / M / Civil Engineering / Member
Mr. Bulukutu Chirwa / M / Technical Drawing / Member

2.1.3Co-opted Members

These members were co-opted into the committee with the full blessing of the Parish Pastoral Council. They were co-opted to assist in stores management of the project construction materials owing to their experience in similar activities at the parish as well as their availability during the implementation period.

Mr. M.G Ngwira / M / Electrician/ Catechist / Member
Mr. Lyson Gondwe / M / Stores / Member

2.1.4Identification of plot for construction

The parish council has since identified a piece of land for the project. This land is within the premises of the parish and clearing has since started i.e. removal of tree stumps etc.

2.1.5Scrutiny of Plans by the City Authorities

After the production of hall plans by the architects, the parishioners contributed money enough for carter for scrutiny fees by the Mzuzu City Assembly’s Physical Planning Department as per the city’s bye-laws. The amount contributed was MK51, 000.00. The city has since appraised the plan and made some recommendations e.g. on toilets i.e. that number of toilets be increased. The parish is very grateful to Mr. Sungani Tembo (a Civil Engineer) who despite being a Catholic is fully dedicating himself to seeing that plans are according to specifications.

2.2Implementation Plan of Construction Works

2.2.1Implementation Phases

The implementation works of the hall are divided into phases. As agreed upon by the committee and representative of Ungweru Organisation, this arrangement was arrived at so as to ensure transparency and accountability at all levels. Ungweru will be releasing funds to carter for a construction phase and another trench of funds will only be released after satisfactorily accounting for every penny given. The phases are;

  • Phase 1: Foundation Works up to slab (sub structure)
  • Phase 2: Construction of full walls (super structure) up to gable level
  • Phase 3: Roofing works
  • Phase 4:Plastering, flooring, door/window fixing plumbing and electrical works
  • Painting, drains and toilets

2.2.2Recruitment of builders

In the 2nd meeting of the Projects’ Committee, it was resolved that artisans should be recruited through an open process for the job (an advert is attached). On advice from Mr. Sungani Tembo, the committee produced adverts calling for artisans. InlandBuilding Contractors came out the best bidder at around MK960,000.00 in labour fees as compared to MK1,050,000.00 charged by his competitor. Furthermore, the contractor has been picked owing to his capacity and experience in similar nature. He even proved useful by making further suggestions on the plan and bills of materials. The contractor will be supervised and technically backstopped by Messers Sungani Tembo, Ngwire Mwalughali and Bulukutu Chirwa. Meanwhile, the committee will enter into negotiations with the contractor before signing of contract.

2.2.3Application for a Tax-waiver

As per the tax laws of Malawi, the Malawi Revenue Authority (a body responsible for taxes) can waive tax on activities for charity. As such the Projects’ Committee approached MRA and have since submitted a request for tax waiver on construction materials. As of the progress date, the request was being appraised.

2.2.4Request of funds from Ungweru

The Projects’ Committee came up with materials required for phase 1 and costed them. A formal request was made to Ungweru on 14th July for funds to carter for phase 1. Refer to annex 2 Funds request.

2.2.5Water Installation

The committee has since paid Mk17, 000.00 to the Northern Region Water Board to install water at the project site. As of the reporting date, the Water Board had already installed water at the site in preparation for construction works.

2.2.6Mobilisation of local resources

The Projects’ Committee is now busy following up with outstations on construction materials. A request for funds has been sent to Ungweru and likewise the laity are being reminded to mobilise the materials they were told to. Zone 1 comprising 5 outstations close to the Parish Centre are to contribute 100,000 bricks i.e. 20,000 bricks apiece. As of the progress reporting date, St. Faustina had already moulded its 20,000 bricks. The outstation surrounding the parish centre (St. Augustine’s Outstation) being a centre in the city had mobilised money enough for buying 20,000 bricks.

Zone 2 was given220 tons river sand as their contribution where as Zone 3 was given 122 tons of crushed stones. 20th August was set as deadline to have these materials ready for transportation to the project site.

In a bid to ensure that materials are mobilised in time, the Parish Council’s Developmenet Sub Committee Chairman Mr. B.M.C Nyirenda makes follow-ups to outstations frequently. He also get reports during preparatory meetings for the feast of St. Augustine’s Day duning which representatives of all zones of the parish meet.

2.3Management of Funds of the Project

The Projects’ Committee observed that the amount of funds involved in the implementation of the project is quiet substantial. As such it during its 2nd meeting resolved that a current account be opened with the Malawi Savings Bank through which funds for the project should be channelled from Ungweru. This arrangement was agreed upon to reduce the risks associated with handling of cash through payment by cheques to suppliers and workers. The signatories to the account shall be the Parish Priest (Principal signature) and any of the following Projects’ Committee Members, Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. It was further resolved that fund release should be sanctioned by the whole committee during a meeting and supported by a payment voucher outlining the request and approval. See annex 1: Minutes of the Projects Committee Meeting on resolution 1.

The account has since been opened with the following opening amount raised by the St. Augustine’s Fundraising Committee.


Members Present

-Mr. C.M Mphande-Chairman

-Mr. Edgar Bayani-Secretary

-Mr. William Kayuni-Treasurer

-Mrs. Mtumbuka-Vice Treasurer

-Fr. Robert Mkandawire-Parish Priest

-Fr. Francis Shaba-Curate


-Mrs. Dakishoni-out to Lilongwe on family matters

-Mr. Bulukutu Chirwa- nursing injuries sustained from a motor bike accident

Meeting started with prayer by Fr. Shaba

Chair called meeting to order at 10:20am by welcoming all to the meeting. He then asked the secretary to read the minutes of the meeting held with Fr. Ryan (representing friends of Ireland (donors)).

Corrections on minutes:

The resolution to open bank account was not captured.


The minutes were adopted as reflecting the true version of the issues discussed and resolutions made. The chairman and parish priest thus signed the minutes.

Matters arising

Briefing and sensitisation of stakeholders has been done. The chairman of the committee briefed the parish council during its meeting at the parish and that the laity have started mobilising materials that they were asked to.

Agenda Items

The chair apologised for calling for the meeting without sending agendas. He then asked members to form agendas which were adopted as follows

  1. Management of Project funds
  2. Recruitment of contractors to construct the hall
  3. Procurement of building materials ( mobilisation of resources from zones)
  4. Water installation to the site
  5. Projects launch/Laying Foundation Stone

-Clearing of site

-Laying of foundation stone

  1. Any Other Business

Minute 1: Management of Funds

The chair introduced the agenda by informing members that there is need to have a safe and secure way of handling funds. He observed that funds for every phase (of the hall projects for example) will be a lot of money which can not be kept in hard cash. He also said that it will not be prudent to keep the cash in the same account as the one for parish management.

Resolution 1: Members agreed to open a current account with Malawi Savings Bank and signatories to the account will be

-The Parish Priest (Fr. Robert Mkandawire) and any one of the following

-The Committee Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer i.e. Mr. Chrispine.M Mphande, Mr. Edgar K. Bayani and Mr. William Kayuni respectively)

Resolution 2: Release of funds must be sanctioned by the committee through a written order/voucher

Resolution 3: Name of account will be St. Augustine’s Projects

Actions: Mr. Kayuni to collect the account opening forms on Tuesday, 8th July and the signatories to provide specimen signatures on Wednesday 9th July

Minute 2: Recruitment of contractor

The chair introduced the agenda. He outlined 2 possible ways of identifying the contractors namely;

-The committee can identify a contractor and engage him in negotiations

-Recruit through open bidding procedure. In this the contractors submit tenders from which the committee selects one.

Members observed that the best way to go about it is through calling for tenders since the method is credible, transparent and will assist in instilling donor confidence as there shall be professionalism.

Resolution 1: Members agreed that recruitment of contractor be through an open tender process as per the procurement laws of the country.

Resolution 2: Members agreed that advertisement be through the church and posters put in other strategic places.

Resolution 3: Advertisement should be done for 2 weeks during which bidders are supposed to respond and the secretary to organise that. Deadline for receiving tenders is 25th July, 2008. Evaluation of tenders will be done on 27th July, 2008 at 1:00pm.

Action: The secretary to draft adverts and make sure that the first announcement be made by Sunday next week.

Upon passing the above resolutions members wanted to know as to how much was set aside as contractor fees. Members were of the view that the multipurpose hall is a big project that requires people of exceptional skills and adequate capacity to implement. Thus despite being on bed rest, Mr. Bulukutu was contacted to provide the Bills of Quantities/materials. It was observed that the budgets did not have contractor fees and that the only money available was the 10% contingency. It was also observed from experience that such a job as the one on multipurpose hall would cost over MK 1 million in labour fees. From the budget it was also observed that cement was budgeted at MK1, 650.00 per 50kg bag but the prevailing market prices are at around MK2, 500.00 per 50kg bag.

Resolution 1: members agreed that since zones were charged with the responsibility of mobilising sand, crushed stones and bricks, the funds that were earmarked for these items should be set aside to carter for contractor fees.

Resolution 2: Secretary to consult Mr.Sungani Tembo (The Civil Engineer) on the way forward about recruitment of contractors.

Minute 3: Procurement and mobilisation of materials

The chair emphasised that materials that will be procured are only cement and other steel products. As for the sand and quarry stones, the chair reported that zones have started mobilising these materials and that the committee will just have to start arranging for transport. Transport is already taken care of in the budget. The chair reported that, the committee is supposed to make a formal request to Ungweru to start releasing of funds.

Action 1: Treasurer and secretary should establish how much is required for phase one and so as to request the correct sum.

Action 2: Committee to write MRA applying for tax exemption. Secretary to draft this letter for signing by chairman and parish priest

Action 3: Committee to submit requisition for funds for phase 1. Secretary to draft letter for signing by the chair

One member observed that the committee should carry out inspections to check the mobilisation of resources as people might just offer lip service.

Resolution: Fathers were asked to help in checking this in outstations during maungano .

Mrs. Mtumbuka to check the status of materials mobilisation in zone 2, where as the other members to do the same in zone 1.

Minute 4: Projects Launch

Members proposed that the project launch be held on the same day as the cerebration of St. Augustine’s day and silver jubilee for Fr. Shaba i.e. 30th August 08,. It was observed that during this time almost allparishioners will be at the parish and thus will be there to witness the commencement of the work they have been asked to contribute materials.

Resolution: Project launch be held on 30th August. The guest of honour will lay foundation stone.

Action 1: The Parish Priest to meet the guest of honour The Vicar General Fr. Michael Mughogho to brief him on the programme.

Action 2: The committee to make sure that materials be on site for the ceremony to go on as planned

Minute 5: Water Installation

The chair reported that water is required for the site well in advance. He also reported that after application it often takes months before installation. He thus said it is proper to make an application before hand.

Resolution: Members agreed to release MK17, 000.00 (from the funds raised by the Fundraising Committee) for payment of application fees to the Northern Region Water Board.

Action: The chair to take it up with Water Board.


-The chair said that the committee now needs active members to be in sub committees. He also observed that there is need to identify trusted members who would be readily available to look into stores management. It was further suggested that these co-opted members should be allowed to attend the meetings and so as to give reports directly. Members agreed to the proposal.

Resolution: Lyson Gondwe and M.G. Ngwira were appointed as people to assist in stores management and were co-opted in the committee as members.

Resolution: Secretary to write the people co-opted.

Resolution: Secretary to announce in church about the resolutions i.e. more especially about the co-option of members since the committee was elected by the laity and thus should be kept abreast of any developments.

-Chair suggested that the committee should raise money for its operations as the donors will only fund project activities. He cited that fuel is required for running activities.

-The Projects Committee should invite Fundraising Committee members to come up with working relationship

-Committee agreed to visit Mr. Bulukutu Chirwa (accident victim)

The Parish priest thanked all for coming to the meeting.

NEXT MEETING: Sunday 27th July, 2008 at 1:00pm

The meeting was called off by the chair at 12:47pm before Fr. Shaba offered a closing prayer.


C.M MphandeFr. Robert MkandawireEdgar K. Bayani

ChairmanParish PriestSecretary