Held on Monday 4th March 2013
Beginning at 7.00 p.m.
St Peter’s Church, High Street, Newton on Trent.
01:08Those Present:
Cllr A. Arden.Chairman.
Cllr R. Hewins.
Cllr M. Maddison.
Cllr S. Cox.
Cllr J. Stringer.
Cllr L. Collins.
Mr R. Pilgrim.Clerk.
Members of the Public.None
02:08Apologies for Absence:
None received,
03:08Approval of the Minutes:
Cllr R. Hewins proposed that the Minutes of the last meeting, held on Monday 4th February 2013, be approved as a true record.
Cllr L. Collins seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
04:08 Matters Arising:
None received.
05:08 Public Forum:
No members of the public attended.
06:08Declarations of Interest:
Cllr S. Cox: Item 09. Personal & Pecuniary.
Cllr A. Arden: Item 13. Personal & Prejudicial.
07:08 Clerks Report:
No Comment.
a)Financial Statement for February 2013
Cllr R. Hewins proposed that the Financial Statement for February 2013 be approved as a true record.
Cllr M. Maddison seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously
b)Clerk’s Salary & Expenses:£172.89
Cllr L. Collins proposed that the Clerk’s salary & Expenses be approved.
Cllr M. Maddison seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
c)Invoices for Payment:
HM Revenue & Customs PAYE£42.80
L.A.L.C. Annual subscription.£133.40
West Lindsey Landscapes Ltd Grass Cutting.£995.00
St Peters Church PCC.£20.00
R. Pilgrim Post Sleeves.£11.49.
d)Transfer of Funds:£1375.00
09:09Grass Cutting Contract Proposed Fixing for the next three years:
After some discussion it was decided that fixing the contract for the next three years would not be in the best interests of the Parish.
Cllr R. Hewins proposed that a three year contract should not be offered, mainly because it must be seen that the Council is mindful of value for money, and retaining the ability to test the market for competitive quotations on a regular basis.
Cllr L. Collins seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
10:09 Letter From an Elector: Sundry Issues around the village:
a)State of the Verges around the Village: Morrisons Utility Services have been approached for a possible reinstatement of the verges, and a meeting has taken place. However, no further correspondence has been forthcoming. Council will continue to press for an answer.
b)Overhanging Branches Footpath along the A57 from High Street: This has been completed.
c)Damaged Fence at the End of High Street: This has now been replaced.
d)Excavation at the End of High Street: Nothing has happened at the site for some time. Highways will be contacted for a progress report.
11:09Emergency Plan:
Examples of plans have been taken from the internet. One plan seemed particularly relevant to a village the size of Newton on Trent. Cllr R. Hewins is to produce a document for the April meeting.
12:09Lincolnshire Road safety Partnership A57 Junction with A1133:
Plans have been drawn up for the alteration of the junction and the addition of lining to the road surface to make motorists slow down before entering the junction. The proposed plan will probably not be installed for at least two years due to funding constraints.
This item will be removed from the agenda for the time being.
13:09Provision and Installation of a Gate at the Cross Cliff Allotments:
One quotation out of two requested has been returned.
Cllr R. Hewins proposed that the Furrowfresh quotation be accepted.
Cllr S. Cox seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
14:09Re-Registration of Parish Council Land: Naylors Hill anomalies:
Council’s solicitors have requested an accurate mapping of the land at Naylors Hill.
A quotation has been received.
Cllr Cox proposed that the quotation be accepted.
Cllr Stringer seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
15:10Dog Fouling:
A letter from an elector reported that dog faeces had been found in the Play Park. Since then two people exercising their dogs in the Play Park have been approached by Councillors and asked not to take their dogs into the Play Park in future. Both agreed to abide by the signage in the Play Park.
WLDC Street Cleaning will be asked for a progress report.
Cllr L. Collins proposed that Councillors take a more proactive stance and approach dog owners to explain the present situation and ask for their support. In this way it is hoped that the dog fouling problem will be given a higher profile within the village.
Cllr A. Arden seconded the proposal.
16:10Play Park:
a)Litter and Litter Bins: Litter was spread around the Play Park on Sunday 3rd March 2013. West Lindsey District Council refuse collectors removed the litter on Monday 4th March 2013.
b)Swings: Cllr A. Arden proposed that Council purchase a bag of Play Bark for the ground under the swings.
Cllr L. Collins seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously
As the Play Bark was to be purchased from Listers, Newton on Trent Cllr Arden proposed that Standing Order 70 be suspended.
Cllr Hewins seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
17:10Health and Safety:
a)Play Park: See 16:10 (b) above.
b)Cllr Cox proposed that RoSPA undertake a Health and safety Inspection on the Play Area and The Playing Field.
Cllr Arden seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
No Comment.
19:10Any Other Business:
The Brambles: A Manhole cover is missing from on the left hand side of the road, in the grass verge. Cllr Arden will see if he can see who the manhole belongs to.
White Hart Sign: This will be repaired as soon as possible.
20:10Date of the next Meeting:
Cllr R. Hewins proposed that the next meeting should take place on Monday 1st April 2013.
Cllr A. Arden seconded the proposal.
Carried unanimously.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.
Approval of the Minutes: