All HaydenMiddle School faculty and staff will provide challenging instruction based on current research to every child, every class, every day.

An online copy of this handbook is available in the “Policies” section on our website located at

HaydenMiddle School

310 Second Avenue

Hayden, AL35079

Phone: (205) 647-3083

Fax: (855) 861-1050

BlountCounty Board of Education

P.O. Box 578

Oneonta, AL35121

Phone: (205) 625-4102

The faculty, staff and administration of Hayden Middle

School and all other Blount County Schools are committed

to providing a meaningful and lasting school experience for all of our students. We encourage you to join with us in our efforts to make HaydenMiddle School all it can be.

This handbook was developed using existing BlountCounty Board of Education Policy as a guide. The policies delineated in this handbook are at all times subordinate to the official BlountCounty Board of Education Policies. In the event that any HMS and BCBOE policies inadvertently disagree, BCBOE policy will always be the policy of authority.

Admission for Foster Care, Homeless, Migratory, Immigrant, and Limited English Proficient Students

Pursuant to the requirement of Every Student Succeeds Act and the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act of 2001, all foster care, homeless, migratory, immigrant (5), and limited English proficient children in the district will have access to the education and services needed to ensure that an opportunity is available to meet the same academic achievement standards to which all students are held.

The enrollment of foster care, homeless, migrant, immigrant (5), and limited English proficient children and youth shall not be denied or delayed due to any of the following barriers:

  • Lack of birth certificate
  • Lack of school records or transcripts
  • Lack of immunization or health records
  • Lack of proof of residency
  • Lack of transportation
  • Guardianship or custody requirements

The district will ensure that foster care, homeless, migratory, immigrant (5), limited English proficient students are not stigmatized nor segregated on the basis of their individual status. The student will be admitted to the district school in the attendance area in which the student is actually living or to the student’s school of origin as requested by the parent, guardian, education decision maker or homeless liaison in the case of an unaccompanied youth, and in accordance with the student’s best interest.

In the event of a dispute regarding eligibility or placement of a student as a homeless child, the parent or guardian shall be given notice and provided an opportunity for review of the dispute as prescribed by the State Board of Education’s administrative regulations.

In the event of a dispute regarding placement of a student living in foster care, the student will be immediately enrolled in the school requested by the student, guardian, or education decision maker while the appeal is being considered.

Transportation will be provided to and from the student’s school of origin at the request of the parent, guardian, or in the case of an unaccompanied student, the district’s liaison for homeless students. In the event circumstances are not in the best interest of the student to attend the school of origin based on determination by the parent, guardian, or liaison, the student will attend the school in the attendance area of current residence. (4)


A.All students should attend school regularly and be punctual for all classes in order to receive the greatest benefit from the instructional program and develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline, and individual responsibility. There is a direct relationship between poor attendance and class failure. Students who have good attendance generally achieve higher grades and enjoy school more. Attendance at school shall be one of the factors considered in determining the promotion of a student from one grade to another or in any given course.

B.Students will be counted present in attendance at school on all days for which they are present at least one half of the school day (3.5 hours) regardless of whether they are late to school, leave school early, or leave and return to school during the same day.


A.After an absence, it is the responsibility of the student and the parent to follow these procedures:

1.The student must submit written documentation to his/her homeroom teacher or the parent/guardian must submit parent note documentation through the website. This may be either a note written by a parent or a doctor’s excuse. Faxed copies will not be accepted.

2.Absences are coded unexcused until the school receives a note.

3.Students have three school days after an absence to turn in an excuse.

4.After three days have passed, the absence will be considered to be unexcused and will not be changed.

B.According to the Alabama State Department of Education, absences may be excused for the following reasons only:

1.Illness of the student

2.Death in the student’s immediate family

3.Emergency conditions (As determined by the principal only)

4.Legal Quarantine

5.Summons to court

6.Prior permission of the principal as requested by the parent/guardian (This must be requested in advance of the absence.)

C.Absences will not be excused for any of the following reasons:

1.Personal reasons

2.Illness of a family member

3.Trips out of town

4.Car trouble

5.Power outages

6.Missed school bus

D.A maximum of five absences per semester can be excused by a note from home.

E.Additional absences may only be excused by a physician’s note or a summons to court.

F.At the discretion of the administration, additional documentation may be required to excuse more than ten absences per semester with physician’s notes.

G.The following procedure will be followed by Blount County Schools in the event of any unexcused absences:

Students may use a parent/guardian note for a maximum of five school days or portions of days (late checkins or early checkouts) per semester. Any additional absences must be accompanied by a doctor’s excuse or legal notice; otherwise the absence is unexcused and the student is considered truant. (Please note that unexcused absences accrue for the entire school year and do not start over at the beginning of second semester.) Upon the first unexcused absence, the parent/guardian shall be notified by the school principal or his/her designee that the student was truant and the date of the truancy. After the third unexcused absence, students are referred to the Blount County Board of Education Attendance Officer and the parent/guardian will be contacted. If subsequent unexcused absences occur, the Attendance Officer may file a complaint with the Juvenile Probation Office. The parent/guardian will then be contacted to participate in the Early Warning Program provided by the juvenile court. If the student continues to incur unexcused absences, the Attendance Officer may file a petition against the child or warrant against the parent/guardian.

H.The following are the academic penalties that will result from unexcused absences:

1.Make-up work is not permitted for work missed due to an unexcused absence. This includes tests.

2.Any student who has four or more unexcused absences in a nine week grading period will not receive a passing grade for that grading period. Any student who has five or more unexcused absences in a semester will not receive a passing grade for that semester.

3.Any student in grades 1-6 that has more than ten unexcused absences in a school year will not be promoted to the next grade.

4.Unexcused Tardies:Students will be assigned Friday morning detention on their seventh unexcused tardy/checkout. If they do not attend Friday morning detention, they will be assigned Saturday School at the Blount County Alternative School. Friday morning detention will be assigned on every seventh unexcused tardy/checkout.

Arrival at School

A.Students may not be dropped off before 7:00 AM

B.Buses will unload and students may enter the building at 7:15 AM.

C.Classes begin at 7:35 AM. Students who arrive after 7:35 AM must check in at the office for a pass to class.

D.Bus students and car riders who will eat breakfast should go directly to the lunchroom

1.Breakfast is served beginning at 7:15 AM

2.Car riders who are late to class due to eating breakfast will be considered unexcused tardy to class unless circumstances in the cafeteria prevent them from making it to class on time.

3.Bus students who are late to class due to eating breakfast will be considered unexcused tardy to class unless either a late bus or circumstances in the cafeteria prevent them from making it to class on time.


Backpacks that are excessive in size or that have wheels are prohibited.

Breakfast and Lunch Programs

A.Federal Law requires that each student be provided with an application for free or reduced-price lunches.

1.These forms are distributed on the first day of school and should be returned to the school whether or not you wish to apply for services.

2.All applications must be signed.

B.Breakfast is served from 7:15 until approximately 7:35.

C.All students will have a Personal Identification Number (PIN) assigned to them by the child nutrition staff.

1.Students may pay for their breakfasts and lunches by the week, the month, and even the year.

2.All advance lunch payments should be turned in to the cashier in the lunchroom by 7:45 AM each day.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

*See the Technology Responsible Use Policy (RUP) in the back of the handbook.

A.Effective at the beginning of the 2015-2016 school year, the Blount County Board of Education will implement a Bring Your Own Device(BYOD) policy. Students may have electronic communication devices in their possession such as iOS devices (MacBooks, iPhones/smart phones, iPads, iWatches/smart watches, iPods), Kindles, Nooks, tablets, Androids, Blackberrys, MP3 players, and laptops to be used for instructional purposes. They must be turned off, charged, and only in use with permission. Students will not be allowed to bring chargers to charge devices. The principal, teacher, or supervising employee may approve the use of personal electronic devices for instructional purposes, after school hours, during medical emergencies, natural disasters, or under circumstances in which the use of the devices serves safety and convenience without disrupting academic or school operations. The principal, teacher, or supervising employee will also have the authority to further restrict the use of personal electronic devices by any student to prevent the misuse, abuse, or violation of school rules regarding the use of such devices. Electronic communication devices and other digital devices will not be allowed to be present in the standardized testing situations based on State Department of Education Policy.

B. Students and parents must sign a technology contract that outlines the terms of the policy prior to bringing any device. Neither the Blount County Board of Education nor local schools are responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items as this is a voluntary program. If students and parents do not agree to the terms, those students will not be allowed to participate in the BYOD. Students will have basic technology available at school necessary to complete lessons and assignments as directed by the teacher.

C. The purpose of the BYOD initiative is to enhance instruction and assist students in developing communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills necessary to meet the College and Career Readiness Standards. All devices must use the Blount County Schools’ guest network through Wi-Fi enabled airplane mode rather than a cellular data plan in order to meet Child Internet Protection Act (CIPA) compliance. Appropriate authorized use may include the following: research, organization of information into tables and graphs, organization of tasks using calendars, sharing information documents, and making calculations. Examples of unauthorized use or misuse, for the purpose of this policy, may include (but are not limited to) any of the following: having the device out in class, hallways, restrooms, or lunchroom; texting, playing games, using apps, visiting websites, taking, posting, and/or sharing photographs and/or video on school campus or on the bus, without the supervising adult’s permission. The consequences for unauthorized use or misuse are outlined below:

  1. First Offense

Take the phone or other electronic device, hold until the parent/guardian comes to the school and meets with an administrator to discuss the policy and the consequences of further violations of the policy. The parent/guardian will be asked to sign a verification/documentation form of the meeting.

  1. Second Offense

Take the phone or other electronic device, hold for seven (7) school days. A parent/guardian must pick up the cell phone or other electronic device from an administrator and again sign the verification/documentation form. The administration may assign detention, in-school suspension or Saturday school to the student.

  1. Third Offense

Take the phone or other electronic device, hold for nine (9) weeks of school. The student will also be placed in alternative school for three days.

A disciplinary hearing will be held for any student that continues to violate this policy after the third offense.

**A disciplinary hearing will be held for any student who violates the policy and refuses to give the phone or electronic device to school personnel.

Cell Phone/Digital Device in a Standardized Testing Setting

(Alabama State Department of Education Policy)

A. The possession of digital devices (including but not limited to cell phones, MP3 players, cameras, mobile entertainment, social connections, navigation devices, or other telecommunication devices) is strictly prohibited in the testing setting.

B. If a device is in the possession of a student in the testing setting, testing for the student will cease, the device will be confiscated, the student will be dismissed from testing, and the student’s test will be invalidated.

C. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the local school/system.

Character Education

A.As mandated by the State Department of Education, HaydenMiddle School will devote the beginning of each school day to character education.

B.Students will be provided the opportunity to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance.

C.Sixty seconds of silent reflection and meditation, as required by law, will be provided.

D.There will be a daily school-wide presentation on some aspect of character development.

Check-in Procedures

A.Students who arrive after 7:35 AM must check in with the office before going to class.

B.Students will not be admitted to class after 7:35 AM without a pass from the office.

Check-out Procedures

A.Parent/Guardian should come to the office and sign the student out.

B.Office staff will call the student to the office.

Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is prohibited at HaydenMiddle School.

A.First Offense: Student will receive a conduct check.

B. Second Offense: Student will receive a conduct check and parent will be notified.

C.Third offense: Student will be referred to the office for further disciplinary action.

Deliveries for Students

Deliveries of flowers, balloons, etc. are not allowed for any student for any reason.


A.Students are expected to exercise self-control and self-discipline at all times. Students will be held accountable for their behavior.

B.Students will not be allowed to engage in behavior that:

1.Could hurt themselves or others (physically or emotionally).

2.Interrupts theirs or other students’ learning.

3.Damages or destroys learning materials or school property.

C.Each teacher will establish a classroom management plan that relates to the above guidelines.


Donations from parents, individuals and businesses are greatly appreciated. Teachers often need more items for their classrooms than instructional funds will provide.

Dress Code and Decorum

Hayden Middle School will follow the guidelines outlined in section 5.7 of the Blount County Parent-Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct. *See the Hayden Middle School Dress Code Guideline/Fact Sheet at the back of the handbook.

Emergency Closing of School

A.Information regarding closing of school due to inclement weather or any other reason will be provided by:

1.Remind 101/One Call Now


3.WCRL/WKLD (97.7FM)

4.WBRC TV (Fox 6, Birmingham)

B.Parents must have a plan in place for the care of their children in the event school closes early for any reason. Due to the number of students involved, students will not be allowed to call home. Students and parents should have a “Home Alone” plan to deal with an unexpected early dismissal of school.

Emergency Drills

Fire and tornado drills are conducted regularly during the school year. Drill routes and procedures are posted in each classroom. School bus evacuation drills will also be conducted during the year.

Field Trips

Only the parent or legal guardian of a student will be allowed to check out a student from a field trip and transport them home. Students who have exhibited poor conduct at school may not be allowed to attend field trip unless a parent/guardian attends.

Grading Periods

HaydenMiddle School operates on the schedule established by the Board of Education. Report cards will be issued every nine (9) weeks. Progress reports will be sent home at the middle of the grading period for all students.


Students’ hair should be kept clean, neat and well-groomed and of a length not dangerous around equipment (hair must be secured around equipment). Spiked hair, Mohawks, designs cut in hair, or hair that disrupts the educational process will not be allowed. Hair, including highlights, that is not a natural shade of hair color is unacceptable, i.e. pink, blue, green, purple, etc.

Head Lice

Pediculosis checks will be conducted regularly in grades 5 and 6 as mandated by the Blount County Board of Education.


Lockers are the property of the school and may be opened and searched by the faculty and administration as necessary to ensure the safety of the students.

Medications at School

A.Prescription medication will not be administered at school unless a completed Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization form that specifically addresses the medication to be administered is on file in the school office. This form must be signed by both the parent/guardian and the Physician that prescribed the medication. (Form is available on our website in the “Forms” area.)