Tuesdays with Morrie

An old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lession

u  So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.

u  The truth is… once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.

u  Even I don’t know what spiritual development really means. But I do know we’re deficient in some way. We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don’t satisfy us. The loving relationships we have, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.

u  The fact is, there is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people stand today if it isn’t the family. If you don’t have the support and love and caring and concern that you get from a family, you don’t have much at all. Love is so supremely important.

我讀《相約星期二》 林秋如








Morrie透過死亡學習生命的智慧,讓我聯想到狄更斯和雨果的小說。狄更斯在《聖誕歡樂頌》(Christmas Carol)裡,描寫小氣財神Scrooge,當幽靈領著他預見自己將來淒涼的墓碑時,他才下定決心,完全改變自己的生命,改變對人的態度。由雨果的《悲慘世界》(Les Miserables)所編的音樂劇,主角Jean Valjean在生命的最後一頁留下這樣一句話:「去愛別人,就是朝見神的面。」魯益師(C.S.Lewis)將苦難比喻為上帝的擴音喇叭;Morrie嚐試讓自己的苦難成為一個擴音喇叭,要喚醒這個裝聾作啞的世界。

CNN Book Review

Review by Stephanie Bowen

‘Tuesdays with Morrie’(TWM) is more than just a dying man's last words. It is an inspirational recount of a man's life -- a man whose passion for the human spirit has continued to live long after his last breath.

You could say there are two stories within TWM. One is the story of a man and a disease.

The other is the story of a professor of social psychology who has come to understand that life's complexities can be broken down into simple truths.

This book was not planned; it came about after Mitch Albom, by chance, saw his old professor on ABC's Nightline being interviewed by Ted Koppel about what it was like to be dying of ALS, more commonly known as Lou Gherig's disease.

Albom was surprised and saddened to learn that Morrie was dying and quickly got in touch with his old professor. What started as a reunion of old friends turned into the project of a lifetime.

Mitch and Morrie subsequently spent the next fourteen Tuesdays together exploring many of life's fundamental issues -- family, marriage, aging and culture to name a few.

Take aging -- an issue many struggle with. When Mitch asks him how he is able to refrain from being jealous of the young, Morrie says, "It's like going back to being a child again. Someone to bathe you. Someone to lift you. Someone to wipe you. We all know how to be a child. It's inside all of us. For me it's just remembering how to enjoy it." With wonderful insight, Morrie continues, "We all yearn in some way to return to those days when we were completely taken care of -- unconditional love, unconditional caring. " Now if that isn't getting the most of an unfortunate situation, I don't know what is!

Morrie has something to say about those who want to be young again. He says that's a reflection of a life that hasn't found meaning. He says if you've found meaning you don't want to go back, and you can appreciate the 23 year old in you, the 35 year old and the 62 year old.

One problem he sees is that we tend to see each other as dissimilar rather than alike. We are taught to be independent and unique, but in reality we all have the same needs. He emphasizes investment in people, not things. When all is said and done, we will be remembered by the time we spent listening to a friend or helping a family member.

When I first started reading TWM I immediately thought of Maya Angelou's "Won't Take Nothing for my Journey Now". Angelou has a way of tapping into life's biggest questions with such clarity and understanding you almost think she was sent by a higher power to help guide lost souls. While her poetic prose sweep you away, Morrie's simple wisdom has the same effect.

Morrie has led a simple yet meaningful life that inspires you to live yours to the fullest. In his words, he is fortunate enough to know he is dying, to take stock of his life as it comes to an end.

I had the pleasure of hearing Albom speak, and took the opportunity to ask him how his time with Morrie had changed his everyday life. In a true testament to his mentor, Albom's life has changed dramatically. He spends more time with his wife, takes more time off work and has restructured his work regime. He flies overseas to visit his family more often. In short, he is investing in the people in his life that he cares about most.

He says he faces life with less fear than he did before, knowing that life only comes around once and somehow things will work out. Clearly, Morrie's class is a success.