An NJROTC Area 11 Distinguished Unit
6851 Lampson Avenue
Garden Grove, CA 92845-2297
(714) 663-6515
FAX (714) 663-6037
COURSE TITLE: Naval Science (1, 2, 3, 4)
SNSI: LT Christopher Cecil
INSTRUCTOR PHONE: 714-663-6049
PERIOD OF INSTRUCTION: Periods 0-5, Bldg. 410
COURSE TEXTBOOK Naval Science (1, 2, 3, 4)
Cultural Awareness
Cadet Field Manual
MAJOR CONCEPTS/CONTENT: The purpose of these courses is to introduce students to the precepts of citizenship, the elements of leadership, and value of scholarship in attaining life goals. These courses are also designed to engender a sound appreciation for heritage and traditions of America, with recognition that the historically significant role of sea power will be important in America’s future and develop in each cadet a growing sense of pride in his/her organization, associates, and self. The elements are pursued at a fundamental level.
OBJECTIVES: After successfully completing this course the student will:
1. Know the Navy Junior ROTC organization and requirements for success in the Navy Junior ROTC program.
2. Exhibit and understand the basic naval leadership and followership traits and principles.
3. Expand the understanding and knowledge of Navy ships, their construction, operation, and seas.
4. Understand the basis of our government, the Navy’s mission, and how Navy people support the mission.
5. Understand the importance of sea power and demonstrate knowledge of maritime geography by identifying major maritime geographic areas and relate them to their military importance.
6. See how the United States navy has helped to shape American History from the American Revolution through the present time.
7. Become familiar with the tools and terminology of navigation and do basic navigational plotting.
Lecture and Demonstration
Assigned Reading
Students Assignments
Close Order Drill
Physical Fitness Training
Quality of classroom discussion
Assigned reading
Student Homework
Written criterion referenced examination
GRADING POLICY: Academics in-class assignments, homework, and written/oral tests and reports. Military Skills/Leadership Lab/Uniform will consist of uniform inspections, wearing the uniform on uniform day, close order drill and designated leadership evaluations. Physical Fitness which includes mandatory participation in physical training and a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) four times a year.
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
UNIFORM DAY: Wednesday is the designated uniform day, and every NJROTC student is required to wear the prescribed uniform ALL DAY at school. A student’s uniform grade will be
lowered whenever the student fails to wear the uniform. The uniform is considered a test grade.
DRILL AND CEREMONIES: Wednesday will also be utilized for drill. There will be times throughout the year where company drill will be conducted during Zero or 7th periods. Students will be informed as early as possible for these sessions. These drill times are necessary for drill competitions, inspections, and ceremonies. Students will learn how to march, both with and without rifles. Additionally, other military subjects, such as map reading and compass course, will be performed during these sessions. Students unable to perform on drill days due to illness or injury must present a note from parent/guardian or doctor in order to be excused
ACADEMIC DAYS: Students will either have academics on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students will be taught a variety of subjects, such as leadership techniques, first aid, military history, military customs, ethics, damage control, and courtesies. Students are required to bring note taking materials (notebook) to class on all academic days.
PHYSICAL TRAINING DAY: Depending on the Instructor, students typically will have physical training on Mondays and Fridays and ALL NJROTC students will participate in physical training (e.g. calisthenics, running sports). All students are required to “dress out” in physical training attire (e.g., athletic shoes, shorts and shirt). Each student will be provided with NJROTC shorts and shirts. They are required to be worn on PT days. Students will also be required to bring a water bottle for hydration during physical training. The students PT grade will be a ZERO if they fail to dress out in the proper PT gear and WILL still participate in physical training. Any students unable to participate in training due to illness or injury must present a note from parent/guardian or doctor in order to be excused.
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES: Student responsibilities and expectations are outlined in the attached Welcome Aboard package.
INSTRUCTOR AVAILABILITY: The Senior Naval Science Instructor is available for additional assistance for students prior to school, during lunch time, during the conference period, and after school. Parents and students are encouraged to call the NJROTC office at (714) 663-6515 or email whenever they have questions.
LT Christopher Cecil USN (Ret)
Senior Naval Science Instructor