New Mexico
1.A Peaceful Habitation Post Prison & Aftercare MinistryThis ministry provides a transition home and aftercare referral service for women released from jail or prison. They are a Christ-centered home that teaches Christian morals and assist with education, employment and life skills.
(505) 440-5937,
A Peaceful Habitation, P.O. Box 53516, Albuquerque, NM 87153
2.Wings Ministry HomeThe goal of the Wings Ministry is to connect spouses, caregivers, and children of inmates with the nurturing and supporting relationships of Christian people in local churches.
(505) 291-6412,
Wings For LIFE International, 2270 D. Wyoming Blvd. N.E., Rm. 130, Albuquerque, NM 87112
3.Dismas House New MexicoThe mission of Dismas House New Mexico is to assist motivated adults on probation and parole to transition successfully into society. Dismas House is a 90-day transitional living program for motivated adults re-entering society from prison or jail.
(505) 504-7161, (505) 343-0746,
St. Martin's Hospitality Center, P.O. Box 27258, Albuquerque, NM 87125
4.New Mexico Women's Justice ProjectOur Mission: To educate and advocate on behalf of women and girls formerly, currently, or at risk of incarceration or in jail, prison or juvenile detention facilities
(505) 999-1935,
NMWJP, P.O. Box 25501, Albuquerque, NM 87125
5.La Entrada Offender Reentry ProgramAmity La Entrada provides high quality management and facilitates comprehensive behavioral health treatment for Women released from Albuquerque Metropolitan Detention Center (MDC) and New Mexico Women's Correctional Facility (NMWCF) to Bernalillo County.
(505) 243-1556,
Amity Foundation - New Mexico, 609 Gold S.W.,Albuquerque, NM 87102
6.Almas de AmistadA teaching and therapeutic community for women. Substance abuse counseling, HIV prevention and education, emergency food, parenting classes, referrals for assistance, therapeutic groups.
(505) 246-9300,
Amity Foundation - New Mexico, 609 Gold, S.W., Albuquerque, NM 87102
7.New Mexico's Men's Reentry Academy (NMMRA)The goal of NMMRA is to provide an intensive treatment program that emphasizes relapse prevention. This goal is accomplished by changing an individual's lifestyle through a community of concerned people working together to help themselves and each other.
(505) 866-0590,
NM Men's Recovery Academy, 1000 W. Main St., Bldg. 23, P.O. Box 1890, Los Lunas, NM 87031
New Mexico (CONT.)
8.New Mexico's Women's Recovery Academy (NMWRA)The goal of NMWRA is to provide an intensive treatment program that emphasizes relapse prevention. This goal is accomplished by changing an individual's lifestyle through a community of concerned people working together to help themselves and each other.
(505) 873-2761,
NM Women's Recovery Academy, 6000 Isleta Blvd., S.W., Albuquerque, NM 87105
9.Opportunities with AmeriCorps for Reentry Success (OARS) OARS will utilize national service participants to address offender needs surrounding reentry.This program provides real-world professional training, experiences, and learning opportunities in a correctional environment. National service participants will help decrease barriers to employment and education for persons with felony convictions. Members provide academic tutoring and facilitate workshops on cognitive behavior, financial literacy, life skills, and family reunification.
(505) 841-4884,
New Mexico Corrections Department Education Bureau, 3415 Pan American Freeway, N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87107
10.Families Impacted by IncarcerationFive programs targeted specifically to incarceration-related family support, as well as other family services.
(505) 877-7060,
P B & J Family Services, Inc., 1101 Lopez Rd., S.W., Albuquerque, NM 87105
11.Metropolitan Detention Center's Community Custody Program (CCP)The Metropolitan Detention Center's Community Custody Program (CCP) is founded on the concept of community-based supervision and treatment, rather than continued confinement in a structured institution. The program was developed to provide an innovative approach to incarceration. With court approval, sentenced/pre-trial inmates may enter the program at any stage of their incarceration.
(505) 839-8700,
Bernalillo County Metropolitan Detention Center, 100 Deputy Dean Miera Dr., S.W., Albuquerque, NM 87151
12.Crossroads for WomenFor homeless women and women recently released from incarceration with co-occurring mental health or substance abuse issues. Provides housing, case management, counseling, vocational services, and day programs.
(505) 242-1010,
Crossroads for Women-Albuquerque, 805 Tijeras Ave., N.W., Albuquerque, NM 87102
13.Kairos OutsideProgram of Kairos Prison Ministry of New Mexico-For female loved ones age 20 and olderof men and women who are or have been incarcerated in any state or federal correctional facility. Offers a weekend retreat in Capitan, NM where women support each other and learn coping techniques, as well as local weekly support groups in various NM locations. Christian focus.
(575) 208-2870,
New Mexico (CONT.)
Kairos Outside of New Mexico, P.O. Box 4226, Roswell, NM 88201
14.Oxford House, Inc.Sober living program in 17 self-run, self-supporting houses throughout Albuquerque. Some homes are for men only, others for women only, others for women with children. Part of a national non-profit network of Oxford Houses. See website and click on Houses in the header for local information and phone numbers.
(505) 508-3097,
Oxford House Snowheights, 2113 June St., N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87112
15.St. Martin's Hospitality Center: The Albuquerque Heading Home ProgramHeading Home Program: shelter plus care for people with chronic mental illness or substance abuse. Dismas House program for people re-entering society from incarceration.
(505) 764-823, Ext. 216,
St. Martin's Hospitality Center: Shelter & Behavioral Health, 1201 3rd St., N.W., Albuquerque, NM 87102
16.Therapeutic Living Services (formerly Transitional Living Services)Group homes andindependent living support for people with chronic mental illness or substance abuse issues age 18 or older. Offers financial management, medication oversight, counseling, family education, community support.Must have Medicaid, SSI, social security card, and full psychiatric evaluation with psychiatric diagnosis in last 6 months.
(505) 268-5295,
Therapeutic Living Services (TLS), 5601 Domingo Rd., N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87108
17.American Civil Liberties Union of New MexicoTo maintain and advance the cause of civil liberties within the state of New Mexico, with particular emphasis on the freedom of religion, speech, press, association, and assemblage, and the right to vote, due process of law and equal protection of law, and to take any legitimate action in the furtherance and defense of such purposes.
ACLU of New Mexico, P.O. Box 566, Albuquerque, NM 87103
18.NEW MEXICO-CURE (Citizens United for the Rehabilitation of Errants)Citizens United for Rehabilitation of Errants (CURE) is a grassroots organization that was founded in Texas in 1972. It became a national organization in 1985. We believe that prisons should be used only for those who absolutely must be incarcerated and that those who are incarcerated should have all of the resources they need to turn their lives around. We also believe that human rights documents provide a sound basis for ensuring that criminal justice systems meet these goals.
(575) 546-9003,
NEW MEXICO-CURE, P.O. Box 543, Deming, NM 88031
19.Celebrate Recovery InsideCelebrate Recovery Inside is a ministry of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, CA, and a division of Celebrate Recovery which is in more than 10,000 churches and growing. It was developed by John Baker and Rick Warren. We help get the program into prisons and jails which then is able to link the person released from incarceration back to the community in transition to a program he/she was participating in the institution.
New Mexico (CONT.)
(505) 382-6917,
Celebrate Recovery Inside, 5280 Seminole Trail, Las Cruces, NM88012
20.New Mexico Innocence and Justice ProjectThe New Mexico Innocence and Justice Project at the UNM School of Law serves our state and educates law students inside and outside of the classroom. The Project is also working with other stakeholders in the criminal justice system in New Mexico to improve the handling and preservation of physical evidence, including possible reforms, that is vital to the post-conviction claims of the factually innocent incarcerated in New Mexico prisons.
(505) 277-2146,
UNM School of Law, 1117 Stanford St., 1 University of New Mexico, LCtrB77A, Albuquerque, NM 87131
21.The Women's Housing CoalitionThe Women’s Housing Coalition provides low-income, single mothers and their children an environment that fosters and nurtures their independence, personal growth, financial responsibility and a road map to becoming self-sufficient women and an inspiration to their children.
(505) 884-8856,
Women's Housing Coalition, 3005 San Pedro, N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87110
22.Albuquerque Opportunity Center (AOC) Respite Care ProgramA.O.C has a solid team of volunteer drivers that take Respite residents to their appointments Monday- Friday. A.O.C also hosts medical respite rounding through the UNM College of Medicine- enabling medical, nursing and pharmacy students the ability to meet with the Respite residents 2-3 times a week.
(505) 344-2323,
Metropolitan Homelessness Project, P.O. Box 27636, Albuquerque, NM 87125
23.The Albuquerque Salvation Army Substance Abuse Recovery ProgramA faith based non-fee 6-month residential recovery program, for men, providing a safe and healthy environment for beneficiaries to grow into a nurturing sense of well-being and positive self-esteem.
(505) 881-4292,
The Albuquerque Salvation Army at the Albuquerque Citadel, 4301 Bryn Mawr Dr., N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87107
24.NewLife HomesNewLife Homes Inc., founded in 1993, is one of Albuquerque’s premier award winning developers of supportive housing. NewLife Homes Inc. serves Albuquerque’s diverse community including those challenged by disabilities, fixed income, veteran re-integration, as well as other socially determined issues. NewLife Homes’ projects have community rooms, computers, on-site managers, service coordinators, community gardens, age-relevant amenities, and food box provisions to ensure that residents receive dynamic support.
(505) 266-7000,
NewLife Homes Inc., 6101 Central Ave., N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87108
New Mexico (CONT.)
25.Joy JunctionJoy Junction is a nonprofit, donations-only charitable organization fulfilling the physical and spiritual needs of homeless women, children, and families through your generous donations. One of our greatest outreach ministry ideas is to team up with other outreach ministry programs throughout the city.
(505) 217-9586,
Joy Junction, 400 Gold Ave., S.W., Ste. 800 P.O. Box 27693, Albuquerque, NM 87125
26.FPM Access to RecoveryFootprints Out Reach Team assists in all areas of your life.Access to Recovery provides clinical assessments and referrals for consumers who need substance abuse and mental health treatment.
(505) 508-4605,
Footprints Ministry Inc., P.O. Box 65092, Albuquerque, NM 87193