Please help us to improve the services of the Library/Media Center by responding to the following questions:
- What is your satisfaction with the Library/Media Center for the following areas:
a.Book Collection
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
b.Periodical Collection (magazines, newspapers and journals)
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
c. Video Collection
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
d. CD Collection
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
e. Online databases for finding articles in magazines, newspapers and journals
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
f. Library/Media Center Home Page
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
g. Assistance at the Reference Desk (i.e., Reference Librarians)
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
h.Assistance at the Check-out Desk
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
i. Friendly and welcoming atmosphere
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
j.Overall Rating
Excellent Good Just OK Needs attention Didn’t use.
2. How did you use the Library/Media Center this quarter? (check all thatapply)
Looked for a book
Looked for an article in a magazine, journal or newspaper
Viewed a video, slides, or some other media
Requested assistance from media production to create overheads, slides, audio/video materials, etc.
Asked a reference question
Used a library computer to do class-related research
Used a library computer to do personal research
Used a library computer to check my e-mail
Studied but did not use other library/media resources
3.Are you a:
Student at Shoreline College?
Student at another community college?
Student at a four-year college or university?
High school student?
Community member but not in school?
- If you are a Shoreline College student, are you pursuing a…
Jim and John - do we need this?
Two-year Associate of Arts degree?
Two-year Associate of Applied Sciences degree?
One-year professional-technical certificate?
Classes for job-skill development?
Personal enrichment
Other (please indicate): ______?
- If you are a Shoreline College student, are you taking or have you already taken English 102?
6. If you are a Shoreline College student, how many quarters have you been enrolled at the College?
0 1 2 3 4-6 More than 6
7.Please tell us how we can make the Library/Media Center more useful to you.
8.Other Comments.
If you are completing this survey in the LMC, please return your completed survey to the check-out desk. Thank you!