Please help us to improve the services of the Library/Media Center by responding to the following questions:

  1. What is your satisfaction with the Library/Media Center for the following areas:

a.Book Collection

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

b.Periodical Collection (magazines, newspapers and journals)

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

c. Video Collection

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

d. CD Collection

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

e. Online databases for finding articles in magazines, newspapers and journals

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

f. Library/Media Center Home Page

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

g. Assistance at the Reference Desk (i.e., Reference Librarians)

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

h.Assistance at the Check-out Desk

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

i. Friendly and welcoming atmosphere

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.

j.Overall Rating

Excellent  Good  Just OK  Needs attention  Didn’t use.


2. How did you use the Library/Media Center this quarter? (check all thatapply)

Looked for a book

Looked for an article in a magazine, journal or newspaper

Viewed a video, slides, or some other media

Requested assistance from media production to create overheads, slides, audio/video materials, etc.

Asked a reference question

Used a library computer to do class-related research

Used a library computer to do personal research

Used a library computer to check my e-mail

Studied but did not use other library/media resources


3.Are you a:

Student at Shoreline College?

Student at another community college?

Student at a four-year college or university?

High school student?

Community member but not in school?


  1. If you are a Shoreline College student, are you pursuing a…

Jim and John - do we need this?

Two-year Associate of Arts degree?

Two-year Associate of Applied Sciences degree?

One-year professional-technical certificate?

Classes for job-skill development?

Personal enrichment

Other (please indicate): ______?

  1. If you are a Shoreline College student, are you taking or have you already taken English 102?



6. If you are a Shoreline College student, how many quarters have you been enrolled at the College?

0  1  2  3  4-6  More than 6

7.Please tell us how we can make the Library/Media Center more useful to you.

8.Other Comments.

If you are completing this survey in the LMC, please return your completed survey to the check-out desk. Thank you!