The Thames Valley is Europe’s Tech Valley, home to an impressive array of digital, tech and IT businesses, from innovative SMEs through to blue chip, multi-nationals.
The Best Use of Technology award is open to businesses of any size, and recognises both the users and developers of technology, with judges seeking those businesses which can best demonstrate the following:
· An innovative approach to the application of technology
· Demonstrable improvement in customer service experience as a result of technology
· Significant reductions in the operational cost and overheads associated with technology systems
Principal activities:
Principal Executives
Managing director: / Email:
Finance director: / Email:
Other director: / Email:
Accountant: / Email:
Solicitor: / Email:
Referee: / Email:
Recent Financial Performance
Current turnover (projected):
Profit before tax:
Previous year’s turnover:
Profit before tax:
Year minus 1:
Year minus 2:
Year minus 3:
Your Business
When was your business established?
How many employees do you have?
What are your company’s gross/net profit figures?
Please provide a brief overview of your business
Please provide an overview of the innovation you have developed within your organisation.
What were the driving factors behind the innovation?
What were the impacts of the innovation?
What were the key challenges faced in deploying the innovation?
What future innovations are you looking to deploy?
Any other factors you would like to mention?
Contact details:
Job title:
We may ask you to be interviewed as part of the judging process. Please offer three diary dates between Sept 15 – Oct 6, 2017, when your principal directors would be available for interview.
Notes on your submission:
1. Awards are open to every company based in the Thames Valley area. Please contact if you would like a map emailed to you.
2. Judging will take place between Sept 15 – Oct 6. We may ask you to be interviewed as part of the judging process. Please can you offer three diary dates during this time when your principal directors would be available for an interview. Finalists will be notified by the end of October.
3. Completed nomination forms can be emailed to . Additional material that you want to submit should be scanned and emailed in pdf format to .
4. Please clearly state where information is confidential. Any confidential information will be available to judges but not announced at the awards event or distributed to media.
5. For full details about the event see If you have questions about what to include or exclude on your submission form, email David Murray at .
6. Closing date for entries is September 26, 2017.
7. Depending on the quality of entries, up to six finalists will be chosen per category.
8. No winners will be announced until the event on November 16.
9. The judges’ decision will be final, and no correspondence will be entered into.
Please return completed form by 26 September 2017 to
The Business Magazine, Howarth Lodge, 7 Reading Road, Pangbourne, Berks, RG8 7LR