Criminal Justice
An In Depth Look Into the United States Criminal Justice System
Course Syllabus and Outline
Mr. John J. Albinger
Criminal Justice
Course number 2743
Course Description
This course is designed to familiarize students with the functions, structure, and organization of the agencies that are responsible for the administration of justice in America. Specifically, this course deals with the police and issues related to law enforcement, prosecution of offenders, the judicial system, and corrections. Major units will include the criminal procedure process; the Constitution; searches and seizures and the fourth Amendment; seizures of persons, arrests, case reviews and the court process.
Learner Outcomes
Content Standards
Students will:
1.) Apply knowledge of the United States Constitution , how the U.S. system of government works and how the rule of law and the value of liberty and equality have an impact on the individual, local, state and national decisions
2.) Demonstrate knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizens to participate in and shape public policy and to contribute to the maintenance of our democratic way of life.
Performance Standards (PGR)
2.) Write using Standard English for a variety of purposes and audiences
5.) Utilize evidence to formulate, support and present positions
Core Activities
1.) Reading of multiple texts
2.) Tests and Quizzes
3.) Research papers and essays
4.) Oral reports
5.) Class discussions
6.) Group projects
7.) Current events
8.) Preparation and presentation of a performance based project
9.) Lecture and note taking
Optional Activities include:
1.) Extra credit projects
2.) Community service projects
A.) PGR learner outcomes: refer tot eh PGR standards for Learner Outcomes
Performance Standards (PGR)
2.) Write using Standard English for a variety of purposes and audiences
5.) Utilize evidence to formulate, support and present positions
B.) Content and State 9-12 Social Studies and English framework Standards
1.) Students will be able to recall and appropriately apply the concepts and content which are involved in this course.
Students will be graded consistently with the guidelines established in the BranfordHigh School Handbook. Grades on various assignments may be weighted at the discretion of the teacher, or as directed by a special education or accommodation plan needs. A total point system will be utilized in that throughout the course of the marking periods, assignments will be assigned a certain point value, which the student can attain. At the conclusion of the marking period the total number or points earned will be divided by the total number of points offered throughout the marking period. The numerical grade will then be converted utilizing the chart of letter grades contained in the student handbook. It should be noted that throughout the course of the semester, various extra credit projects will be offered in the form of various assignments pertinent to the areas being studied.
Classroom Environment
In order to maintain a healthy as well as interesting and productive learning environment several things must be done to insure that the classroom sessions are fun and safe and free from interruptions.
Cell Phones, I -Pods and Texting
I know it is hard, however, to insure that the class is free from disruptions several steps need to be taken. Please place all cell phones on vibrate during class. In the event your phone does go off and it is an extreme emergency please let me know and we can deal with the situation. Secondly, please refrain from texting during the class. I Pods should be off and the ear phones removed from the ears as the class begins.
Food and Beverages
Food and beverages are always welcome in my class. Please be advised that due to certain food allergies we will have to modify this policy as the year’s progresses on a class by class basis. If anyone enrolled in my class may have an issue or are allergic to certain types of food pleasefeel free to inform me at your earliest convenience as we will address the issue on a student per student as well as a class by class basis. Beverages of a non alcoholic origin are always welcome however please be respectful and take with you what you bring. Any trash or garbage associated with your food or drink should be removed as you leave the class. This will be greatly appreciated!
The Couch
Please do not sit on the couch in the room during class. This area is reserved for after class discussions or meetings with the various groups you will form throughout the semester
Late Work
Any work that is not handed in on time or by the due date will be penalized ten points per school day that it is late. This can be adverted by seeing me as soon as an assignment is late. By planning ahead and keeping me informed some arrangement is possible to reduce or eliminate the late penalties. Assignments that remain outstanding for more than a week will be graded based on a fifty percent margin. GET YOUR WORK IN ON TIME!!!!
Course Procedures
Students are expected to attend class each day, unless excused (see “BranfordHigh School Guide” pages 59 through 62) and bring with them appropriate materials for class work. If a student misses more than “Twelve Classes”, cuts more than “Two classes” or is tardy more than “Five times”, he or she may be denied credit in the class. Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations that are listed in the BranfordHigh School Handbook, particularly pages forty two to forty eight for the safety and well being of the students in the educational environment. Any violations will be dealt with accordingly with either a classroom detention, community service or with a referral to an administrator. Classroom detentions will last forty five minutes and arrangements will be made well in advance.
Specific procedures which exceed those published in the BranfordHigh School Handbook, but which are consistent with established guidelines, will be made available in writing before they are implemented. It should be noted that the instructor and teacher reserve to the right to modify the established classroom procedures at anytime to insure the safety and the integrity of the educational environment in this class. These changes, as always will be provided well in advance of their implementation.
- Texts – Criminal Justice Today Eighth Edition
- Other appropriate texts which may be used as they become needed
- Periodicals
- Films
- Videos
- Guest Speakers
Students enrolled in the criminal justice course will need the following:
Good supply of pens/pencils and paper (loose leaf)
Post it notes
Assignment Pad
This will be checked on a regular basis for a homework grade. Students will be required to keep an up to date list of all of their assignments
Three Ring Loose Leaf Note Book
This notebook should be divided into several sections to better assist the students in this course. These sections are:
2.)Study Guides
5.)Case Briefs
6.)Test and Quizzes
7.)Current Events – legal issues
8.)Assignment Log
*** Notebooks will be checked on a regular basis for a homework or major quiz grade! Be organized!!!!***
Extra Help
A schedule will be posted announcing the various times I am available for extra help. Students are encouraged to seek out the answers to any questions they may have about the material as soon as they arise.
Criminal Justice Course Number 2743
I, ______, have read this course syllabus and therefore understand all of the requirements put forth on me by this course during the Fall Semester, 2009.
Student Signature and Date ______
Parent or Guardian Signature and Date