Behaviour for Learning

Tricks and Tips for avoiding / dealing with conflict

Have an agreed, explicit set of class rules

Approx 6, ideally involve group in creating them, actively teach them & reinforce them in some way each lesson.

Focus on the positive

Notice the pupils getting it right

High expectations

…of behaviour and compliance

Take up time

Give an instruction and move away (keep scanning)

Catch them being good

Notice and praise when they are complying

Tactical ignoring

Overlook if off task behaviour is not affecting learning. Focus on your primary goal.

Divert or distract

Engage or re-engage in something appropriate. ‘How can I help you with this?’

Non verbal cues

Don’t be afraid to use hands face body to reinforce, model expectations or instruct


Think carefully about where you put yourself to praise or warn, encourage, remind etc

The stare

Make eye contact,

Maintain neutral eye contact briefly

Same again hold contact and add an expression to communicate what you want

Private enquiry

‘Which bit are you stuck on?’ ‘Is there something I can help with?’

Private direction / redirection

Verbal or non verbal, tap book; ‘You need to…’, ‘I’ve asked you to…’,

Describe the reality

‘You are out of your seat, …

‘Dave, you are talking too loudly,…

Rule reminder

‘Dave, you are talking too loudly,…partner voice please’

or What is our rule about…?

Partial agreement

I know you’d rather be … but I right now you need to…

We are not talking about Dave’s behaviour


Emphasise that the behaviour is always the child’s choice. ‘Put the phone back in your bag or put it on my desk thanks’ – both outcomes you get what you want. ‘If you choose to x then you will also be choosing to y’. They choose a consequence rather than you give. Both seem subtle twists of language but are effective in minimising conflict.

Redirect to success

Remind pupil of previous success. ‘You work well when you focus on your book’ rather than ‘You are always talking’.


Dave, I’m not talking to you until you lower your voice…sit down…etc

Stuck record

As above but repeat, keep tone calm.


(within class) move using choice to a place where they are more likely to succeed.

Time out

(within class) move using choice to allow cool off or remove distraction for others

Brief After Class Chat

Effective and easy intervention / consequence. Allows for redirection and follow up at a time more convenient to you with no audience. Also reinforces that a line has been crossed.