List of Texts


Chinua ACHEBE (Nigeria, 1930-2013)

“Dead Men’s Path” (1953)

"An Image of Africa" (lecture delivered in 1975 and published in Hopes and Impediments in 1988).

Amos TUTUOLA (1910-1977)

excerpt from The Palm-Wine Drinkard (1952)

Cyprian EKWENSI (Nigeria, 1921-2007)

“Coin Diver” (Lokotown and Other Stories, 1966)

Wole SOYINKA (Nigeria, 1934- )

“Telephone Conversation” “Koko Oloro”, Soldier and Civilian” “Abiku” (Idanre and Other Poems, 1967)

Christopher OKIGBO (Nigeria, 1932-1967)

“Come Thunder”, “Hurrah for Thunder” (Labyrinths, 1971)


Ama Ata AIDOO (Ghana, 1942- )

“In the Cutting of a Drink” (No Sweetness Here, 1970)


Meja MWANGI (Kenya, 1948- )

“I Say, Tham” (1975)

NGUGI wa Thiong’o (1938- )

“Goodbye Africa” (Secret Lives, 1975)

"The Language of African Literature"(Decolonising the Mind, 1986)


Charles MUNGOSHI (Zimbabwe (1947- )

“Coming of the Dry Season” (Coming of the Dry Season, 1972)

Dambudzo MARECHERA (Zimbabwe, 1952-1987)

“Are There People Living There?” (The House of Hunger, 1978)

Tsitsi, DANGAREMGBA (Zimbabwe, 1959- )

Nervous Conditions (1988)

Yvonne, VERA (Zimbabwe, 1964-2005)

"It Is Over" (Why Don't You Carve Other Animals? 1992)


Olive SCHREINER (South Africa, 1855-1920)

“A Woman's Rose” (Dream Life, Real Life, 1893)

ABRAHAMS, Peter (South Africa/Jamaica, 1919-2017)

“Colour”, Dark Testament, 1942)

Nadine GORDIMER (South Africa, 1923-2014)

“The Train from Rhodesia” (The Soft Voice of the Serpent and Other Stories, 1952)

Richard RIVE (South Africa, 1931-1989)

“Dagga Smoker’s Dream” (1955 repr. Advance, Retreat)

Alex LA GUMA (South Africa, 1925-1985)

“The Lemon Orchard” (1962)

Bessie HEAD (South Africa/Botswana 1937-1986)

“Looking for a Rain God” (The Collector of Treasures, 1977)

J.M. COETZEE (South Africa, 1937- )

“Nietverloren” (Three Stories, 2014)


Wole Soyinka

“Telephone Conversation”

Nobel Lecture, 1986

Ngugi wa Thiong’o

The Language of African Literature

J.M. Coetzee – Nobel Lecture, 2003

Nadine Gordimer – Nobel Lecture, 2003

Ama Ata Aidoo – BBC HARDTalk 2014

Tsitsi Dangaremgba

TEDxHarare - Tsitsi Dangarembga - The question Posed by My Cat


Tsotsi (2005) directed by Gavin Hood based on Athol Fugard’s novel Tsotsi (1980)


OWOMOYELA, Oyekan (ed.), A History of Twentieth Century African Literatures, University of Nebraska Press, 1993, pp. 9-138


ASHCROFT, Bill; GRIFFITHS, Gareth; TIFFIN, Helen, Postcolonial Studies: The Key Concepts, London: Routledge, 2013

MORGAN, Kenneth O., Twentieth-Century Britain: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

PARKER, John; RATHBONE, Richard, African History: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.

YOUNG, Robert JC, Post-Colonialism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.