Sock Animal Club
October 5, 2007

Article I Name & Purpose

Section 1
This organization shall be known as the Sock Animal Club.

Section 2
The purpose of this club shall be to offer an outlet for students wishing to make sock animals.

Article II Membership

Section 1
Regular membership shall be open to all regularly enrolled students. Faculty, staff and others are eligible for associate membership.

Section 2
Students who attend one meeting a semester are considered members.

Article III Officers

Section 1
The elective officers for this club shall be the President, Vice President, Co-Vice President, and Admiral

Section 2
The officers shall be elected by the club members to serve a term of one year, beginning in October.

Section 3

The primary role of the President shall be to plan projects and provide instructions for projects. The president is also responsible for paperwork associated with the club and for ensuring that supplies and meeting space are ready for club meetings.

The role of the Vice President and Co-Vice president shall be to assist the president in anyway needed.

The role of the Admiral shall be to organize club advertising and take photographs of club activities when needed.

Section 4

All officers must be enrolled as students at North CarolinaStateUniversity at the time of the election or appointment. Officers must not be on academic warning, academic suspension or academic probation as defined by the University.

Article IV Dues

Section 1
If at anytime it becomes necessary, the Sock Animal Club may choose to collect a fee of $5 from members which will give those members access to supplies. This fee will not be necessary for membership, but members who do not pay the fee will be required to supply their own materials.

Article V Amending the Constitution and by-laws

Section 1
Amendments to the constitution or by-laws shall be presented by members of the club in writing and read at a regular meeting but shall not be voted upon until the next regular meeting, and then only after informing each member of the proposed amendments. A majority of 2/3 of the members present and voting shall be required.

Article VI Meetings

Section 1
The club shall meet weekly at a time to be determined by survey of member availability.

Article VII Committees

Section 1
The club shall make provision for any standing committees needed and/or for forming any special committees when needed.