Color Gamp Workshop

Presented by the Huntsville Fiber Guild

Saturday March 18, 2017, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 a.m.


Huntsville-Madison County Main Library Auditorium

915 Monroe Street Huntsville

“One of the joys of weaving is how color interacts in the cloth. When weft yarns cross the warp, it changes the apparent color of the warp, sometimes quite dramatically… The color gamp [is] a toolfor test-driving color combinations and a weaver’s best friend when planning beautiful, colorful, projects. A color gamp is a cloth that contains a set of color stripes in the warp that are crossed by a set of color stripes in the weft.”


Explore color possibilities with our color gamp workshop. Learn about color theory and experiment with different color combinations. Learn which combinations provide iridescent effects. More experienced weavers can experiment with multi-shaft color effects. No experience is necessary.

Rigid heddle looms and floor looms are welcome. Beginners are welcome. There will be help measuring your warp and warping your loom. More advanced 4 and 8 shaft drafts will be available (emails will be sent with loom setup information to people who sign up). A few extra looms will be available for people who do not own a loom.

Bring these items if you have them: scissors, warping board, supplies and equipment to warp your loom. Mark your name on your equipment. Bring a sack lunch.

You can purchase thread at the workshop: $35 for 3 yards of warp and weft for 24-inch wide gamp. Or, bring your own thread.

Please contact the Huntsville Fiber Guild by March 10 to reserve your thread and make arrangements to borrow a loom. You will be welcome if you decide to come at the last minute, but there may not be enough supplies.

Color Gamp Workshop

Saturday March 18, 2017, 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Pre-Registration due March 10 to reserve thread.

Email this completed form to , or call 256-384-5515 and leave a message with the following information.



Level of experience:

____Beginning weaver, needs to learn how to measure warp and warp loom.

____Returning weaver, needs refresher on measuring warp and warping loom.

____Can measure warp and warp loom without help.

____Will purchase thread at workshop. $35 for 3 yards of warp and weft for 24-inch wide gamp.

Describe your loom:

____Rigid heddle____Table loom____Floor loom____Weaving width

____Need to borrow a loom