Slane Area Meeting held at 10.00 on Wednesday, 21st June 2006 in the Newgrange Lodge, Newgrange, Donore, Co. Meath
An Cathaoirleach Councillor Tom Kelly presided.
Members Present:Cllr. Ann Dillon-Gallagher
Cllr. Jimmy Cudden
Cllr. Dominic Hannigan
Cllr. Pat Boshell
Officials Present:Tadhg McDonnell, Area Manager
Michael Killeen, Director of Service Community & Enterprise
Gerry Boyle, Senior Engineer, Infrastructure
Mary Plunkett, Administrative Officer, Pride of Place
Paul Monahan, Area Administrator,
Liam Bourke, Area Engineer
Fiona Healy, Staff Officer
1. Adjournment of meeting
The Chairman stated that he proposed to adjourn the meeting at 12.30 if business was not concluded and reconvene the following Monday June 26th immediately after the Annual Meeting in County Hall. The other members agreed to this proposal.
- Confirmation of Minutes.
The minutes of the Slane Area Monthly Committee meeting held on 17th May 2006 were confirmed on the proposal of Cllr. Boshell and seconded by Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher.
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Cllr. Cudden proposed and Cllr. Dillon–Gallagher seconded a suspension of standing orders to discuss the water shortage problem at Knockcommon, Beauparc. The Members agreed and accordingly the Chairman invited the Area Engineer to address the meeting.
The Area Engineer stated that consumption in the area had increased 20% since the start of the year however he was hopeful that the installation by the middle of July of a booster pump at Knockcommon would help alleviate the situation. The members agreed to review the matter at the July monthly meeting.
4.Presentation on the Amenity Levies / Community Grants Scheme 2006
Michael Killeen presented a report on the Amenity Levies / Community Grants Scheme 2006 which gave details on
- various improvement projects, including proposed allocations, to benefit from the scheme
- 2006 applications for grant assistance with proposed allocations
The members welcomed the continuation of this scheme in that it was funding several worthwhile projects.
The area manager stressed that the funding as presented was Capital expenditure and not Revenue i.e allocations could not be spent on maintenance or running costs but on providing or improving recreational, amenity or environmental infrastructure. He added that in relation to the cycling routes and walkways he would invite the Tourism Officer to address a future meeting of the Area Council.
On the proposal of Cllr. Hannigan, seconded by Cllr. Dillon-Gallagher the Slane Area Members recommended the scheme as presented for approval by the full Council subject to the following amendment
That the funding allocation of €100,000 under the various improvement projects for the Playing Fields, Seafields, Laytown be reduced by €10,000 to €90,000 and the funding allocation under the 2006 applications for grant assistance to the Laytown Pitch & Putt Club be increased by €10,000 from €20,000 to €30,000.
5.Notice of Motion
5.1Cllr. D. Hannigan
That at each future Slane Area Meeting, the members will be provided with a detailed breakdown of each project approved by them under the Community Development Levies. The list shall provide information on total money allocated, money spent to date and status of the project.
The Chairman agreed to take this item next as it tied it with the previous issue.
Cllr. Hannigan argued that the members should be presented with a monthly report on the various improvement projects.
The other members agreed that a quarterly report would be more reasonable given the amount of reports and presentations being brought before the members and the time spent in preparing these.
The area manager stated that compiling reports for area meetings was a huge drain on staff time and he agreed to provide a quarterly report in line with the members’ request.
- Presentation on Pride of Place Initiatives 2006
The Members received and noted a report on the above from Mary Plunkett. She outlined the background to the initiative and stressed that it was primarily an attempt to harness and reward community effort in enhancing the physical landscape and to let people know that the Council was in a partnership with them in landscape management.
The members while welcoming the scheme in principle had reservations about the cost in particular the expense incurred on prize giving night and didn’t want more needy projects to suffer from lack of funding. They all agreed that the scheme should be reviewed.
Ms. Plunkett in reply stated that the overall cost was minuscule in terms of the overall budget and that the project was invaluable in providing a greater awareness and respect of the physical landscape. All the work the community carries out as part of the scheme was completely voluntary and as such should be encouraged as much as possible. She agreed that the scheme should be reviewed and she intended to do this in 2007 when the scheme is 5 years old. The review would be based, among other things, on the members’ comments.
- Report on the Draft Water Services Investment Programme Assessment of
Needs 2007 - 2013
Gerry Boyle gave a presentation on this draft document. He stated that every County Council has been asked to produce a similar document and that the report as presented lists ranks and costs needs. He outlined the schemes applicable to the Slane Area. As there were no amendments requested he pointed out that the document would be brought before the Infrastructure SPC on Wednesday 28th June 2006 and after that the Full Council on Monday 3rd July 2006.
- Resignation of Area Engineer
As this was Liam Bourke’s last meeting as Slane Area Engineer he thanked the members and the officials for all their help and support during his time in Slane. The area manager and the members all thanked Liam for his invaluable contribution and dedication in his role as area engineer and wished him well in the future.
The meeting was then adjourned.
Minutes adjourned June 2006 Minutes Page 1 of 3
Meath County Council, Duleek One Stop Shop, Main Street, Duleek, County Meath