We’re doing it “One More Time” by special request of those who attended and those who couldn’t make it last time. S-o-o-o

An All Class Reunion of St. Sylvester School

April 14th, 2007

Doors Open at 5 P.M.

Monty’s Elegant Banquets

703 South York Road

Bensenville, Illinois

We’ll have a buffet dinner, cash bar, a D.J. for good music and dancing while we visit with classmates and friends, and a photographer to take an updated class photo.

The ticket prices are:

$65.00 for Classmates (includes Reunion Book only if you submit a entry}

$55.00 for Companions (No Book)

We need your reservation reply as soon as possible so we can plan our space requirements. Please include a 50% deposit (full payment always welcome).

For out of town attendees and those who don’t like to drive at night, we have arranged for rooms at Country Inns & Suites. It’s located about ½ a mile from the banquet hall. Transportation to the Reunion will be available. Details will be provided with your reservation reply.

If you know anyone who didn’t receive a letter and wants to be included, please give us their info. We’ll be glad to send them a packet.

We would like to honor the Alums from classes ending in “2” or “7”. There is a need for “Class Reps” from every year and especially the anniversary years. We need YOUR help to reach as many alums as possible. Let Patti Feeley or any committee member know if you can help with addresses or making phone calls. We welcome all help!!!!!!

We’ll again have a Reunion Book. Our lives have changed over the years and have become interesting to each other. Enclosed is a form to fill out. The success of the book depends on each of you returning it as soon as possible to Patti Feeley at 3532 N. Oak Park Ave., Chicago, Il. 60634-3721. If you submitted one last time, just include any updates and your e-mail address. The committee would like you to submit the questionnaire even if you have prior commitments on this date. This will allow other classmates to know where you are, how to contact you and what you have done or are currently doing. If you are “in” the book you may purchase one even if you cannot attend.

Waiting to hear from you,

The Committee

Elaine Adams Kalsics‘48 847-296-3751 Ronald Endler’55 580-788-4140

Janice Funk Hennessy’60 630-960-3929 Patricia E. Feeley’55773-725-2272

Mary Anne Humbert Kujawa’55 773-276-4570 William Hennessy’57 630-960-3929

Carol Walent Santoro’59 773-283-1103 James Mulligan’59 773-486-1166



I’m coming!------Classmate @ $65.00

------Companion @ $55.00

Amount included------

------Sorry, I can’t attend

------Please send me a Reunion Book $20.00 (includes postage)

Make checks payable to Patricia E. Feeley

3532 N. Oak Park Ave.

Chicago, Ill60634-3721