Apprenticeship Expression of Interest Form 2017

Full Name
Job Title
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Home Postcode
Department /Division
Email address and Extension Number
Shift Pattern and Contracted Hours
Manager’s Name and extension Number
Please state your GCSE/O level/Functional Skillsgrades for Maths and English: / Maths –
English -
Name and Level of Apprenticeship you are interested in. / Name of Apprenticeship: / Level
Please indicate the highest level qualification that you hold (This can include school, College, University or professional qualifications and a summary of the Level equivalents are given below to assist you)
Qualification Level Equivalents / Your highest level and subject
L1 = NVQ Level 1, (GNVQ Foundation, GCSE-Grades D-G, BEC Certificates, BTEC First Certificate, RSA Elementary, RSA Vocational Cert)
L2 = NVQ Level 2, (GNVQ Intermediate, BTEC First Diploma, 5 or more GCSE's A-C, 1 A'Level, 2 or 3 AS Levels, RSA Diploma)
L3 = NVQ Level 3, (GNVQ Advanced, BTEC National Diploma, 2 or more A Levels, 4 or more AS Levels, Access to HE courses, RSA Stage 3)
L4 = (BTEC HND / HNC, Degree, PGCE, HE Diploma, RSA Higher Diploma, Nursing SRN)
An Apprenticeship qualification includes the following components:
Component / Method of Delivery / Scheduled for
Induction Day (Full Day) / Classroom Session / To be arranged
QCF (NVQ) Qualification / Workplace / To be arranged
Technical Certificate / Workplace/Classroom / To be arranged
Functional Skills:
ICT / Classroom or Online
3hrs / Weekly sessions to be arranged:
Please give a brief summary of your role
Explain how an Apprenticeship would assist you in your role

Funding for the programme will be subject to criteria, including banding and qualifications. In the event that we are unable to obtain funding for your place we will contact you to explain this and confirm if you wish to withdraw from the programme or proceed. If you wish to proceed, this may require the course cost to be met by the Department and or the Learner.

Where we do not have a minimum number for a cohort the programme will not be able to run and your details will be kept on file.

By applying I understand that attendance at every session is required (unless express permission is sought from the Tutor) and that there will be weekly homework that must be completed.

Signature: ………………………………………………………………….Date: ……………………………..

Manager’s Signature: ………………………………………………..Date: ……………………………..

To be returned to Sophie Hunter, Assistant Learning and Development Facilitator, Education and Training Centre.