St George’s College Junior School Weybridge
evacuated after 'explosion'
Vendredi le 13 mars une explosion au toit d’un bâtiment en construction a causé une fumée énorme. L’école a dû être évacuée.
Heureusement on a pu reprendre après quelques heures la vie normale. Il n’y a pas de victimes. L’événement a attiré beaucoup d’attention de la presse.
Fr. Aidan CJ, England’s regional assistant reports:
A quick update on the Junior school fire
All pupils, staff and workmen are safe and no injuries Thank God
What seems to have happened (as yet to be finally confirmed) is that:Work was being done on the roof involving roof-felting adhesives etc for which a blow torch is used. It sent some sparks up that caught a bale of insulation material which caught fire and the wind fanned it very quicklyand the whole roof went up in flames and possibly a gas cylinder then exploded.
The fire was brought under control quickly by 8 engines and 40 firemen.The roads around Weybridge were unfortunately chaos.Our communications network system to parents was very effective.
We were on TV nationally and locally and on line! We’ve all had friends and family ringing us up to find out what’s happening etc.
Obviously a full investigation is underway and a full inspection of potential damage to the new building will follow.Then a new program for completion will be put in place.
The police and fire brigade were very complimentary about the fire procedures at the Junior school.They were followed very well and any adaptations were made sensibly as needed.
All we can do is thank God no one was hurt or worse and pray for a speedy resolution to the building program.
Community Mass tomorrow will be Thanksgiving for no injuries or deaths.
God bless
Message on the St George’s College website:
St George’s Junior School, Weybridge
News release 13 March 2015, 1450hrs
St George’s Junior School, Weybridge
St George’s Weybridge can confirm that a fire took place on the roof of a building under construction at St George’s Junior School in Weybridge late this morning (Friday 13 March 2015).
The building is in a separate compound under the control of our building contractor and no school personnel or children were in the vicinity.
Everyone within the School was evacuated quickly, the emergency services are attending and it can be confirmed that there are no injuries to pupils, staff, visitors or building workers.
The emergency services and School have allowed children back into class this afternoon and school is continuing normally, whilst allowing parents to collect their children early should they so wish.
The Headmaster, Mr Antony Hudson, took the normal Friday assembly soon afterwards for all the older children. The Chief Fire Officer was able to explain to them that fires like this are extremely rare and that he was very impressed by the manner in which they conducted themselves very safely.
Mr Hudson said:
“While this has come as a great shock, I am very relieved that not a single person was hurt in any way and I am particularly grateful to my colleagues and the emergency services for dealing with the situation so professionally. All the children have returned to class and we very much look forward to seeing them again on Monday morning for business as usual.”
Last Updated: 13 March 2015 15:05
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Junior school Weybridge fire