Amortized Analysis

Used to find the amortized cost: worst-case (not probabilistic) bound for a sequence of n operations, per operation.

Three ways to calculate amortized cost:

1.  aggregate analysis: find the average cost per operation

2.  accounting: assign extra cost to some operations to cover other operations, sum up the costs

3.  potential method: construct a potential formula and find the total cost

Why are we studying this? Because it gives us insight into how an algorithm behaves, and helps us find a tight worst-case bound.

1. Aggregate analysis

Example1: multipop stack

MULTIPOP(S, k) //pop k items from stack S

while !empty(S) and k!=0



Operation / Actual cost for one operation / Worst cost for n operations
PUSH(S, x) / O(1) / 1
POP(S) / O(1) / 1
MULTIPOP(S, k) / min(S.size, k) / n

If we push n elements, then we can pop n elements max. So, for any value of n, any sequence of PUSH, POP, MULTIPOP can take maximum of O(n) time. The average is O(n)/n.

Example 2: binary counter


k = length(A)

i = 0

while i < k and A[i] ==1

A[i] = 0


if i < k

A[i] = 1

Ex: 8-bit counter









Lose worst bound: one pass through INCREMENT takes theta(k) time at worst. So, n passes takes theta(nk).

Tight worst bound: one pass through INCREMENT flips bits in various frequency: LSB is always flipped, next higher bit is flipped every other time, etc. In general, bit at position i flips floor(n/2^i) times in a sequence of n INCREMENT operations on an initially zero counter.

Total worst cost = SUM[i=0, k-1] (floor(n/2^i))

< SUM[i=0, infinity] ((n/2^i))

= n* SUM[i=0, infinity] (1/2^i) (A.6)

= 2n

= O(n)

2. The accounting method

Each operation is assigned an accounting cost, but has to pay the actual cost. Some operation leave “extra payment” for the next operation. Since accounting cost is the amortized cost, it has to be larger than the actual cost, so the extra payment is always positive.

Example1: multipop stack

Operation / Actual cost for one operation / Accounting cost
PUSH(S, x) / 1 / 2
POP(S) / 1 / 0
MULTIPOP(S, k) / min(S.size, k) / 0

Every time we do a PUSH, we give 2$, out of which we have to use 1$ to pay the actual cost, and we and leave 1$ for the POP. Every POP does not use any accounting money, and pays itself with the dollar left from PUSH.

So the total worst cost for n operations is O(n).

Example 2: binary counter

Operation / Actual cost for one operation / Accounting cost
Flip bit to 1 / 1 / 2
Flip bit to 0 / 1 / 0

If we start with empty counter: every time we INCREMENT, we pay only 2$ to flip to 1. Then every 1 will have 1$ on it to flip it back to 0. So, sequence of n INCREMENTS will cost 2n, i.e. O(n).

Example: dynamic tables


if size(T) = 0

allocate table(T) with 1 slot

size(T) = 1

if num(T) = size(T)

allocate new_table with 2*size(T) slots

insert all items in table(T) into new_table

free table(T)

table(T) = new_table

size(T) = 2*size(T)

insert x into table(T)


Tracing it:

Table size: 0 1 2 4 8 16

i: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

ci: 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 9 …

ci: Cost of ith insert.

Aggregate analysis:

ci = i if (i-1) is an exact power of 2

1 otherwise

SUM[i=1, n] ci = 1 + 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1+ 1 + 9 + ….

<= n + SUM[j=0, floor(lgn)] 2^j

< n+ 2n

= 3n

= O(n)

Accounting method:

Operation / Actual cost for one operation / Accounting cost
Add new item to table / 1 / 3
Move the new item to new table when necessary / 1 / 0
Move an item before “our” new item to new table / 1 / 0

E.g. if the table has m slots and m/2 elements, i.e. after an expansion: when we add a new item, then we must copy all previous m items to the new table. 3$ pays 1$ for the new item, and leaves 1$ on it and 1$ on another item already in the table. Every time we insert, we do this, so by the time we are ready to expand the table, each item in the table has 1$ on it and can move to the new table.