2017 DCMAND Annual Meeting

American University, Washington College of Law

4300 Nebraska Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

Friday, April 28, 2017


Guidelines for Abstract Submission and Poster Layout


Abstracts are due no later than March 31, 2017. Email an electronic copy of the abstract along with the Presenting Author Information Sheet to DCMAND Professional Development Chair-Elect Stephanie Johnson at the top 15 abstracts will be admitted to the student poster session. The student posters will be judged from 8:00am-8:30am before the annual meeting begins. Winners will be announced during the awards ceremony.


  1. An abstract is a brief, written summary (no more than 250 words) of the specific ideas or concepts to be presented and a statement of their relevance to practice or research. Research abstracts, project or program reports, and case reports in all Learning Need Codes are encouraged. For codes refer to
  1. For assistance with the abstract and poster, the following is attached:
  1. ADA article, Getting your abstract accepted, the key to success! JADA Dec 2001, Vol 101, No 12.

The following three types of abstracts will be accepted:

  1. Research abstracts including a brief description of the author’s original research methodology including design, subject characteristics and procedures, major findings, and conclusions or implications for dietetics practice.
  1. Project or program report abstracts containing information about the need or purpose for such a program, project, or tool development; the theory or previous research upon which it is based, or setting for its use, if appropriate; the unique characteristics of the project, program, or tool; the characteristics of subjects or the target audience involved; and the type of evaluation or proposed use for the tool or instrument developed.
  1. Case report abstracts including detailed analyses of a person or group with a particular disease or condition, noting the characteristics of the disease or condition.


  1. Abstracts may have been previously published, printed, or presented before the 2017 DCMAND Annual Meeting. Original research is not mandatory. Abstracts must address nutrition-related topics.
  1. Include the Presenting Author Information Sheet with the abstract.
  1. Abstracts should be no more than 250 words in length and should be formatted as follows (see attached template):
  1. Title
  2. Authors(s)
  3. Affiliation(s)
  4. Learning Outcome (s)
  5. Text
  6. Funding Disclosure
  7. For research abstracts, include introduction, methods, results and conclusions. For case report abstracts, include introduction, case presentation, management and outcome, and discussion.
  1. Abstracts will be accepted from DCMAND members and non-members. More than one abstract submission per author is permitted.
  1. Submit abstract and Presenting Author Information Sheet electronically to Stephanie Johnson at .
  1. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 31, 2017.


  1. Abstracts should be submitted as Word documents on an 8.5” x 11” sheet using no smaller than 10-point font
  1. Abstracts should be single-spaced in black ink, using Courier, Times or another serif font.
  1. Be sure to spell out abbreviated terms and acronyms.
  1. Abstracts should not contain charts, graphs, or tables
  1. The entire title of the abstract should be capitalized.
  1. The Presenting Author’s name and the additional authors’ names must be listed on the abstract, including their first and middle initials, last name, credentials, facility/internship, and program director/preceptor name with credentials.
  1. List 1-2 learning outcomes for the abstract. Outcomes should state, in measurable terms using a behavioral verb, what the participant will be able to do or say after listening to or reading the abstract presentation.
  1. The presenting author must list any financial arrangements, organizational affiliations, or other relations that may constitute a conflict of interest regarding the subject matter of the abstract.


Poster presentations offer content using charts, graphs, illustrations, and/or photographs. Posters allow for informal, one-on-one or small-group discussions with the presenter about the issue, problem, project, or research addressed in the poster.


  1. Posters must be mounted to a flat or tri-fold poster board. Presenters must provide their own freestanding foam board that will fit on a 3’x6’ table, or a flat foam board that can rest on an easel, provided by presenter.
  2. Presenters are expected to give a 2-3 minute presentation of poster to those showing interest in poster.
  1. Presenters are required to attend the Annual Meeting and be present throughout the assigned session.
  1. Handouts may be distributed at the meeting.
  1. Presenters are responsible for expenses incurred for their presentation, for paying the appropriate meeting registration fee for the day they are scheduled to present, plus all personal expenses, travel, etc.


  1. Posters can be creative, but must be legible, readable and relevant. Consult with your program director.
  2. Title and authors with their affiliations should be displayed at the top of the poster.
  3. Sections should be arranged to lead the eye from top to bottom and then left to right, with the most important material at eye level.
  4. Use charts, graphs, illustrations, and photographs to portray data as appropriate.
  5. Use color to provide visual interest. However, red and green on the same poster should be avoided, since about 5% of the population is red/green colorblind. Also, be sure color selections enhance readability.
  6. Text should be easily read from two feet away.


Full Name:

Credentials (student / intern / employee):

Name of School, Internship Program or Employer:

Home Address:

Contact telephone number:

Email address:

Program Director or Preceptor:

Type of abstract:



Author(s): - first and last name of each author.

Learning Outcome(s):

Body of Work: (Limit to 250 words maximum)

Funding Disclosure:

TYPE (must select one):

◻ Research (original)

◻ Unique Project/Program

◻ Case Study

◻ Current Topic of Interest

◻ Other: