2009 Council Achievements
Village office renovation – A complete energy retro-fit of The Village
Office building and Council Chambers has been completed
(landscaping improvements scheduled for 2010). This project was made
possible by a BCMRIF grant.
Solar lights were installed on the breakwater. Trees were planted
alongside the fence from the lake to the restrooms, including drip
irrigation. New signage was installed at Village entrance and on the
highway North of the Village.
A new 16x20 swim platform was constructed with a new aluminum
ladder. The diving board was reinstalled with some reinforcements.
Structural repairs, ventilation and new asphalt shingles were installed on
the Wellness Centre roof. Power & telephone masts were repaired and
snow breaks installed to prevent future damage.
Washroom completed in PW shop – septic system installed to support washroom.
Loader – new loader purchased with 12’ snow-blade.
Water plant – 2 new membranes were installed as well as 1 new pre filter. The dam had new de-icing cables installed in the intake building. 41,173,200 gallons of water were processed in 2009.
Hydro project – a conceptual assessment is underway and flow monitoring is in place to capture data to support a water licence application.
RV Park – Posts have been installed to protect the propane tank. GFI protection and photo sensors have been purchased and will be installed in early 2010. A new trail was built to divert traffic from going through campsites.
Fire hydrant maintenance – a new hydrant service and maintenance program has been implemented. In 2009 all of the fire hydrants have been repaired to proper standards and will be maintained on a regular schedule.
Kiddie Park – All impact surfaces at the kiddie park had to be repaired to prevent weeds from growing (weeds lock pea gravel, making it ineffective). We have started working on a maintenance program for the park that will keep track of work and help decide which outdated equipment to begin to replace to bring up to standards.
Fitness centre – The fitness centre completed its first year of operation. Many thanks to the tireless volunteers for making this facility a success.
Library – The library celebrated its grand opening in October. This new service is another great example of our wonderful volunteers working hard for the community.
The Village was the recipient of a Fortis Conservation Leadership award in November 2009 as a result of the energy retrofit of the Village offices.
Held two preliminary Official Community Plan (OCP) meetings in 2009; an introduction to planning, sustainability, and OCPs.
Council engaged consultants to create a “Community Sustainability/Transition Plan” to create a vision for Slocan’s future and draft OCP amendments to build these into actionable ideas. Funding for this plan was provided by Columbia Basin Trust and the Province of BC.
Council began the process of creating a Sub-Regional Strategy for Economic Development in the Slocan Valley. This initiative has just started and will gain more momentum in 2010.
Staff created a more efficient financial processes resulting in a savings of $8,000 to our auditor expenses over the previous year.
Council has hired a consultant to prepare a Stormwater Management Plan to address the ongoing stormwater issues and prepare recommendations to Council on possible solutions.
Slocan has engaged a consultant to advise on ways to make Slocan an “Age friendly” community with the underlying premise that a community that is friendly to seniors is friendly to all age groups.
Staff completed the Tangible Capital Assets (TCA) project and met the legislative timelines for completion.
The Village acquired the skateboard park land, which will still be operated by WEGCSS staff under the direction of the Village.
The Village leased the Valhalla Crew Camp lands to the successful bidder, E-Cozy Homes, and wish them much success in their endeavours.
The Curling Club compressor failed at the start of the 09/10 season. Council arranged for financing for a new compressor to save the Curling season.
The Village was successful in our application for an Intern through the LGMA Internship Program for 2010/2011. Our intern is scheduled to start in April or May.
Council arranged for a joint SD#8 board meeting to be held in Slocan to begin discussions on the future of WE Graham Community School.
Council completed these initiatives with only two administrative staff and three public works staff.
Preliminary reports show the Village to be under budget for the 2009 year!
Council would like to express a big thank you to all the volunteers and committees that have donated endless hours into the community;
Thank you to the Slocan Public Works Crew and
Village staff for your ongoing hard work;
And most importantly, thank you to the residents of the Village of Slocan for your support.