American Society for Quality
Central Wisconsin Section
Helping people improve their organizations
Word from the Chair
By Don Smith
This month I am thinking a lot about hope. Webster’s online says that hope is “to desire with expectation of obtainment.” I think there are three aspects of this definition that we could probably all agree on. First hope is future focused – it’s not about something that has already transpired, it’s about something that is yet to be. Second, I think hope is intrinsically positive. We want to obtain something, become something, achieve or experience something, but in all cases it is something positive we are looking forward to, not dreading. Third, I think hope is defined by what we are hoping for NOT being a given. If the positive thing we are looking forward to was a foregone conclusion, we may still look forward to it, but the anticipation, the expectation, the thrill of the unknown possibilities would not be there. That moves from hope to expectation. So why have I been thinking about this lately? Well, I have a quote taped to my desk from John Gardner (, that states, “Humans have always lived partly on present satisfaction, partly on hope. And it’s the task of the leader to keep hope alive. It is the ultimate fuel.” I like this quote and read and share it often in an effort to remind folks what one of our roles is as leaders and why it is so important to fulfill that role. But before you can accept that, you first have to accept that indeed hope is the “ultimate fuel”. If we accept the definition above, and my elaboration of it, I think we have to admit that hope is a motivator. We have all heard that there are different motivators for people – personal satisfaction for some, a debt to society for others, and success or financial reward for others. And of course there are several more. But have you ever stopped to think that a common denominator they all share is hope? If hope is truly about a future positive possibility, then in order to realize that possibility we must take some action, and why would we take that action? For the hope of the outcome. When we see hope as a motivator, not just for us, but really for everyone, then the need to spread hope as a leader becomes paramount. If I want people to strive to achieve something, they’ve got to believe there is a positive opportunity or possibility at the other end. If I want to drive change, somehow, those who are forced to change need to see there is something in it for them – they need to have hope of something better to cling to and to motivate them towards the change. And ultimately, if I want people to improve, and improve systems, they have to believe that taking those actions will bring about a positive result. Is it a given? Hardly ever! Even if there are years of statistics to support it, the future is uncertain, but the hope for something positive to come can provide the fuel to make the change. In the end, in the quality business, we are all about hope – driving to make things better for the future in an uncertain world…
September Meeting Information
Monday, September 28th, 2009
4:15 pmRegistration
4:30 pm Mini Session: Integrating Quality and Social Responsibility
5:00 pmTour of New Page Corporation – Wisconsin Rapids
5:45 pm Dinner Presentation: Sustainability: Crisis, Opportunity, or Both?
6:15 pm Dinner and Networking
Directions and Parking Information
The meeting will be held at the NewPage Corporation Fiber and Energy office complex which is located in Wisconsin Rapids off of Highway 34 off of 5th Avenue North (physical address is 950 4th Avenue North). Parking is in front, to the west of the building. There will be someone near the building entrance to escort you in to the meeting room. Registration will be outside the meeting room.
Directions off of Highway 34
1. Exit off of Highway 34 onto Wilson Street
2. Take a right on 5th Avenue N.
3. Left on Bonow Avenue
4. Right on 4th Avenue to 950 4th Avenue North
Mini-Session Overview
Organizations worldwide face a growing number of issues in the areas that make up the triple bottom line: environmental, social, and financial matters. For example, organizations are dealing with increasing climate change problems, healthcare costs, and government mandates. In addition, the corporate scandals of the past decade and the current economic crisis have driven public trust in corporations to new lows, as consumers and investors question the governance and ethics of many organizations. But thanks to improved technology and processes, these same businesses and enterprises are finding tremendous opportunities in addressing the issues, including lower utility costs, healthier employees, and stronger communities. They are finding that social responsibility can provide an integrated solution for tackling challenges and driving performance that results in multiple benefits.
ASQ is taking a major leadership role to bring context and focus to the social responsibility area of study and strengthen the connection between quality and socially responsible business practices. The organization is coordination the U.S involvement in this sweeping effort by serving as the U.S. Technical Advisory Group secretariat for the ISO 26000 standard.
Dinner Presentation
Sustainability is a hot topic these days with everyone from GE to Walmart staking a claim. Alarmists depict the doom and gloom of climate change as “Special Cause” man made variation; naysayers deny it as “Common Cause” variation. What is the truth and does it matter? We will delve into the definition of sustainability, what is happening in each of the triumvirate, and what businesses such as NewPage are doing in each of these areas.
About New Page
Headquartered in Miamisburg, Ohio, NewPage Corporation is the largest coated paper manufacturer in North America, based on production capacity, with $4.4 billion in net sales for the year ended December 31, 2008. The company’s product portfolio is the broadest in North America and includes coated freesheet, coated groundwood, supercalendered, newsprint and specialty papers. These papers are used for corporate collateral, commercial printing, magazines, catalogs, books, coupons, inserts, newspapers, packaging applications and direct mail advertising.
About the Speaker
Rick Merdan is the Marketing Strategy Manager – Environmental for NewPage. He has 25 years of experience in the paper industry with various roles within the mill, as well as divisional and corporate organizations. Recently he has been involved in the development and marketing of chain-of-custody products and the development and marketing of the first tri-certified products (SFI, PEFC and FSC chains of custody). He holds a BS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, is a Certified Quality Engineer, and a Senior ASQ member.
To register: Call Kari Wroblewski at (715) 252-4707 or e-mail at . Please provide your name, company, phone number, and member status.
Registration Deadline: NOON - Thursday, September 24th
Are You Searching for a New Job?
If you are on a job search ASQ can help. Go to, on the right hand side look for“You Need …” and find the link Careers in Quality.
This is brings you to This site as a bunch of helpful tools in your career search.
Unemployed Member Dues
Unemployed ASQ members receive a discount on their membership dues based on consecutive years of membership.
Consecutive Years of Membership Dues Discount
1-4 50%
5 or more 100%
Eligibility Criteria
•You must be a Full, Senior, or Fellow member.
•Any years as a Forum, Associate, or enrolled student do not qualify.
•You may submit this application only after being unemployed for at least 90 days.
•You must be actively seeking employment.
•Retired or self-employed members are not eligible. ASQ offers a similar benefit for retired members.
•Your basic membership dues for the current membership year will be paid or partially paid by ASQ. Basic membership dues exclude
additional Forums and Divisions, journals, and additional Sections (Seniors and Fellows—you keep your extra benefit of choice).
•You may participate in the program for no more than two years in your membership lifetime. You must complete an application for the second
year of participation.
•After renewing your membership, please visit Careers in Quality to search for jobs, apply for positions on-line, and post your resume for employers to view.
Meeting Schedule
Meeting Date / Event / Topic / Time / WhereSeptember 28th / Monthly Meeting / Sustainability: Crisis, Opportunity, or Both? / 4:15 / NewPage – WI Rapids
October 26th / Monthly Meeting / TBD / TBD / G3 - Mosinee
November / Fall Seminar / TBD / TBD / TBD
Have you moved, changed jobs, or changed your e-mail address? Help us keep you informed of Section 1218 events and information by updating your contact information at Log in and click “Change Address” to update your membership record.
Section 1218 Website & Information
The section website can be located at:
Questions on membership information?Contact: Don Smith
Stevens Point Mill, New Page Specialty Papers
Phone: (715) 345-8069
Fax: (715) 345-8750
Mobile: (715) 213-4565
e-mail: / Questions on recertification journals?
Contact: Michael Keel
Donaldson Co.
Phone: (715) 341-5311 x349
Fax: (715) 341-0318
Educational Opportunities
Quality Expo-Chicago
Improve Your Product,Your Process, and
Your Profit Margins.
Attend Quality Expo 2009!
Quality Expo is the leading quality show and conference that provides hand-on access to the newest tools and broadest array of technologies to help you ensure quality, reduce costs, streamline your process and deliver the value your customers expect. Don't Miss Quality Expo 2009:
· See the Latest Products: gages, quality software, calibration, CMMs, data collection, electronics test, non-contact inspection...and much more.
· Meet Over 300 Top Suppliers who know and serve your industry: automotive/aerospace, electronics, fabricated metals, industrial machinery, medical/surgical instruments, plastics/rubber...and more.
· Spend Time Face-To-Face With Technical Experts who are ready to discuss your specifications and requirements and help solve your quality challenges.
·Stay Current in Your Field with the latest technical training for manufacturing professionals. The Quality Expo Conference features key sessions covering quality management, principles, tools and practices.
Minneapolis Section 1203
The Minnesota Quality Conference Committee
presents fall workshops
Join us September 21, 2009
Earle Brown Heritage Center, Mpls
Your choice of two - full day, value - laden workshops:
Dennis Arter: The Auditguy of Columbia Audit Resources
Integrated Systems: The Future of Auditing
Organizations can no longer afford to maintain separate quality, environment, safety and security groups. They all offer ways to reduce risks and increase value. Auditing can also support this movement. Through a series of lectures and group workshops, you will define an integrated management system. Then you will use contemporary process study tools to develop truly useful audit checklists. By discovering patterns in audit data, you will learn how to present reports that address business performance. The day will conclude with an examination of the future - of everything, not just auditing. We will explore accelerating technology change and the increasing intelligence of machines. How can auditors continue to add value in this environment?
You already know how to audit. You know about flowcharts and checklists and interviews and reports. It is time for new challenges. You will mix and mingle with other auditors and managers, from different business sectors, under the guidance of a leader in the profession. This is a master class, so come prepared to think and learn and contribute.
Dennis Arter is an independent consultant and trainer. He instructs large and small firms in the fields of quality auditing and quality systems. Dennis has served clients in the fields of government, manufacturing, chemicals, energy, food, research, aerospace, finance, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and health care. He has been auditing since 1975. He is the author of the classic text Quality Audits for Improved Performance, an ASQ Quality Press best-selling publication.
Forrest W. Breyfogle, III: Smarter Solutions, Inc.
Achieving Enterprise Excellence:
Going Beyond Lean Six Sigma & the Balanced Scorecard: IEE
The Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE) system combines the best practices of quality tools and methods like Lean Six Sigma with innovative analytical techniques to drive financial and operational success at the enterprise level and achieve the three R’s of business. This is everyone doing the Right things and doing them Right, at the Right time. This workshop highlights key Integrated Enterprise Excellence concepts and introduces new strategies. Then it reviews the best practices in Lean, Six Sigma combined with the use of the Balanced Scorecard. With each method the advantages and issues are discussed by an interactive method with the participants.
Organizations have gained much from Lean and Six Sigma improvement efforts. Lean Six Sigma and Total Quality Management (TQM); other process improvement efforts have helped organizations improve through the 1990s. These efforts often occur in silos, hence the benefits may not be felt at the big picture executive level. Because of this, when financial times get tough, Lean Six Sigma programs find that their efforts may also be downsized. Even Black Belt and Master Black Belt process improvement practitioners have been laid off.
Taking all the information discussed, the group will be led through discussions that will result in a unique way of looking at the enterprise business performance. The relationship between business improvement efforts and Lean Six Sigma is built in a scenario that will clearly become the next phase of business improvement, Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE).
Extra Bonus for this workshop: You will receive 4 Breyfogle Books valued at over $200 for attending this workshop!
Forrest Breyfogle has established himself as a leading edge thinker, a prolific author, an innovative consultant, a world-class educator, and a successful business executive. His work is documented in eleven books and over 90 articles on the topic of quality improvement, which includes his most recent series of books titled Integrated Enterprise Excellence. He was award the Crosby Medal for Implementing Six Sigma. Forrest is currently located in Austin, Texas where he founded Smarter Solutions, Inc.
Presented at Low Cost to you and your company!
$249 ASQ Members or $299 Non Members Register by September 14 th.
Earle Brown Heritage Center, Minneapolis, MN
For more details & registration visit:
Central WI Section 1218 ASQ Newsletter September 2009
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