American Pageant: Chapter 4 (pp.66-83)
“American Life in the 17th Century”
- Which economic feature most differentiated the Southern colonies?
- What were the effects of the gender imbalance in the Chesapeake?
- When did Virginia finally begin to increase its population through natural reproduction?
- What did indentured servants receive for their service?
headright system –
- How did the headright system give moderately wealthy planters a huge head start?
- As the 17th century continued, was indentured servitude a true path to prosperity?
Bacon’s Rebellion –
- What was the immediate cause of Bacon’s Rebellion?
- What effect did Bacon’s Rebellion have on planters’ ideas of where to get labor?
- What are the three factors that led planters to import more slaves than servants after 1680?
Middle Passage –
Virginia Slave Codes –
- What differences existed between the slave experience in the Chesapeake and that in the SC low- country?
Gullah culture –
- What kind of labor did most slaves provide?
New York City Slave Revolt of 1712 –
Stono Rebellion of 1739 –
- What effect did slavery have on the social structure of the South?
First Families of Virginia (Draw a social structure pyramid of the South as it is described in the text)
- What resulted from the lack of cities and towns in the South?
- In contrast to the unhealthy climate of the Chesapeake, how did the climate in New England impact life expectancy?
- How soon after settlement did the population of New England begin natural reproduction?
- What factors contributed to strong families in New England?
- Considering the right to own property, were women in New England better off than those in the Chesapeake?
- What explains the development of strong communities in New England?
- What was required of towns with more than fifty families in Massachusetts?
Massachusetts School Law of 1647/ “Old Deluder Law” –
Harvard College –
William and Mary College –
- Why were town meetings considered a “classroom of democracy?”
Half Way Covenant –
- What did jeremiads and the Half Way Covenant reveal about religious fervor in the second generation of Puritans?
Salem Witchcraft Trials 1692 –
- What did the witch hunt reveal about the effects of Yankee commercialism?
- What do witch hunts imply about society today?
- How did the climate of New England affect ethnic diversity?
- How did the climate affect the economy?
- How did New England colonists justify taking Indian lands?
- Why did shipbuilding and fishing become so important to the region?
- How did Americans’ standard of living compare with that of Europe in the 18th century?
- Which regions were the most egalitarian?
- What do Bacon’s Rebellion and Leisler’s Rebellion reveal about how the colonial experience altered British American expectations for equality?