Supplementary Material Bird species selected to assess the spatial heterogeneity of bird distributions in the study area. Information on habitat association was obtained from Cadman et al (2007). Column 5 (*) indicates the percentage of each species’ Ontario population that occurs in the Land Between (Couturier 2009). Species names are given in English and Latin according to the AOU checklist, 7th edition (American Ornithologists Union 2006).
English Name / Latin Name / Family (common name) / Habitat Association / % LB*White-breasted Nuthatch / Sitta carolinensis / nuthatches / woods and forests / 48.8
Great Crested Flycatcher / Myiarchus crinitus / tyrant flycatchers / woods and forests / 46.7
Eastern Phoebe / Sayornis phoebe / tyrant flycatchers / grassland, agricultural, open / 44.6
Pine Warbler / Dendroica pinus / warblers / woods and forests / 42.6
Field Sparrow / Spizella pusilla / sparrows / shrub and early succession / 39.2
Brown Thrasher / Toxostoma rufum / thrashers / shrub and early succession / 38.2
Scarlet Tanager / Piranga olivacea / cardinals / woods and forests / 37.5
Wood Thrush / Hylocichla mustelina / thrushes / woods and forests / 35.1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak / Pheucticus ludovicianus / cardinals / woods and forests / 32.2
Ruby-throated Hummingbird / Archilochus colubris / hummingbirds / woods and forests / 30.8
Eastern Wood-Pewee / Contopus virens / tyrant flycatchers / woods and forests / 29.8
Warbling Vireo / Vireo gilvus / vireos / woods and forests / 29.3
Eastern Meadowlark / Sturnella magna / icterids / grassland, agricultural, open / 28.8
Indigo Bunting / Passerina cyanea / cardinals / shrub and early succession / 27.8
English Name / Latin Name / Family – common name / Habitat Association / % LB*
Eastern Kingbird / Tyrannus tyrannus / tyrant flycatchers / grassland, agricultural, open / 27
Blue Jay / Cyanocitta cristata / corvids / urban and suburban / 25.5
Gray Catbird / Dumetella carolinensis / new world catbirds / shrub and early succession / 25.4
House Wren / Troglodytes aedon / wrens / shrub and early succession / 21.3
Veery / Catharus fuscescens / thrushes / woods and forests / 21.1
American Goldfinch / Carduelis tristis / finches / shrub and early succession / 19.8
Bobolink / Dolichonyx oryzivorus / icterids / grassland, agricultural, open / 18.6
Red-winged Blackbird / Agelaius phoeniceus / icterids / wetlands / 17.7
Black-throated Blue Warbler / Dendroica caerulescens / warblers / woods and forests / 17.1
Song Sparrow / Melospiza melodia / sparrows / shrub and early succession / 16.8
Black-throated Green Warbler / Dendroica virens / warblers / woods and forests / 15.7
American Crow / Corvus brachyrhynchos / corvids / urban and suburban / 15.6
Northern Cardinal / Cardinalis cardinalis / cardinals / shrub and early succession / <15
Mourning Dove / Zenaida macroura / doves and pigeons / urban and suburban / <15
Rock Dove / Columba livia / doves and pigeons / urban and suburban / <15
Purple Finch / Carpodacus purpureus / finches / woods and forests / <15
English Name / Latin Name / Family – common name / Habitat Association / % LB*
Brown-headed Cowbird / Molothrus ater / icterids / grassland, agricultural, open / <15
Common Grackle / Quiscalus quiscula / icterids / grassland, agricultural, open / <15
Killdeer / Charadrius vociferus / plovers / grassland, agricultural, open / <15
Chipping Sparrow / Spizella passerina / sparrows / woods and forests / <15
House Sparrow / Passer domesticus / sparrows / urban and suburban / <15
Savannah Sparrow / Passerculus sandwichensis / sparrows / grassland, agricultural, open / <15
Swamp Sparrow / Melospiza georgiana / sparrows / wetlands / <15
Vesper Sparrow / Pooecetes gramineus / sparrows / grassland, agricultural, open / <15
European Starling / Sturnus vulgaris / starlings / urban and suburban / <15
Barn Swallow / Hirundo rustica / swallows and martins / grassland, agricultural, open / <15
Tree Swallow / Tachycineta bicolor / swallows and martins / grassland, agricultural, open / <15
American Robin / Turdus migratorius / thrushes / urban and suburban / <15
Alder Flycatcher / Empidonax alnorum / tyrant flycatchers / wetlands / <15
Least Flycatcher / Empidonax minimus / tyrant flycatchers / woods and forests / <15
Blue-headed Vireo / Vireo solitarius / vireos / woods and forests / <15
Red-eyed Vireo / Vireo olivaceus / vireos / woods and forests / <15
English Name / Latin Name / Family – common name / Habitat Association / % LB*
American Redstart / Setophaga ruticilla / warblers / woods and forests / <15
Black-and-white Warbler / Mniotilta varia / warblers / woods and forests / <15
Blackburnian Warbler / Dendroica fusca / warblers / woods and forests / <15
Canada Warbler / Wilsonia canadensis / warblers / woods and forests / <15
Common Yellowthroat / Geothlypis trichas / warblers / wetlands / <15
Chestnut-sided Warbler / Dendroica pensylvanica / warblers / shrub and early succession / <15
Magnolia Warbler / Dendroica magnolia / warblers / woods and forests / <15
Nashville Warbler / Vermivora ruficapilla / warblers / woods and forests / <15
Northern Waterthrush / Seiurus noveboracensis / warblers / wetlands / <15
Ovenbird / Seiurus aurocapilla / warblers / woods and forests / <15
Yellow Warbler / Dendroica petechia / warblers / shrub and early succession / <15
Hairy Woodpecker / Picoides villosus / woodpeckers / woods and forests / <15
Northern Flicker / Colaptes auratus / woodpeckers / woods and forests / <15
Winter Wren / Troglodytes troglodytes / wrens / woods and forests / <15
American Ornithologists’ Union (2006) Checklist of North American Birds, 7th Edition, including supplements 42 to 47. Available at