@@@ Vocabulary
1Find the antonym to the word“Happiness”
A) knowledge
B) hate
C) love
D) sadness
E) information
2Find the antonym to the word “long”
A) good
B) high
C) short
D) advice
E) news
3Find the right antonym to the word “ find”
A) lose
B) be
C) have
D) see
E) change
4Find the right antonym “ close”
A) play
B) open
C) spend
D) go
E) get
5Find the right antonym “friend”
A) friendship
B) enemy
C) healthy
D) fire
E) company
6Find the right English equivalent for this word:
качество \ сапа
A) quality
B) quarrel
C) question
D) quarter
E) quantity
7Find the right English equivalent for this word:
Запрещать\ тиым салу
A) forbid
B) forgive
C) forget
D) foretell
E) forgetful
8 What is the opposite of the word “black”?
A) beautiful
B) white
C) young
D) interesting
E) old
9What is the opposite of the word “cold”?
A) dark
B) hot
C) short
D) coal
E) old
10What is the opposite of the word “far”?
A) near
B) fat
C) slim
D) light
E) best
11 What is the opposite of the word “stand”?
A) come
B) sit
C) go out
D) lose
E) lend
12Find the synonym to the word “well-known ”
A) action
B) novel
C) famous
D) hero
E) change
13Find the right English equivalent for this word combination:
Кататьсяналодке \ қайықпенқыдыру
A) to go boating
B) to go skiing
C) to go skating
D) to go playing
E) to go to the seaside
14Find the right English equivalent for this word combination:
Пропускатьзанятия \ сабақбосату
A) to miss classes
B) to attend classes
C) to enter college
D) to assess a student
E) to take an exam
15Translate into English:
Древний \ ежелгі
A) ancient
B) modern
C) empty
D) noisy
E) huge
16Translate into English:
A) class
B) term
C) exam
D) mark
E) dean
17Translate into English:
сочинение \ шығарма
A) composition
B) desk
C) station
D) table
E) book
18Translate into English:
Бытьопытным \ тәжірибеліболу
A) to be experienced
B) to hold a position
C) vacancy
D) to be on leave
E) insurance
19Give the synonym to the following word:
A) city
B) street
C) Land
D) town
E) customer
20 What is the opposite of the word “expensive”?
A) cheap
B) busy
C) fast
D) money
E) earning
21 What is the opposite of the word “useful”?
A) see
B) use
C) make
D) glad
E) useless
22 What is the opposite of the word “narrow”?
A) narrow
B) wide
C) slow
D) fast
E) hard
23Give the synonym of the word:
A) low
B) wide
C) new
D) old
E) high
24Give the synonym of the word:
A) sick
B) scared
C) tired
D) awake
E) cold
25Write the past form of the verb.
A) had
B) has
C) have
D) haved
E) have not
26Write the past form of the verb.
A) meets
B) met
C) mets
D) meeting
E) meet
27Write the past form of the verb.
A) caned
B) coulds
C) can not
D) can have
E) could
28Write the past form of the verb.
A) got
B) gotting
C) getting
D) gets
E) gotes
29Write the past form of the verb.
A) was,were
B) been
C) beed
D) being
E) bee
30Write the past form of the verb.
A) takes
B) took
C) taked
D) taking
E) tooks
31Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to begin – begin - begin
B) to begin – began - begun
C) began- beginning - begun
D) begann – begin - begun
E) begin – begun- begin
32Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to choose – chose - chosen
B) to choose – choose - choose
C) to choose – choosen - chosen
D) to chose – chose - chose
E) to choosen – choses – chosen
33Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to cut – cat - cat
B) to cat – cat - cat
C) to cut – cut - cat
D) to cat – cut - cat
E) to cut – cut – cut
34Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to eat – ate - eaten
B) to ate – ate - ate
C) to eat – eat - eat
D) to eaten – eat - eaten
E) to eat – eat – ate
35Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to forget – forgot - forgotten
B) to forget – forget - forget
C) to forget – forget - forgotton
D) to forgot – forgot - forgot
E) to forget – forgotten – forgotten
36Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to run – ran - ran
B) to run – run - run
C) to run – ran - run
D) to ran – ran - ran
E) to run – run – ran
37Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) slept – slept - slept
B) to sleep – slept - slept
C) to sleep – sleep - sleep
D) to sleep – sleep - slept
E) to slept – sleep – sleeping
38Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to take – take - take
B) to take – took - took
C) to taken – taken - taken
D) to take – took - taken
E) to take – taken – took
39Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to hold – hold - held
B) to held – held – held
C) hold – hold - hold
D) to held – hold - holden
E) to hold – held – held
40Give three forms of the following irregular verb:
A) to go – went - gone
B) to goes – go - go
C) to goed – gone - go
D) to go – go - go
E) to went– go – goed
1Choose the right translation: public transport
A) общественный транспорт/ қоғамдық көлік
B) автобус
C) машина
D) такси
E) самолет
2Choose the right translation: global warming
A) землятресение / жер сілкінісі
B) наводнение / су тасқыны
C) глобальное потепление / жаhандық жылыну
D) таять / еру
E) дождь / жаңбыр
3Choose the right translation: environment
A) воздух / ауа
B) дождь / жаңбыр
C) снег / қар
D) окружающая среда / қоршаған орта
E) вода / су
3Choose the right translation: air
A) воздух / ауа
B) дождь / жаңбыр
C) снег / қар
D) окружающая среда / қоршаған орта
E) вода / су
4Choose the right translation: demonstration
A) собрание / жиналыс
B) встреча / кездесу
C) демонстрация / шеру
D) круглый стол/ дөңгелек үстел
E) спектакль/ қойылым
5ATranslate into English: - воздух / ауа
A) air
B) rain
C) river
D) stone
E) house
6Translate into English: загрязнение / ластану
A) pollution
B) rain
C) solution
D) river
E) snow
7Translate into English: разрушать / бүлдіру
A) to use
B) to destroy
C) to travel
D) to support
E) to eat
8Translate into English:лес / орман
A) forest
B) river
C) school
D) desk
E) table
9 the right variant to the word «bottle» to make a word combination
A) transport
B) school
C) bank
D) energy
E) footprint
10Choose the right variant to the word «carbon» to make a word combination
A) footprint
B) energy
C) bank
D) transport
E) fuels
11Choose the right variant to the word «fossil » to make a word combination
A) warming
B) fuels
C) energy
D) footprint
E) banks
12Choose the right variant to the word «global » to make a word combination
A) energy
B) warming
C) transport
D) fossil
E) global
13Choose the right variant to the word «mass-produced» to make a word combination
A) clothes
B) global
C) footprint
D) fossil
E) fuels
14Choose the right variant to the word «plastic» to make a word combination
A) energy
B) warming
C) bags
D) transport
E) fuels
15Choose the right variant to the word «public» to make a word combination
A) transport
B) plastic
C) warming
D) footprint
E) global
16Choose the right variant to the word «renewable» to make a word combination
A) warming
B) footprint
C) global
D) energy
E) plastic
17Complete the noun – demonstr…
A) -ation
B) -on
C) -uion
D) -ty
E) - ution
18Complete the noun – destr…
A) - ey
B) -uction
C) - ics
D) - ly
E) - tion1
19Complete the noun – globalis…
A) - ey
B) -uction
C) - ics
D) - ly
E) - ation
20Complete the noun – poll…
A) - ey
B) -uction
C) - ics
D) - ly
E) - ution
21Complete the noun – organis…
A) -ly
B) -ution
C) -ation
D) -ics
E) -ty
22Complete the noun – revol…
A) -ution
B) - ics
C) -ty
D) -action
E) ly
23Complete the noun – sol…
A) -action
B) -act
C) -ly
D) -ution
E) -sation
24Complete the noun – modernis…
A) -ation
B) -ution
C) -tion
D) -ly
E) -action
25Give the synonym to the following word: Cool
A) cold
B) wet
C) rainly
D) hot
E) happy
26Give the synonym to the following word: land
A) cold
B) wood
C) river
D) forest
E) earth
27What is the opposite of the word “cold”?
A) cool
B) wet
C) rainly
D) hot
E) happy
28What is the opposite of the word “clean”?
A) dirty
B) wet
C) windy
D) hot
E) happy
29Choose the right translation: environmentally-friendly product
A) кипиченная вода/ қайнатылған су
B) вода/су
C) овощи/ жеміс
D) продукт/ тамақ
E) экологический чистый продукт/ экологиялық таза өнім
30Choose the right translation “anti”
A) за/ үшін
B) анти / анти
C) вместе/ бірге
D) все/барлығы
E) один/ жалғыз
31Choose the right translation: slogan
A) книга/кітап
B) лозунг/ ұран
C) дерево/ағаш
D) флаг/ту
E) ручка/қалам
32Translate into English: атмосфера
A) demonstration
B) destroy
C) atmospher
33Translate into English: погода/ ауа-райы
A) demonstration
B) destroy
C) atmosphere
D) sollution
E) weather
34Translate into English: океан/ мұхит
A) river
B) ocean
C) lake
D) sea
E) weather
35Translate into English: экология
A) ecology
B) volunteer
C) mountain
D) volcano
E) field
36Translate into English: растение/өсімдік
A) desert
B) plant
C) mountain
D) volcano
E) field
37Translate into English: лед/ мұз
A) ice
B) plant
C) star
D) volcano
E) sky
38Translate into English: быть против/қарсы болу
A) to go
B) to come
C) to rain
D) to be against
E) to be
39Choose the right translation: air pollution
A) воздух / ауа
B) дождь / жаңбыр
C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы
D) окружающая среда / қоршаған орта
E) вода / су
40Choose the right translation: waterpollution
A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы
B) дождь / жаңбыр
C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы
D) окружающая среда / қоршаған орта
E) вода / су
41Choose the right translation: to protest
A) загрязнять/ ластау
B) говорить / сөйлеу
C) играть/ ойнау
D) защитить / қорғау
E) возражать/ қарсы болу
42Choose the right translation: environmental protection
A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы
B) защита окружающей среды / қоршаған ортаны қорғау
C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы
D) окружающая среда / қоршаған орта
E) отходы/ қалдықтар
43Choose the right translation: Planet
A) загрязнение воды / судың ластануы
B) защита окружающей среды / қоршаған ортаны қорғау
C) загрязнение воздуха / ауаның ластануы
D) окружающая среда / қоршаған орта
E) планета/ ғаламшар
44Choose the right translation: volunteer
A) волонтер (доброволец-ерікті)
B) политик/ саясаткер
C) ученик/оқушы
D) воспитатель/тәрбиеші
E) учитель/оқытушы
45Choose the right translation: трава/ шөп
A) water
B) pollution
C) protection
D) environment
E) grass
46Choose the right translation: пластмассовый контейнер/ пластмассалық контейнер
A) box
B) plastic container
C) can
E) bucket
47Choose the right translation: природа/ табиғат
A) nature
B) moon
C) solarsystem
D) sun
E) sky
48Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence:
More than ten thousand people took part in the ______
A) destruction
B) demonstration
C) pollution
D) air pollution
E) warming
49Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence:
The demonstrators were protesting about the ______of the rainforest.
A) demonstration
B) travelling
C) destruction
D) education
E) modernisation
50Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence:
Thousands of fish died because of ______in the river.
A) demonstration
B) travelling
C) revolution
D) pollution
E) education
@@@ Education
1Find the right English equivalent for the following:
A) Math
B) Politics
C) Physics
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
2Find the right English equivalent for the following:
История\ тарих
A) History
B) Politics
C) Physics
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
3Find the right English equivalent for the following:
A) History
B) Politics
C) Physics
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
4 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
A) History
B) Politics
C) Physics
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
5 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Литература/ Әдебиет
A) History
B) Politics
C) Physics
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
6Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Политология / саясаттану
A) History
B) Politics
C) Physics
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
7Find the right English equivalent for the following:
A) Geography
B) Biology
C) Philosophy
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
8Find the right English equivalent for the following:
A) Geography
B) Biology
C) Philosophy
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
9Find the right English equivalent for the following:
A) Geography
B) Biology
C) Philosophy
D) Chemistry
E) Literature
10 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
A) Geography
B) Biology
C) Philosophy
D) Chemistry
E) Economics
11Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Социология/ әлеуметтану
A) Geography
B) Biology
C) Philosophy
D) Sociology
E) Economics
12 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Начальная школа/ Бастауыш мектеп
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
13Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Средняя школа/ Орта мектеп
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
14Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Детский сад / Бала-бақша
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
15 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Оканчивать школу / Мектепті бітіру
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
16Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Профессиональное обучение / Мамандырылған оқу
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
17Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Устроиться на работу/ жұмысқа орналасу
A) get a job
B) take a gap year
C) study subjects
D) get a degree
E) finish the course
18Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Взять годовой перерыв в учебе/ оқудан бір жылдық үзіліс алу
A) get a job
B) take a gap year
C) study subjects
D) get a degree
E) finish the course
19 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Изучать предметы/ пәндерді оқу
A) get a job
B) take a gap year
C) study subjects
D) get a degree
E) finish the course
20 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Получить степень / деңгей алу
A) get a job
B) take a gap year
C) study subjects
D) get a degree
E) finish the course
21Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Окончить курс / курсты бітіру
A) get a job
B) take a gap year
C) study subjects
D) get a degree
E) finish the course
22Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Сдать выпускные экзамены / бітіру емтихандарын тапсыру
A) pass the final exams
B) take a gap year
C) study subjects
D) get a degree
E) finish the course
23 Find the right English equivalent for the following:
Сдать вступительный экзамен / түсу емтиханын тапсыру
A) pass the final exams
B) pass an entrance exam
C) study subjects
D) get a degree
E) finish the course
24Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Did you … to nursery school?
A) go
B) apply
C) fail
D) study
E) leave
25 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
At what age do children start … school?
A) go
B) apply
C) primary
D) gap
E) leave
26 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Can pupils … school at sixteen ?
A) go
B) apply
C) fail
D) study
E) leave
27 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Is it easy to … for a place at university?
A) go
B) apply
C) fail
D) study
E) leave
28 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Do you know anybody who has taken … year ?
A) primary
B) apply
C) fail
D) gap
E) leave
29 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
What did your parents … at university or college?
A) go
B) apply
C) fail
D) study
E) leave
30 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Have you ever … any English exams?
A) gone
B) applied
C) fail
D) taken
E) left
31 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Did you pass or … ?
A) go
B) apply
C) fail
D) study
E) leave
32 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
More and more people are … to be computer programmers.
A) training
B) become
C) study
D) cost
E) move
33 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Not many people want to … teachers nowadays.
A) training
B) become
C) study
D) cost
E) move
34 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
If you … medicine, it takes seven years before you qualify as a doctor.
A) training
B) become
C) study
D) cost
E) move
35 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
It can … a lot of money to go to university.
A) training
B) become
C) study
D) cost
E) move
36 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
When they go to university, most students leave home and … into student accommodation.
A) training
B) become
C) study
D) cost
E) move
37 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
If you fail your end of year exams, you can usually … them again a few months later.
A) take
B) pass
C) study
D) cost
E) move
38 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
You have to … an entrance exam if you want to go to university.
A) training
B) pass
C) study
D) cost
E) move
39 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
University students play an important … in the future of the country.
A) training
B) become
C) role
D) cost
E) move
40 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
You have to … for a place at university a few months before you want to begin.
A) go
B) apply
C) fail
D) study
E) leave
41 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
It often … a lot of money to go to university.
A) trains
B) becomes
C) roles
D) costs
E) moves
42Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
He is … to be an IT technician.
A) training
B) passing
C) getting
D) working
E) moving
43 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
I want to … an architect when I leave school.
A) train
B) become
C) make
D) do
E) move
44 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
It’s not easy to get a place to … medicine
A) train
B) become
C) learn
D) do
E) study
45 Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
English students often … into student accommodation when they go to university.
A) take
B) pass
C) make
D) do
E) move
46Complete the sentence with appropriate word:
Teachers … an important role in the lives of young people.
A) take
B) do
C) play
D) make
E) become
47 Complete the sentence with appropriate words:
I only went to … … for one year and I can’t remember anything about it.
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
48Complete the sentence with appropriate words:
I learnt to read and write at … … .
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
49Complete the sentence with appropriate words:
I started … … when I was 11 and left when I was 18.
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
50 Complete the sentence with appropriate words:
I did a … … in secretarial studies for 2 years.
A) Primary school
B) Secondary school
C) Nursery school
D) Leave school
E) Vocational course
@@@ Smile
1Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) straight
B) thin
C) pale
D) round
E) curly
2Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) thick
B) straight
C) pale
D) rosy
E) curly
3Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) round
B) full
C) pale
D) straight
E) curly
4Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) thick
B) thin
C) pale
D) straight
E) curly
5Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) thick
B) thin
C) pale
D) round
E) curly
6Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) thick
B) thin
C) pale
D) straight
E) curly
7Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) mysterous
B) bossy
C) loyal
D) sensitive
E) easygoing
8Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) mysterious
B) bossy
C) loyal
D) sensitive
E) easygoing
9 Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) mysterious
B) bossy
C) loyal
D) selfish
E) annoying
10Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) mysterious
B) bossy
C) calm
D) selfish
E) easygoing
11Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) affectionate
B) bossy
C) loyal
D) sensitive
E) easygoing
12Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) mysterous
B) bossy
C) loyal
D) sensitive
E) easygoing
13Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) mysterious
B) bossy
C) nasty
D) sensitive
E) easygoing
14Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) mysterious
B) bossy
C) loyal
D) sensitive
E) aggressive
15Match each group of adjectives with an appropriate noun:
A) polite
B) bossy
C) loyal
D) sensitive
E) easygoing
16Complete the sentences with the words:
Fake smiles are easy to do – you just have to tighten the muscles in your … .
A) mouth
B) wrinkles
C) cheeks
D) eye
E) eyebrow
17Complete the sentences with the words:
The smile of true enjoyment involves the muscles at the corners of the … and the muscles around the eyes.
A) mouth
B) wrinkles
C) dimple
D) eye
E) eyebrow
18Complete the sentences with the words:
When someone gives a true smile, the … get smaller, and you see little wrinkles around the edge.
A) mouth
B) wrinkles
C) dimple
D) eyes
E) eyebrows
19Complete the sentences with the words:
When someone gives a true smile, the eyebrows go up and on some people, … appear in their cheeks.
A) mouth
B) wrinkles
C) dimples
D) eye
E) eyebrow
20Complete the sentences with the words:
When someone gives a true smile, you see little … around the edge.
A) mouth
B) wrinkles
C) dimple
D) eye
E) eyebrow
21 Complete the sentences with the words:
Cindy has dark eyes under her thick .. .
A) mouth
B) wrinkles
C) dimple
D) eye
E) eyebrows
22Complete the sentences with the words:
Keep your … crossed for me.
A) leg
B) fingers
C) arm
D) eye
E) hand
23Complete the sentences with the words:
I’m pulling your … .
A) leg
B) fingers
C) arm
D) eye
E) hand
24Complete the sentences with the words:
It costs an .. and a leg.
A) leg
B) fingers
C) arm
D) eye
E) hand
25Complete the sentences with the words:
Can you give me a … ?
A) leg
B) fingers
C) arm
D) eye
E) hand
26Complete the sentences with the words:
He doesn’t see eye to … with him.
A) leg
B) fingers
C) arm
D) eye
E) hand
27Match the adjectives with the sentences.
I find it difficult to people that I don’t know very well.
A) ambitious
B) shy
C) sociable