American Marketing Association
Marketing Research Council Meeting
April 23, 2006
Denver, CO
Jamie Baker-Prewitt
Jeff Hunter
Chris Everett
Rob Arnett
Pat Crane
Pete Fader
Beth Shriver
Joan Treistman
Dennis Dunlap
Pat Goodrich
Jamie called the meeting to order at 8:30 am and thanked everyone for taking time on the weekend for this meeting.
Beth suggested two changes to minutes of the January meeting – correction to the spelling of Allen Hogg’s name and moving a sentence in the information on the newsletter discussion.
Dennis reported that AMA membership has been growing over the past 18-24 months. Fiscal year to date we are up 4.5% in both acquisition and renewal. We are soft in the research segment, primarily in acquisition. This has been a trend and is of concern.
Our last fiscal year was outstanding resulting in a 11.5% increase in revenue and good Millenium Fund growth. The budget for the current was less aggressive and we are about even with budget – up vs last year at this time. Operating income is slightly unfavorable to budget. We project that we will meet or exceed the bottom line for the year.
Dennis reviewed status of planning for Mplanet which will launch in late November of 2006. We have partnered with Wharton, McKinsey and SpencerStuart on programming, Draft on marcom, Fleishman-Hillard on public relations and MYB for execution.
The core themes for the program are:
Morphing Media and Channels
Performance Marketing
Disciplined Innovation
New Organization Reality
New Customer Reality
Brand Relevance
Program will be presented in three types of sessions:
Perspectives (general sessions with CEO presenters)
Forums (large concurrent sessions with C-level and Luminaries)
Spotlights (smaller focused sessions with key takeaways for attendees)
Providing key takeaways is a critical element in recruitment of spotlight speakers. Takeaways will include case studies, checklists, best practices, etc.
The CMO conference-in-conference will focus on building performance driven marketing organizations.
AMA has established favorable group pricing for organizations sending multiple attendees.
Note that the strategic plan as revised during this meeting is attached to and made a part of these minutes.
At the January meeting the council reviewed feedback from interviews and meeting discussions. The group established the pillars of the plan and initiatives under each pillar. Two leaders were identified for each pillar. Jamie will make revisions to the plan, seek input from Dennis and Pat and post prior to a conference call to review the final document. Jamie reviewed that document with the council.
Dennis pointed out that learning and actionable findings are good if the council believes that they actually represent the segment. Jamie pointed out that while it was not a representative sample the results were tempered with the knowledge that the council and former council members have about the segment. The group feels that the findings are sufficient to be directive.
Joan posed a question about member value – is this really the best descriptor of what we are trying to accomplish. Dennis elaborated on his use of the term “relationship management” which is a path like CRM. He agreed with Joan that the intent is to build a more relevant relationship with the community and value is a part of that.
The council agreed to continue to use the term relationship management, but add some definition.
All agreed that the new mission statement is right on target. That statement is:
To help the AMA better meet the needs of professionals
in the marketing research community.
The pillars of the plan are:
Relationship Enhancement (revised from Member Value Enhancement)
Professional Development
Proposed Leadership Initiatives
Initiative leaders are: Rob Arnett and Pat Crane
- Identify and disseminate leading edge tools and techniques
- This is currently happening through programming at ART Forum, Executive Insights, EXPLOR awards, ARM and other conference tutorials
- Work with the Knowledge Coalition where appropriate
- Rob suggested using the AMA Hot Topic format for a research best practices series.
- Ensure adherence to ethical practices
- Reiterate endorsement of CASRO Code on AMA website, in MRC newsletter
- Have a significant voice in standard setting for the industry
- Take a stand on MRA certification program
- Develop AMA position papers on issues of vital interest
- Respondent cooperation
- Guidelines for online research
- Issues involving confidentiality of databases
- Establish an AMA research expert panel
- Group could assist in leadership initiatives, help develop AMA research positions.
- Considering engaging former Presidents of the MRC
The group discussed the need for more/better ways to communicate MRC observations to the constituency – perhaps by establishing a research section on MarketingPower similar to the AcademicResourceCenter.
The council also indicated consensus on leadership involving identification of key issues – not endorsement – defining issues to “debate” – think about in determining research approach.
Proposed Relationship Enhancement Initiatives
Initiative leaders are: Jamie Baker-Prewitt and Pete Fader
- Provide additional/better/more information to members about member benefits
- Continually information members about benefits
- do general “did you know” emails about products/services
- send personalized updates and recommendations
- Create web-based preferences profile beyond current special interest selections
- Conduct periodic member needs assessment surveys and provide summary of results to interested members NOTE: Pat will send information on survey done a couple of years ago to all council members.
- Expand MRC newsletter to include information on benefits
- Create a reward/recognition system
- Include “member since” on event badges (note this was begun in spring of 2006)
- Recognize very senior members (20+ year members) via private sessions at conferences – Pat will request a list of all MRC interest 1 people who have been AMA members for 20 years and more
- Create program to acknowledge special contributions by volunteers
- Recognize milestone membership anniversaries
- Recognize past program chairs at events
- Bring back 5 year certificates of membership delivered by chapters to members
- Focus on new members
- Create mentoring program
- Identify new members at events (underway)
- Ensure that new members feel welcome at events
- Hold a new member/attendee event at conferences and use as a time to orient new people to AMA (underway at several events) Add information on local chapters to these sessions. Pat will provide list of local chapters for orientation sessions
- Develop and distribute list of member benefits to be discussed and disseminated at orientation sessions
- Control excessive solicitation of clients by suppliers
- Educate suppliers on clients’ feelings about being “accosted” at events and the implications of that behaviou
- Educate clients about tactics that can keep suppliers at bay
- Communicate with all attendees about complaints
- Include this issue in future member research
An approach to this issue will be developed and tested at the January, 2007
Executive Insights Conference.
- Designate a staff membership relations manager
- Better integrate with local chapters
- Solicit input on how MRC can assist with the needs of their marketing research communities. Talk to PCC about including a representative of the MRC on conference calls with chapter leaders (perhaps once a year) – start with chapters with largest research interest groups
- Create a series of MR Boot Camps focusing on more niche topics (pricing, new product development, etc.)
Proposed Professional Development Initiatives
Initiative leaders are: Jeff Hunter and Chris Everett (Lisa Gudding)
- Expand portfolio of research focused offerings
- Develop research topics for Hot Topics and Training Series programs
- Identify ways to support chapter delivery of benefits to members (see relationship pillar)
- Mentor new members
- New Boot Camp programs
- Centralize marketing research resources on (like AcademicResourceCenter) and improve navigation of current content
- Develop lifestage roadmap for marketing research focused AMA programming in line with Progressive Learning initiative including
- Conferences
- Central location training (ARM, Training Series, Hot Topics)
- Structured online programs
- Unstructured online (SIGs)
- One-on-One mentoring
- Publications
- Create a member centric database tracking member use of AMA resources/programs etc. and analyze it to identify potential alternative/additional benefits and resources
- Learn from marketing research segment of membership
- Conduct periodic member surveys
- Mine the database for insights
- Develop training on
- Management of supplier/client relationships
- Stakeholder perspectives (managers/directors; marketing/marketing research)
- Partner with other organizations to expand PD opportunities
- Joan will discuss with CASRO
- Endorse MRA certification program
Proposed Community Initiatives
Initiative leaders are: Joan Treistman and Beth Shriver
- Test “speed dating” for attendees/suppliers at major events – will be tested at Executive Insights in January, 2007
- Create more deliberate and meaningful client/supplier interactions
- Support attendee interest in potential client/supplier relationships
- Introduce supplier presentations in the exhibit hall during the Marketing Research Conference
- Identify, organize and distribute information about minority and women-owned marketing research suppliers
- Add to database information
- Help client side researchers identify to meet corporate diversity objectives
- Investigate sources/organizations that target minority researchers to develop resources
- Create a resource for these organizations on
- Can we get hotel channel infomercials for exhibitors
- Develop diversity outreach program
- Expand diversity of AMA research segment
- Talk to existing minority members to understand best way to identify, attract and meet the needs of minority researchers
- Review member application as a resource for minority information
- Conduct research to gain a better understanding of the evolving research community
- Identify trends
- Plan for future needs, particularly for younger researchers
The council agreed that the plan is the basis for activities over the next several years and that they need to establish annual priorities in order to have realistic expectations of implementation.
Dennis commented that he would recommend that the following activities be the first priority:
- Establish the research expert panel -- clarify the group’s role, how to execute, costs and anticipated output
- Create position papers on important issues – determine how they will be created and disseminated, establish and execute plan, make a branded AMA series
- Strengthen delivery of knowledge and learning, conduct research where needed including competitive audit and gap analysis – improve existing events, establish research focused training series programs, include web based resources/training – all in the context of the lifetime learning map (progressive learning)
- Conduct research to better understand segment, dynamics of the research community, issues and challenges – identify where we can deliver more value and grow segment
The council determined that priorities for FY 06-07 will be:
- Development of the lifetime learning map
- Examination of member/non-member issues
- Implementation of the “quick hits” (noted on plan)
- Increase the benefit of orientations held at events
- Add benefit information to the newsletter including specifics on SIG benefits and chapter benefits for researchers
The council discussed possible new members to replace Chris who is rotating off the council. Jamie and Jeff will pursue appointment of a new member.
The group acknowledged the contributions of Chris Everett and thanked him for his service to the council and AMA.
The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm
NOTE: The Strategic Plan as revised based on discussion during this meeting is included as a separate file and made a part of these minutes.