155 4th Street SE, Huron, SD
May 25 & 26, 2013
Pastor – Steven Brandsrud
If you would like to receive the weekly news from American Lutheran via e-mail,
please e-mail us at . Visit the ALC Website
Worship Scripture Readings
Holy Trinity May 25 & 26
1st Reading Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31
Psalm Psalm 8
2nd Reading Romans 5:1-5
Gospel John 16:12-15
Pentecost 2 June 1 & 2
1st Reading 1 Kings 8:22-23, 41-43
Psalm Psalm 96-1-9
2nd Reading Galatians 1:1-12
Gospel Luke 7:1-10
We Welcome into God’s Family through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism
“Kaiden Lane Howard”
Son of Lesley Weinreis
Sponsors are Bailey Brodkorb and Gavin Palmer
(Saturday 6:00 pm Worship Service)
ALC Memorials Dedicated this Weekend
Fellowship Hall Floor Sound System Radio Broadcast Sanctuary Lighting
Beverly Hanson JoAnn Claassen Helen Winter Harold & Myrtle Adams
Kenneth Eckmann Roland (Tom) Thompson Leonard Pevestorf Roland (Tom) Thompson
Dale Hoffman Bernard Howard Herman Bauder
Bernie Howard Clara Frank
Roland (Tom) Thompson Roland (Tom) Thompson
Camp Scholarship ELW Memorial Hymnals
Lorraine Moen
Memorials Dedicated for ALC Christian Learning Center
CLC Scholarship Assistance, Transportation Fund, Orange Carpet & Binding, Light, Teaching Aids, Educational Items, Costume Supplies, Toys, Activity Items, Children’s Gifts, Plastic Swimming Pool, Books
Given in Memory of: John & Dorothy* Helgerson, John Hinkley, Floyd Kopfmann, Elnor Madsen*, Beverly Friedrichsen, Fern Waltner, Herman Bauder, Elaine Bauder, Clara Frank, Roland (Tom) Thompson, Jean Beach, Otto & Kathleen Jandt, Anna & Leonard Reed, Tom Beerman, Bernice Renshaw, JoAnn Claassen, Leonard Pevestorf, Bernie Howard, Ellen Winter, Caroline Gribble, Dorothy Koepke, Dean Kasperson, Fern Whitlow, Gary DeKraai (*Denotes past CLC Volunteer)
Worship News
Sympathy is expressed to the family of Delbert Schley, who died Friday, May 17 in Denison, Iowa and to Alvina Erlandson (former ALC Secretary) & family in the death of her husband, John Erlandson on Friday, May 24 in Mitchell, SD.
The Radio Broadcast of the 10:30 am worship service over KIJV Radio is a gift from Pearl Bergquist
in loving memory of her husband, Arthur Bergquist.
The Altar Flowers this week are given by Shirley Magee to the glory of God and in loving memory of her husband, Mike Magee.
Opportunities to furnish Altar Flowers for worship services are July 7, 14 & 21 and August 4, 18,
& 25. Sponsorship of the Radio Broadcast is open July 28 and all 4 Sundays in August. If you are interested in any of these dates, please call the church office.
We are now collecting Coborn’s Receipts for May, June and July, 2013. Thanks for your support!
Christian Learning Center News
A heartfelt thank you to those Thrivent members who directed their “Thrivent Choice Dollars” toward
the CLC.
We had a wonderful year of growth, learning and exploring God’s world at CLC. Thank you to everyone for your support and God’s blessings for a great summer.
There are several unclaimed pans, bowls and dishes left from serving funerals and also the Salad Luncheon. Please check the table in the Fellowship Hall to see if any may belong to you. Thank you!
Special 2013 Congregational Events Sponsored by
American Lutheran church Women (ALCW)
Tuesday, October 15 Annual Fall Festival – Bake & Craft sale, coffee & rolls, noon lunch
Saturday, November 30 Christmas Brunch – celebrating the beginning of Advent
(Please contact Fern Marie Mattke, Eva Sande, Bev Freng or Doreen Eckmann if you are willing to help.)
Women of the ELCA (ALCW) News
The ALCW Executive Board Meeting will be held at 12:30 pm June 6, 2013 in the church Library.
The ALCW General Meeting will be held at 1:30 pm June 6, 2013 in the Fellowship Hall.
Lutheran Disaster Response
Hundreds of homes were damaged or destroyed as 28 tornadoes touched down throughout Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Illinois and Iowa. Your help is needed to bring hope to our sisters and brothers in need. Lutheran Disaster Response affiliates are already on the ground, assessing the immediate and long-term needs. Gifts designated to “U. S. Tornadoes” through Lutheran Disaster Response will be used entirely-100% to help survivors of tornadoes rebuild their lives and livelihoods. If you are able to help, please pick up a Lutheran Disaster Response flyer from the table in the Narthex or go to for more information and where to send your donations.
Have you ever wondered what happened to right and wrong?
Do you struggle with how much the world has changed and what it means for our children and grandchildren? The women’s Tuesday Noon Time Bible Study will begin a new study called “Culture Shock” by Bible Teacher and Pastor Chip Ingram, which provides Biblical answers to today’s most controversial issues – along with tips on how to stand up for those truths with love and respect to those we care about most.
Tuesday Noon Time Bible Study & Lunch
The women’s Tuesday Noon Time Bible Study lunch will meet on Tuesday, May 28 at 12:05 pm to begin the “Culture Shock” (see above) Bible Study. D. O. G. Men’s Group Bible Study will continue on Tuesday, May 28 at 12:05 pm. Lunch will be a free will offering.
Sign-up now to help serve “The Banquet” Friday June 14, 2013
American Lutheran Church members and friends will be serving the evening meal at “The Banquet” in Sioux Falls, SD on Friday, June 14, 2013. Everyone is welcome to be a part of this very important annual servant project. We will need 35 to 40 volunteers. Please sign-up on the sheet located on the table in the Narthex or by calling the church office. Monetary donations for the purchase of food are always welcome. Please contact the church office 352-8514 for more information.
ALC Youth News
2013 Day Camp has been scheduled for August 4 through 8, 2013. Please note this on your calendars
Needed – plain white sheets (does not need to be new) for bandages. Help is also needed to sew quilt blocks together. The quilt blocks are located in plastic totes outside the church office & in the Narthex.
Fabric donations for quilts are still needed may be dropped off at the church office. Please contact Mabel Jensen 352-6023, Shirley Knutson 352-5909 or Betty Brock 352-2333 if questions.