If you are planning to give a donation to the AIHF via stock please give this delivery information to the broker who will be delivering the stock:

DTC #0756

AmericanEnterprise Investment Services, Inc.

FBO American Industrial Hygiene Foundation

Account # 2455 0274 5 133

AIHF investment manager:Ameriprise Financial Services

Tim Walsh


3174 Mack Road, Suite 2

Fairfield, OH45014

Phone # 513-874-6600;Fax # 513-346-7406

Please fax this form to Ameriprise Financial Services at the fax number listed above. As well, please fax a copy to the AIHF at (703) 207-8673. If the shares will not be transferred electronically (i.e., there are certificates), please contact Ameriprise Financial Services for an alternative method.

To insure proper receipt, please provide the following information so we may identify the gift on our statement and send a letter of recognition to the contributor.

Donor’s name:______

Donor’s address (street/PO):______


Donor’s phone:______

Indicate if donation for 1.a specific endowed scholarship _____

2.general endowment fund _____

3.unrestricted funds _____

(Please see below for detailed instructions)

Name of company/# shares stock being donated: ______

Transfer broker/name & phone: ______

The AIHF will issue an acknowledgment of the contribution once we have been informed by Ameriprise Financial Services that the transfer has been completed. The value of the contribution is the mean value on the date of the transfer times the number of shares donated. Please contact your tax advisor with questions regarding deductibility.

Date: ______

Donation Descriptions:

1.Specific Endowment Fund:

a. donation can be made to an existing endowed scholarship to help increase the stipend paid (please see

for a current listing of specific endowed scholarships.

b. a donation of a minimum of $25,000 can be made to endow a new (named) scholarship (results in stipend of $1000 after 1 year). Please contact AIHF staff before sending funds for a new scholarship.

2. General Endowment: a donation can be made to the general endowment fund. The trustees may use these funds to increase the stipends of existing scholarships or increase the number of scholarships.

3. Unrestricted Funds: a donation can be made to the unrestricted funds of the AIHF. These donations assist the AIHF in supporting the budgeted expenses. Staff is provided by AIHA as an in-kind contribution. None of the trustees received any payment or travel funds for their work.


Endowment: Permanent Endowment Funds (AIHF) is the capital that provides income to an institution. The value of the original donation [i.e., the corpus] cannot be spent.

Donate and save on taxes:

Donation of securities (i.e., appreciated stock) to a non-profit such as AIHF which is a 501(c)(3) organization can help to save on taxes vs a cash contribution.

When you donate appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year to a qualified charity, you avoid capital gains tax and deduct the market value of the securities at the time of the donation.

How It Works

[purchase market value $2000] Cash Gift Appreciated Stock

Value of Gift $10,000$10,000

Tax savings in 28% bracket ($2800) ($2800)

Gains tax avoided $0 ($1200)

(15% x $8000)

Net Cost of $10,000 Gift $7200 $6000


The information in this publication is not intended as legal or financial advise. Please consult you financial advisor and/or attorney. Figures cited in example are based on current rates at the time of printing and are subject to change. Reference is to federal tax implications, individual state taxes may further impact results.