American Indian/Alaska Native Commissioned Officers Advisory Committee (AI/ANCOAC) Meeting Minutes
Meeting Details
When: / Date: November 16, 2017 / Time: 2:00 EST; 1:00 CST; 12:00 MSTWhere: / Location: Telecom / Dial-In:1-877-701-3709
Participant Passcode: 675490#
Who: / Chair:: CDR James Warner / Recorder: LCDR Angela Battese
Why: / Meeting Purpose: AIANCOAC: General Member’s Meeting
MEMBERSHIP YEAR / PRESENT / ABSENT / EXCUSED / ALTERNATE1 / Battese, LCDR Angela / 2015 – 2017 / X / CDR Goodwin
2 / Beardslee, LCDR Amber / 2016 - 2018 / X / LT Schossow
3 / Beauvais, CDR Velliyah / 2016 - 2018 / X / CDR Tveit
4 / Davis, LCDR Adele / 2017 - 2019 / X / LCDR Hayes
5 / Eynon, LT Shane / 2017 – 2019 / X / LT Stearns
6 / Frank, LCDR Dodson / 2016 – 2018 / X / CDR Henson
7 / Goodwin, CDR Robin / 2017 - 2019 / X / CDR Tveit
8 / Hayes, LCDR Janet / 2016 - 2018 / X / LCDR Davis
9 / Henson, CDR Mike / 2016 - 2018 / X / LCDR Frank
10 / Junes-Harvey, LCDR Juliane / 2016 - 2018 / X / LT Schossow
11 / Laird, CDR David / 2015 - 2017 / X / CDR Warner
12 / Lucero, LCDR Karly / 2017 – 2019 / X / LCDR Smith
13 / Saltclah, LCDR Shannon / 2017 – 2019 / X / LCDR Battese
14 / Schossow, LT Melissa / 2016 - 2018 / X / LCDR Beardslee
15 / Smith, LCDR Samantha / 2017 - 2019 / X / LCDR Lucero
16 / Stearns, LT Kenneth / 2017 – 2019 / X / LT Eynon
17 / Tran, LCDR Andrew / 2016 – 2018 / X / LCDR Junes-Harvey
18 / Tveit, CDR Adrienne / 2015 – 2017 / X / CDR Goodwin
19 / Warner, CDR James / 2017 – 2019 / X / CDR Laird
20 / Zimprich, LCDR Erica / 2016 - 2018 / X / LCDR Beardslee
TOTALS / 13 / 2 / 5
American Indian/Alaska Native Commissioned Officers Advisory Committee (AI/ANCOAC) Meeting Minutes
MEMBERSHIP YEAR / PRESENT / ABSENT / EXCUSED1 / Bartholomew, CDR Michael / 2017 – 2019 / X
2 / Cummins, LCDR Carol / 2016 – 2018 / X
3 / Dele, LCDR Lessina / 2017 – 2019 / X
4 / Edwards, LT Melanie / 2015 – 2017 / X
5 / Freiberg, LCDR William / 2017 – 2019 / X
6 / Giroux, CDR Jennifer / 2015 – 2017 / X
7 / Nichols, CDR Cara / 2015 – 2017 / X
8 / Smith, LCDR Karsten / 2017 – 2019 / X
9 / Tagliaferri, CDR Geri / 2017 – 2019 / X
10 / Taylor, CAPT Brandon / 2016 – 2018 / X
11 / Wasson, LCDR Lynette / 2017 – 2019 / X
12 / Weise, LCDR Karla / 2017 – 2019 / X
13 / Wilkins, CAPT Craig / 2016 – 2018 / X
TOTALS / 7 / 3 / 3
I. / Welcome
Meeting began at 1302 CST by CDR James Warner
A. Roll Call – Quorum met: YES
B. Any guests present? LCDR Venus Uchin
C. Agenda or Meeting changes: NO
D. Approval of October minutes:
• Changes: None
• Motion to approve: LCDR Zimprich
• 2nd by: LCDR Beardslee
• All approved. October minutes passed.
II. / Officer Reports
A. CHAIR: CDR Warner
Today I wanted to recognize Native American Heritage Month, our nation is comprised of 567 federally recognized tribes and an estimated 355 non-federally recognized tribal communities. I wanted to encourage reaching out to our local Native American Communities to become involved and share our experiences with this group, and encourage sharing with the newly developed newsletter led by LCDR Saltclah.
1. Membership for the 2018-2020 term has been sent to MOLC, approved, and returned. I would like to welcome our new members to the group. Officially they will begin their term in January 2018. The three new elected officers for voting membership are: LCDR Karsten Smith, LCDR Carol Cummins, and LCDR William Freiberg.
1.Today’s voting will be for our executive team. I would like to begin with voting membership then continue with our regular business as scheduled. I did receive most voting responses. Did not receive votes from 4 officers – LT Eynon, LT Stearns – Abstain, LCDR Tran – will email votes and CDR Tveit – Abstain. I have everyone’s votes and have them tallied.
2. Two positions opens for MOLC, next year. If you are a MOLC Liaison, then you are NOT required to be a part of the other subcommittees.
3. As a reminder to effectively operate and maintain a quorum at meetings, an AI/ANCOAC voting member and their designated alternate must attend no fewer than eight meetings per year. We will be evaluating annual attendance and if your absences have exceeded the 4 missed meetings you may receive a letter to withdraw from membership for the remaining of your term.
B. Vice Chair: LCDR Frank
1. Welcome. READ About Native American Heritage Month. We’ve come a long way. As Native Americans, we need to remember why we are here. As Indigenous people, we were here first. Educate others.
C. Treasurer: CDR Henson
1. No report.
D. Secretary: LCDR Angela Battese for LCDR Hayes
1. No report.
III. / Officer Spotlight
No Officer Spotlight for month of November due to voting. December Officer Spotlight will be LCDR Karly Lucero.
IV. / COA, SG and Corps Updates:
A. Corps Updates: CDR Warner for CAPT Taylor
1.Licensure and Board Certifications should now be submitted through electronic Document Upload (eDOC-U). This marks the end of all mandatory document submissions by fax to Commissioned Corps Headquarters (CCHQ) for all current active duty officers!
2. The electronic Commissioned Officer Resources Processing System (eCORPS) is available for leave entry today, Oct. 16, 2017 at 1 p.m. ET.
3. Due to Raters for COERS already passed: 11/8/2017.
4. Flu shots! Get them and send them in on eDoc-U.
B. COA Update: CAPT Wilkins
1.Recent COA meeting with SG Jerome Adams. COA has been in support of GI bills, expansion of maternity leave and advocacy of tribal leaders. Public Health Service officer training. SG involvement in Public Health Caucus.
2. Hire 30 PHS officers to the VA. 20 – 10 Nurses. 2,500 vacancies in the VA.
3. Military Coalition Retirement Committee - some of the advocates will form a new coalition to advocate on behalf of the Indian Health Service. I will have a discussion with Judy on this. More info later.
4. Paternity leave – COA is looking into this.
Question (LCDR Frank): Looking for a coalition with Indian Health Service, COA is?
Comment (CAPT Wilkins): I still need to meet with Judy and will get more info. I’m interested to know too.
Question (LCDR Frank): I’m just wondering what level they are looking at…recruitment/retention…also who they are talking to at IHS.
A. Report: LCDR Karly Lucero
Comment (CDR Warner): On purpose, I put MOLC update at the end of the meeting. MOLC we need to do a changeover in January. We need two newMOLC representatives. Reach out to our Liaison. Good opportunity to build relationship with other CMAGs. Broaden your perspective.Recommend new MOLC officers decided in November so they may attend the DEC MOLC meeting prior to their first annual meeting.
Accepting two volunteers for MOLC representative. Let me know if you are interested.
See Appendix A – Attachments (pages 7-9)
VI. / Subcommittee Reports:
A. Awards Chair: CDR Warner for CDR Laird
1.CDR Laird and I working on the Special Assignment Award. We have 4 names. LCDR Tran, LCDR Hayes, LCDR Saltlcah and LCDR Lucero.
B. Bylaws/Charter Chair: CDR Warner
1. Working with OSG on final review of charters submissions.
C. Communication Chair: LCDR Saltclah / LCDR Tran
1. No report from LCDR Tran.
2. LCDR Saltclah – newsletter update. Looking great. Hope to get out and distribute by next weekend. I would like to recognize these officers that helped with editing - LT Stearns, LT Denetdale, LCDR Freiberg, LCDR Davis and LCDR Zimprich. Also Thanks to other Officers who could get me articles/photos for the next issue.
Comment (CDR Warner): Please work with LCDR Tran to update the website.
D. Cultural Chair: CDR Goodwin for CDR Tveit
1. National Native American Heritage Month—November
•Many events in the DC area and around the country to pay tribute to the ancestry and traditions of Native Americans.
- National Library of Congress, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and US Memorial Museums to name a few.
•NativeAmericanHeritageMonthfor specific events dates/times.
•National Education Association (NEA) has resources available for activities for Kids K-12, feel free to incorporate some of these at your sites during the month of November.
•OU had a pregame event before the TCU game honoring 39 tribes.
•November 20th Federation of Indian Women has an event at the Choctaw Alliance Center honoring all tribal and organizational princesses.
•Temple, OK Head start.
•Nov 1st - Annie Dodge Wauneka 5k & 1 mile walk/run. Had 45 participants. 7 female Corp Officers participated and so couldmake it a PHS Athletics event.
•Please report back any activity and include pictures if possible.
2. Rock your Mocs
•Southcentral Foundation is requesting employees and their family and friends to wear regalia (moccasins, mukluks, etc.) and send pictures in. The photos may be put in the Anchorage Native News Newspaper disseminated throughout the campus, Anchorage, and villages.
•Nov 15 - Rock Your Mocs 1 mile walk. 40 participants.
3. Alaska Federation of Natives Conference
•Oct 19-21 at the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage, AK
- Enhance and promote cultural, economic and political voice of the Alaska Native Community
~Tribal Leaders Conference, Youth & Elders Conference, Cultural Celebrations
4. Cultural Subcommittee members
•There has been interest of individuals wanting to be a part of this subcommittee and we’d love to have you.
•Please email me your contact info and available times to meet with days/times, including your time zone.
•We’ve had difficulty coordinating tele-conference calls for specific cultural subcommittee meetings due not having everyone’s contact information and availability but will do the best we can to accommodate whether by phone or email.
•r your availability and interest.
E. Fundraising, Endowment & Visibility Chair: LCDR Frank
1. Thanks to LCDR Tran for his work on the website. Not sure how long we had a type of our website name.
2. I’m working on the page for merchandise store. Coin store. Steadily going down on sales. Appreciate everyone to go to the website and buy more coins. Ok to buy in bulks to save on shipping.
3. Our group is still working together. Any questions, please let me know.
F. Membership Chair: LCDR Zimprich
1. 2018-2020 Voting Members have been approved, and notified. Congratulations to them.
2. Candidates who were not selected were also notified, and encouraged to serve as Advocate Members.
a. I have heard back from 5 of them, and am waiting for responses from 6 of them.
3. Reminder to current Advocates
a.Advocates serve 3 year terms, with no limit on the number of terms. If your term is coming to an end in 2017, and you wish to renew your advocate membership – please let me know.
b.If you are not sure when your term ends, get in touch with me and I can give you that information.
4. I will be sending an email out for a vote once I have a list of all advocates for 2018-2020.
5. Membership Scoring Overhaul Update
a.I have reached out to different groups requesting information about their Membership Scoring/Selection process. JOAG and BCOAG have given me some good information to work with.
b.I will be sending an email out to the Voting Members asking for input on what kind of changes they’d like to see in the future
c.Additionally, LCDR Beardslee will plan to take over the Membership Subcommittee in 2018 – with me serving as a mentor during the final year of my final term.
6. As always, send any and all questions my way.
G. Mentoring and Career Development Chair: CDR Warner for CDR Velliyah Beauvais
1. Promotion next year – takes a good year to prepare for promotion – make sure CV is updated.
2. Go thru your promotion checklist.
H. Recruitment and Retention Chair: LCDR Junes-Harvey
1. I sent out a flyer out to everyone. Ok to use this for recruitment purposes.
2. I’m working with ASU on a USPHS, Native American students’ recruitment in early January. If other officers are interested in this early, please let me know. Downtown ASU and main campus expressed interest. I’m doing a call out for other Native American officers and to be available for questions.
Comment (LCDR Frank): If you are in the Phoenix area, I strongly encourage you to contact LCDR Junes-Harvey on her request. We need to reach out and establish a relationship. We all need to give back. Lots of kids need this type of mentorship.
Comment (CDR Giroux): Every year I go to the University South Dakota School of Health Sciences. The Dean determines where I go. I use the powerpoint given to me. There’s a pretty big AISES chapter here. It’s most appropriate to present to the AISES group. I’d love to see the powerpoint to be updated to include Corps updates and have info on AIANCOAC.
Comment (LCDR Saltclah): AIANCOAC powerpoint is on website.
Comment (LCDR Junes-Harvey): I will take a look at our powerpoint and I can update with info.
VII. / General Announcements
Back to the voting and based on today’s voting:
Chair – LCDR Dodson Frank
Vice Chair – CDR Mike Henson
Treasurer – LCDR Karsten Smith
Secretary – LCDR Shannon Saltclah
Extend my congratulations to all of them. I want to express my gratitude and thankful we have exceptional leaders who are willing to step forward and take charge and move AIANCOAC in a positive direction.
1. CDR Beauvais – not too much on my report. Regarding the presentation for promotion. LCDR Andrew Tran has the presentation and I want to have it available for officers to view. Officers can view on own time or we can view together.
VIII. / Action Items
1. Evaluate the website. Next month is the time to revamp the website.
2. If you are interested in MOLC, send me an email.
IX. / Next Meeting
December 21, 2017
Motion to adjourn meeting made by LCDR Zimprich. Second by CDR Warner.
Meeting Adjourned @ 1424 PM CST
A. MOLC meeting was conducted on 24 OCT 2017.
B. Officer spotlight provided by AIANCOAC’s LCDR Erica Zimprich who provided her professional background and highlighted some of the initiatives she has been involved in at her duty station. As membership chair-seeking input from all CMAGs on membership scoring process. MOLC secretary provided points of contact from each CMAG.
C. The MOLC strategic plan is well underway and in its final stages. LCDR Lucero is the chair and has worked with representatives with other CMAGs to devise and conduct a survey, analyze survey results and in final stage of drafting the strategic plan that will be presented to the OSG at the end of the year.
D. Special Assignment Awards submitted to OSG.
1. BCOAG: The Hometown Mission Initiatives in Los Angeles/San Diego, Washington DC metro area and Decatur Georgia has occurred. For the DMV mission, several scheduled events did not take place partly due to the Corps being activated for hurricane response. The 5K was tentatively rescheduled for the Spring 2018 (date TBD). Officers interested in participating in this event should contact LCDR Cornelius Moore or CDR Jennifer Moon .
2. COA
- SEP 7 – COA met with staff at VA headquarters to discuss VA billets for PHS officers. The MOA of 13 January 2017 (posted on the COA website at COA USPHS - MOA between HHS and the VA) was a main item of discussion.
- COA met with members of The Military Coalition (TMC)’s Communications Working Group to discuss strategy for TMC communications.
- SEP 16 - COA met with Michelle Corbin, NIH, who is coordinating outreach to clinicians dealing with the opioid crisis. NIH has developed material for clinicians working in prisons and would like to partner with COA to get the word out.
- SEP 21 – COA sent a letter (posted on the COA website at COA USPHS - Letter to PenFed Re: Military Cash Back Program) asking PenFed to treat USPHS officers as military members for purposes of their new PenFed Honors Advantage credit card.
- COA met with staff at 2U regarding our partnership to promote online degrees.2U remains pleased with the arrangement.
- COA drafted letters of commendation for the Commissioned Corps officers who participated in the Remote Area Medical deployment that preceded the 2017 Symposium. When he learned that 20 (out of 119) of the officers who did the RAM event were not COA members, he reached out to them individually and gave them the opportunity of joining COA and receiving a letter of commendation for their files. Letters were sent to current COA members on 31 August.
- SEP 30 – COA met with staff for Rep. Steve Bucshon (R-IN) to discuss his possible support for legislation creating a commission to study the creation of a reserve component for the Commissioned Corps.
- COA spoke with a Washington Post reporter about the PHS deployment to Houston and furnished her with materials about the structure of the Commissioned Corps.
3. APAOC: Submitted an article to COA Frontline. This article is about theMOLC Award Ceremonyin Chattanooga in May 2017. John Mcelligott (the Deputy Executive Director of COA) has sent the September issue to print.
4. HOAC:
- We concluded with the webinars sponsored by HOAC as part of the Hispanic heritage month. The event was greatly successful. We had 4 presentations: The first one was by our current HOAC chair, LCDR Michelle Sandoval-Rosario, with an introduction to HOAC and Latinos/Hispanics in the US., followed by Dr. McKeon on “Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk.” The third presentation was by Dr. Burdette related to “Suicide in Primary Care: Assessment and Treatment,” and our final presentation of the series was from Dr. Fishman which was about “Medication Used to Treat Opioid Addictions.” All presentations were well attended and very informative.
- Communication and Public Relations:
LCDR Vladimir Tirado and LCDR Gustavo Miranda will be preparing the Fall HOAC Newsletter. Each HOAC subcommittee will be providing an article to be featured in the newsletter, which will also include a “Getting to Know” section and “Deployment Experiences” section.