International Journal of Practice-based Learning in Health & Social Care
Editorial board members
The role of the Editorial Board is to advise and support the Editors, who have responsibilityfor maintaining the quality of the content of the journal. Board membership is voluntary and for an initial three-year period following which it will be reviewed by the Editors.
Members will be expected to:
- Review papers on a regular basis
- Act as filters for return of reviews
- Collate feedback
- Provide second or third opinions to arbitrate where reviewers cannot agree or where commissioned papers have been rejected
- Respect confidentiality at all times
- Take responsibility for suggesting or editing part issues or special issues
- Contribute to the production of editorials
- Head up reviews of specific types of submissions possibly overseeing the review process for several papers around a theme
- Help to identify suitable reviewers for specific papers
- Contribute ideas for commissions based on subject matter and potential authors
- Help as required in approaching potential contributors
- Attend online or face-to-face board meetings as necessary
- Engage in strategic decisions about quality of back issues and future direction of the journal
- Offer profession or subject-specific expertise (e.g. research progress in disciplines, innovations, key conferences at which the journal should be promoted.
- Actas an ambassador for the journal
- Identify relevant societies and associations to link to the journal.
- Declare any conflict of interest where reviewers are able to identify authors or research projects
- Notify the editor if, for any reason, it is not possible to carry out reviewing duties
- Notify the editor if they are the author, or co-author, of an article submitted for consideration
- Consider the journal first for publishing their own research
- Notify the editor of any change of email address.
Advisory board members will be expected to:
- Review papers that fall within area of expertise and/or interest on a regular basis
- Familiarise themselves with the journal submission and review system
- Respond promptly to requests for reviews (within five days)
- Complete and return reviews promptly (within six weeks)
- Respect confidentiality at all times
- Declare any conflict of interest where reviewers are able to identify authors or research projects
- Notify the editor if, for any reason, it is not possible to carry out reviewing duties
- Notify the editor if they are the author, or co-author, of an article submitted for consideration
- Consider the journal first for publishing their own research
- Notify the editor of any change of email address.
Advisory board membership is voluntary. Anyone who fails to complete these duties will be removed from the list of reviewers