Faculty Activity Report - Calendar Year 2007

College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, NDSU

(Your Name, Your Title)


Save document as yourlastname_AR07.doc. Submit this Activity Report as Electronic Word (.doc or .rtf) file to and to . This report is due the end of January.

I. Teaching

Check your records on PeopleSoft and then list in a bulleted list the following for each semester/term: Course number and title; semester credits; # of grades issued. If the course was DCE, indicate that with a parenthetical (DCE).

Spring 07:

Summer 07:

Fall 07:

Undergraduate Advisees (total number of active advisees):

Graduate Work Supervised (list student name and your role):

Administrative Assignment:

Other Contributions to Instruction:

Teaching Initiatives:

Incorporation of Technology into Courses and Programs:

Senior Project Advising:

New Course Development:

Independent Studies or Mentoring:


Publications (books, articles, book chapters, or proceedings published this calendar year)

Use MLA format in full, including your name. Dilworth, Jennifer. “The Beginning of the End.” End Times Review 14.3 (2008): 665-667. Here are the basic citation formats (please check MLA for other kinds of publications):

·  (Articles: Author or co-authors. “Article Title.” Journal Title Vol. #.Issue # (Date): Pages.

·  (Book Chapters: Author or co-authors. “Chapter Title.” Book Title. Eds. Name. City: Publisher, Date. Pages.)

·  (Books: Author or co-authors. Book Title. City: Publisher, Date.)

A. Work that appeared in this calendar year or grants that were awarded: Please use the subdivisions specified.

1. Refereed Publications (Books, Articles, Proceedings; Chapters):

2. Invited Publications: (Articles, Book Reviews, Chapters):

3. Creative Works (Indicate juried work with an asterisk):

4. External Grants:

5. Conference Papers (author name, paper title, conference name, location, date):

6. Unrefereed Publications (full MLA citation please):

7. Internal Grants:

B. Work under review or in progress (please specify where it is in the development or review process; i.e., in development, submitted for review, requested revision, accepted with revision request, in press or forthcoming):


Campus Service:




Professional Service:

Community Service:


Save document as yourlastname_AR07.doc. Submit this Activity Report as Electronic Word (.doc or .rtf) file (Word 1997-2003, please, no .docx) to and to . This report is due the end of January.