Resolution 23(17) Resolution Co-Sponsorship Memo
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Resolution 23(17) Resolution Co-Sponsorship Memo
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SUBMITTED BY: Pennsylvania College of Emergency Physicians
SUBJECT: Resolution Co-sponsorship Memo
PURPOSE: Directs the Council Steering Committee to develop and promote a standardized format for a “co-sponsorship memo” that can be distributed through the Council elist or other platform so that councillors may collaborate and further refine resolutions prior to submission.
FISCAL IMPACT: Budgeted Steering Committee and staff resources.
Resolution 23(17) Resolution Co-Sponsorship Memo
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WHEREAS, The time that our councilors; members; Steering Committee; Tellers, Credentials, & Elections Committee; Board members; and staff donate to drafting and reviewing resolutions is both valuable and limited; and
WHEREAS, Often multiple resolutions on a single issue, with overlapping concerns, are brought before the Council; and
WHEREAS, Time on the Council floor is limited and best used by discussing issues, rather than wordsmithing; and
WHEREAS, Collaboration in drafting a resolution leads to more refined and better resolutions; therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the Council Steering Committee develop and promote a standardized format for a “co-sponsorship memo” that can be distributed through the Council listserve or other platform so that councillors may collaborate and further refine resolutions prior to submission.
Resolution 23(17) Resolution Co-Sponsorship Memo
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This resolution directs the Council Steering Committee to develop and promote a standardized format for a “co-sponsorship memo” that can be distributed through the Council elist or other platform so that councillors may collaborate and further refine resolutions prior to submission.
The Council e-list, “c-mail,” was created to serve as a forum for councillors to communicate throughout the year on any relevant topic, including resolutions. Using c-mail is a simple way to discuss resolutions, whether in the early stages of development, in draft form, or after the resolutions have been released to the Council for the annual meeting. C-mail use has declined in recent years, perhaps because individuals experience “email fatigue” from the volume of various email accounts. Several councillors expressed concerns earlier this year, prior to the Council resolution submission deadline, when there were multiple messages posted about some draft resolutions and cosponsors were being sought. Unfortunately, several individuals requested to be removed from c-mail because of the increased number of messages.
In any given year, there may be multiple resolutions submitted on the same topic. Once the resolutions are received, staff attempt to work with the authors of similar resolutions to combine them, or submit one in lieu of another. Most often, the authors prefer to submit their initial resolution because of nuanced differences and/or the inability to reach consensus on the final wording of a single resolution.
ACEP Strategic Plan Reference
Goal 2 – Enhance Membership Value and Member Engagement
Fiscal Impact
Budgeted Steering Committee and staff resources.
Prior Council Action
Prior Board Action
Background Information Prepared by: Sonja Montgomery, CAE
Governance Operations Director
Reviewed by: James Cusick, MD, FACEP, Speaker
John McManus, MD, FACEP, Vice Speaker
Dean Wilkerson, JD, MBA, CAE, Council Secretary and Executive Director