Level D, 7B Daily

1. Metropolis – noun – a large city; the chief city of an area Synonym: large urban city Antonyms: hamlet, village

2. Momentous – adjective – very important

Synonyms: consequential, weighty, portentous

Antonyms: inconsequential, trivial, slight, unimportant

3. Obstreperous – adjective- noisy; unruly, disorderly

Synonyms: wild, rowdy, uncontrolled, riotous Antonyms: quiet, well-behaved, docile

4. Pensive – adjective – thoughtful; melancholy

Synonyms: dreamy, reflective, contemplative, wistful

5. Perilous – adjective – dangerous

Synonyms: risky, chancy, hazardous, unsafe Antonyms: safe, secure, harmless

6. Shoddy – adjective – of poor quality; characterized by inferior workmanship

Synonyms: flimsy, cheap, tacky, imitative Antonyms: well-made, solid, durable, superior

7. Sprightly – adjective – lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful

Synonyms: frisky, peppy, spirited, animated, buoyant

Antonyms: sullen, spiritless, dull, morose, sluggish

8. Surly – adjective – angry and bad-tempered; rude

Synonyms: gruff, sullen, cranky, grouchy, hostile Antonyms: polite, gracious, civil, friendly, genial

9. Tirade – noun – a long, angry speech, usually very critical

Synonyms: harangue, diatribe, tongue-lashing

10. Vagrant – noun – an idle wanderer, tramp; adjective – wandering aimlessly

Synonyms: drifter, vagabond, hobo, nomad Antonyms: stay-at-home, homebody, resident

Name _____________________________

Level D Vocab 7B Cloze

Identify the correct form of the word which best completes each sentence.

_________________________ 1. Is there anything more unpleasant than to go to a store and find yourself in the hands of a(n) _____ or rude salesperson?

_________________________ 2. The senator departed from his prepared remarks to deliver an angry speech or _____ attacking the administration’s foreign policy.

_________________________ 3. My friend interrupted my _____ or melancholy mood with the quip “A penny for your thoughts.”

_________________________ 4. Baby-sitters often find that children described by their parents as well behaved become noisy or _____ brats as soon as those parents leave the house.

_________________________ 5. The difficult choice between going to college and getting a job is indeed an important or ______ one for a young person.

_________________________ 6. When the band struck up a lively or _____ tune, even the most reserved party guests began to laugh, dance and have fun.

_________________________ 7. The food processor certainly looked impressive, but its construction was so ______ that within a few months it began to fall apart.

_________________________ 8. In the streets of all our great cities, you will find ____ who wander about without homes, jobs, or friends.

_________________________ 9. How can you criticize me for the way I behaved during the emergency when you yourself have never been in so ____ a position?

_________________________10. “This great ______ has many problems,” the mayor said, “but it also has much to offer both residents and visitors.

Name __________________________

Level D Vocab 7B Synonyms/Antonyms

Synonyms: Choose the correct form of the word from this unit which is most nearly the same as the bold word in the given phrase.

_________________________ 1. Made of flimsy material

_________________________ 2. Music that suits my wistful state of mind

_________________________ 3. Refused to respond to my opponent’s harangue

_________________________ 4. Enjoyed the animated conversation

_________________________ 5. A portentous meeting of world leaders

_________________________ 6. Provides drifters with hot meals and shelter

_________________________ 7. A group of rowdy fans

Antonyms: Choose the correct form of the word from this unit which is most nearly the opposite as the bold word in the given phrase.

_________________________ 8. Treats strangers in a friendly manner

_________________________ 9. Arrived home after a safe journey

_________________________ 10. Spent their vacation in a village

Name __________________________________

Level D Vocab 7B Past Word Review


_____ 1. The time between A. adieu

_____ 2. False, counterfeit B. advent

_____ 3. To speak evil of, slander C. apex

_____ 4. An arrival; a coming into place or view D. assimilate

_____ 5. Farewell E. bogus

_____ 6. To wander about; a sharp turn or twist F. exorbitant

_____ 7. The highest point or tip G. interim

_____ 8. To flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size H. inundate

_____ 9. To absorb fully or make one’s own I. malign

_____10. Unreasonably high; excessive J. meander