The American Cancer Society, Illinois Division, is committed to supporting promising, junior level scientists and physicians in the development of their research careers. Thus, we seek to provide grants to investigators who do not have national-level funding but can demonstrate the potential to succeed in obtaining such funding. Accordingly, in addition to considering the scientific merit of the proposed project, the Research Advisory Committee also evaluates the investigator’s track record, scientific focus, cancer relevance and plans to utilize American Cancer Society, Illinois Division funding to support the development of a long-term funding strategy.

The Illinois Division Board of Directors or Executive Committee will act upon the Research Advisory Committee recommendations of grant applications at their scheduled meeting following the Research Advisory Committee meeting for final grant approval.

Applications must be fully completed online, including a title for the project with signatures as requested. Please do not submit paper copies.

Because cancer research is of great importance to our donors, volunteers and the public please be advised that upon accepting a grant from the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division, you will be asked to participate in certain American Cancer Society activities, such as interviews with the media, speaking at fundraising events, or hosting a tour of your laboratory.

The American Cancer Society, Illinois Division does not assume responsibility for the conduct of the investigation or the acts of the investigator since both are under the direction and control of the grantee institution and subject to the institution’s medical and scientific policies. Personnel compensated in whole or part with funds from the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division is not considered employees of the Society.


  1. American Cancer Society, Illinois Division funds investigators at institutions in the state of Illinois only.
  1. Projects must show promise of producing significant new information directly related to cancer.
  1. Focused applications showing reasonable goals that can be accomplished within one year and which can be carried out with the requested budget are eligible.
  1. Proposals must be independent, investigator-driven research. Independent investigators must demonstrate intellectual independence and must have committed research facilities and protected research time. Applicants must hold a faculty-level position with the university. It is the goal of this granting mechanism to support promising junior level investigators in their career and project development. Therefore, applicants must be at the rank of Assistant Professor to be eligible for grant funding. Researchers who are Associate Level or higher are not eligible and should not apply. A letter from the Department Chair must be included with the letter of intent which states the principal investigator’s independence and the department’s commitment to the principal investigator’s career development, including designated laboratory space, committed start-up funding and protected time (as appropriate). Please contact the Research department if you would like to discuss your eligibility. For eligibility of Research Assistant Professors, please see item #5.
  1. One cycle a year, applications will be accepted from Research Assistant Professor and Instructor Level scientists. To be eligible for this grant, the applicant must demonstrate an intent to move into a tenure track position and adequately demonstrate how this grant would help him or her accomplish this goal. A letter from the Department Chair and applicant’s mentor must be included which states their commitment to the career development of the applicant. Research Associate Professors are not eligible to apply. Up to two grants will be awarded to Research Assistant Level Professors per the Society’s fiscal year.
  1. Only one individual will be recognized as the responsible investigator, and, therefore, only one person should be indicated as the principal investigator. The principal investigator is responsible and accountable for the overall conduct of the project.
  1. No stipend or salary will be paid to the principal investigator. Post-doctoral fellows, graduate students and others without faculty appointments are not eligible as principal investigators. Salary support for graduate students is allowed only if they have completed all course work and can devote 100% effort on the proposed project. Salary support for post-doctoral fellows is not allowed
  1. This award will be made only for project-related work that is wholly directed by the applicant and is not intended to provide support for continuation of postdoctoral training. Postdoctoral fellowships or residencies are not considered independent positions. Only one individual will be recognized as the responsible investigator, and, therefore, only one person should be indicated as the principal investigator. The principal investigator is responsible and accountable for the overall conduct of the project.
  1. Applications which duplicate ones sent to other agencies for funding, or applications proposing projects which cannot be accomplished in the time or budgetary constraints of Illinois Division grants may be administratively rejected. Specific aims of all pending and/or existing applications must be included. If an applicant wishes to describe how the proposed project relates to the investigator’s total research plan, it is recommended that such research summaries be concisely presented in one page or less.
  1. The Research Advisory Committee evaluate applications based on some or all of the following criteria: (a) the scientific merit, originality, and feasibility of the application; (b) the qualifications, experience and productivity of the applicant, and members of the investigative team; (c) the facilities and resources available; and (d) the promise of the research or training as related to the control of cancer or to the benefit to be gained by persons with cancer. At the Research Advisory Committee meeting, the applications are discussed and a priority score is voted for each one. The funding recommendations are brought to the Illinois Division Board of Directors or Executive Committee for final approval.
  1. Proposals will not be accepted from investigators who are listed as a principal investigator or co-principal investigator, on current national level, non-salary related funding from any organization outside the institution of the principal investigator. If an investigator is funded by the Illinois Division of the American Cancer Society, and obtains national level funding during the first six months of his/her Illinois Division grant, the Division grant will be terminated and all unexpended funds must be returned to the Illinois Division. Investigators who have K08 or other similar career development awards are considered eligible for American Cancer Society, Illinois Division funding.
  1. Applicants must be, at the time of the application, U.S. citizens, noncitizen nationals, or a permanent resident of the U.S. Permanent residents must submit with the application notarized evidence indicating that they have a Resident Alien Card (I-551) or have been approved for issuance of such card as evidenced by an official passport stamp of the United States Immigration Service or form I-797 Notice of Action which indicates that the application for permanent residence has been approved.
  1. The principal investigator must have a PhD, MD, DO, DVM, DDS or equivalent degree.
  1. Scientific investigators or health professionals who are funded by the tobacco industry for any project, or whose named mentors in the case of mentored grants are funded by the tobacco industry for any project, may not apply and will not be eligible for American Cancer Society research grants. Scientific investigators, health professionals, or named mentors who accept funding from the tobacco industry for any project during the tenure of an American Cancer Society research grant must inform the Illinois Division of such funding, whereupon the American Cancer Society grant will immediately be terminated. Tobacco industry funding includes: funds from a company that is engaged in, or has affiliates engaged in the manufacture of tobacco produced for human use; funds in the name of a tobacco brand, whether or not the brand name is used solely for tobacco goods, funds from a body set up by the tobacco industry or by one or more companies engaged in the manufacture of tobacco goods.

The following do not constitute tobacco industry funding; for the purposes of this policy;

  1. Legacies from tobacco industry investments (unless the names of a tobacco company or cigarette brand are associated with them);
  2. Funding from a trust or foundation established with assets related to the tobacco industry but no longer having any connection with the tobacco industry even though it may bear a name that (for historical reasons) is associated with the tobacco industry.

Tobacco industry funding is defined for the purposes of the American Cancer Society grants and awards applicants and recipients as money provided or used for all or any of the costs of the research, including personnel, consumables, equipment, buildings, travel, meetings, and conferences, running (operating) costs for laboratories and offices, but not meetings or conferences unrelated to a particular research project.

  1. Proposals related to drug development, routine drug modification and/or screening will not be accepted.
  1. The American Cancer Society, Illinois Division’s grants are made to not-for-profit institutions located within Illinois. Grant applications will not be accepted from, nor will grants be made for, the support of research conducted at for-profit institutions, federal government agencies, or organizations supported entirely by the federal government or organizations, such as Foundations operated by, and for the benefit of, Veteran Affairs Medical Centers, whose primary beneficiaries are federal government entities. Applications may be submitted by qualified academic institutions on behalf of Veteran Affairs Medical Centers, provided that a Dean’s Committee Memorandum of Affiliation is in effect between the two institutions.

A letter documenting that the investigator is employed by a registered not-for-profit institution (501c(3) institution) must be included in the Application.

  1. Applicants are allowed to submit a single application no more than three times. Revised applications must include a letter explaining how the reviewers’ comments were addressed. Failure to adhere could lead to administrative disapproval. Any application being submitted more than three times will not be accepted and an applicant cannot apply more than 6 times in his or her career. If a proposal is submitted as a new application and the principal investigator has submitted previous proposals to the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division, in similar areas of research, a letter detailing how the new application represents substantial differences from the previous application must be included. Resubmitted applications will be reviewed in the same detail and compete on an equal basis with all other new applications and competing renewals.
  1. Applicants may not apply for funds for more than one project per year.
  1. The American Cancer Society, Illinois Division, will award up to two grants over the career of any individual investigator. Applicants for a second year of funding must either include evidence of progress towards completion of the original project and obtaining national funding, or provide a rationale for changes in research direction.
  1. The American Cancer Society does not assume responsibility for the conduct of the activities that the grant supports or the acts of the grant recipient as both are under the direction and control of the grantee institution and subject to the institution’s medical and scientific policies. Grantee institutions must safeguard the rights and welfare of individuals who participate as subjects in research activities by reviewing proposed activities through an Institutional Review Board (IRB), as specified by the National Institutes of Health Office for Human Research Protections, US Department of Health and Human Services. Furthermore, grantee institutions must adhere to DHHS guidelines regarding financial conflicts of interest, recombinant DNA, research misconduct, and vertebrate animals. These policies apply to applicants and application institutions as well.

An application for a grant must bear the signature of the official authorized to sign for the institution. Signature of the department head is also expected.

  1. Personnel compensated in whole or in part with funds from the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division are not considered employees of the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division. Institutions are responsible for issuing the appropriate IRS tax filings for all individuals receiving compensation from American Cancer Society, Illinois Division grants and are responsible for withholding and paying all required federal, state, and local payroll taxes with regard to such compensation. Thus, these and any other tax consequences are the responsibility of the individual recipient and the sponsoring institution.
  1. Funds are not provided to continue support for ongoing projects (bridge funding).
  1. Maximum grant support is not to exceed $100,000. No indirect costs are allowed.
  1. Funds not exceeding $25,000 can be used for the purchase or maintenance of permanent equipment.
  1. Equipment purchased under American Cancer Society, Illinois Division research grants is for the use of the principal investigator and collaborators. Title of such equipment shall be vested in the institution at which the principal investigator is conducting the research. In the event the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division authorizes the transfer of a grant to another institution, equipment necessary for the continuation of the research project purchased with the grant funds may be transferred to the new institution. Title to such equipment shall be vested in the new institution.
  1. Funds not exceeding $2,500 can be used for publication costs.
  1. Funds not exceeding $1,500 can be used for domestic travel to scientific meetings. No international travel will be allowed.
  1. Any investigator funded by the American Cancer Society, Illinois, who wishes to change the approved study aims, grant period, or budget must have prior approval from the Illinois Division before such changes are made.
  1. All research grant applications must agree to be bound by the American Cancer Society Intellectual Property Rights (patent policy) on discoveries made under research grants. Investigators funded by the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division, must sign and return a copy of the Intellectual Property Rights prior to the activation of the grant.
  1. Unless otherwise requested to cover initial equipment purchases, grant payments will be made quarterly in equal amounts. Any unexpended funds must be returned to the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division.
  1. A final report covering project activity, essential findings, results and conclusions regarding attainment of the study objectives and possible application of the results to cancer; and a financial statement are due within three months after the end of the grant period. The final report should cover the entire grant period. In the event a grant has been extended without additional funds, the final report is not due until the official termination of the date of the grant.
  1. In addition, grantees are to furnish copies of all publications resulting from studies supported by the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division as they become available. Publications resulting from research supported by the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division, Inc., should contain an acknowledgement such as ”This work was supported by Grant #______from the American Cancer Society, Illinois Division, Inc.” The American Cancer Society, Illinois Division’s support should also be acknowledged by the grantee and by the institution in all public communication of work resulting from this grant, including scientific abstracts (where permitted), posters at scientific meetings, press releases or other medical communications, and Internet-based communications.
  1. Should further funding from a national fund-granting agency result; this information should be included in the final report.




Letter of Intent

All investigators will be expected to submit an online Letter of Intent (LOI) before the full proposal can be downloaded. Please include in your LOI:

A general audience and technical summary

A full granting history including past, present and pending funding. Please include all funding including institutional support. Please give the source of funds, grant number, title of project, period of time covered by the grant, the amount of direct cost support for current year and total grant period, and percent effort.

A letter from the chair that states the principal investigator’s independence and the department’s commitment to your career development.

Occasionally, ACS-IL will release a Directed Research Proposal in collaboration with one of our partners. If you are responding to one of these proposals, please answer ‘yes” and describe the program. If applying to the standard Basic Research program, please answer ‘no” and N/A.

The section entitled ‘Further Explanation and Justification” is available under the Applicant tab in the LOI. This section is supplied as a place for the grantee to disclose any other important information about themselves or their grant to the grant administrator at ACS-IL.

Once your LOI has been approved, you will have access to the full application. Please remember to choose the Illinois Division of the American Cancer Society to apply for our granting programs.

Formatting the Full Application

ONLY COMPLETE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED-we can no longer grant extensions or add/subtract/edit components to your application. Please ensure that you have included all grant components, including budgets, letters of support/recommendation, and support documents. Application submitted will go ASIS to the committee.