English Language Institute

University of Pittsburgh



Student demonstrates ability to identify types and functions of texts and evaluate elements within texts. / MEANING
Student demonstrates understanding of the text. / VOCABULARY
Student demonstrates understanding of vocabulary.
A / Student almost always identifies register and context. / Student almost always
§  identifies and/or discriminates between main ideas and supporting details.
§  answers factual and opinion questions.
§  answers inference questions.
§  uses level-appropriate morphosyntactic and/or phonological information to interpret meaning. / Student almost always
§  chooses a word to complete a sentence.
§  uses context to identify meaning.
§  interprets reduced forms, formulaic expressions.
§  recognizes word forms in context.
B / Student usually identifies register and context. / Student usually
§  identifies and/or discriminates between main ideas and supporting details.
§  answers factual and opinion questions correctly.
§  answers inference questions.
§  uses level-appropriate morphosyntactic and/or phonological information to interpret meaning. / Student usually
§  chooses a word to complete a sentence correctly.
§  uses context to identify meaning.
§  interprets reduced forms, formulaic expressions.
§  recognizes word forms in context.
C / Student sometimes identifies register and context. / Student sometimes
§  identifies and/or discriminates between main ideas and supporting details.
§  answers factual and opinion questions correctly.
§  answers inference questions.
§  uses level-appropriate morphosyntactic and/or phonological information to interpret meaning. / Student sometimes
§  chooses a word to complete a sentence correctly.
§  uses context to identify meaning.
§  interprets reduced forms, formulaic expressions.
§  recognizes word forms in context.
D / Student rarely identifies register and context. / Student rarely
§  identifies and/or discriminates between main ideas and supporting details.
§  answers factual and opinion questions correctly.
§  answers inference questions.
§  uses level-appropriate morphosyntactic and/or phonological information to interpret meaning. / Student rarely
§  chooses a word to complete a sentence correctly.
§  uses context to identify meaning.
§  interprets reduced forms, formulaic expressions.
§  recognizes word forms in context.
F / Student almost never identifies register and context. / Student almost never
§  identifies and/or discriminates between main ideas and supporting details.
§  answers factual and opinion questions correctly.
§  answers inference questions.
§  uses level-appropriate morphosyntactic and/or phonological information to interpret meaning. / Student almost never
§  chooses a word to complete a sentence correctly.
§  uses context to identify meaning.
§  interprets reduced forms, formulaic expressions.
§  recognizes word forms in context.

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