Each year the OHSBBA makes available to all Band and Guard students an opportunity to earn money from the Booster’sScholarship Fund. Funds are paid on an as available basis to those students approved in accordance with this contract.This contract details the procedure to be considered eligible and become approved for collecting Scholarship Funds. This Scholarship Program is intended to establish a fair payment system providing funds to those students and families who utilize the opportunities offered by the OHSBBA to make positive contributions to our program. Scholarship payments are provided in order to help a family earn funds to help defray the cost of their Individual Band Fees. Approved students will have Scholarship Funds paid to their student account under the following situations:

  • “$1-for-$1 matching” - Every dollar earned by a Student due to individual fundraising or concessions work will be matched by a dollar from Scholarship. Concessions hours are reposted monthly by an OHSBBA Committee Chairperson.
  • Individual Student and Direct Family Member Hour(s) contributed to the Band Program via work in concessions will be paid at a rate of $6 per hour worked from Scholarship fund. The scholarship payment hours are required to be approved in advance by the Band Director and the OHSBBA President and will be reported by an OHSBBA Committee Chairperson on a monthly basis.
  • Scholarship earnings will be credited to an eligible family only when that individual’s account has anegative balance, once the account is balanced to zero scholarship payments end.
  • Scholarship funds are only paid out when a positive balance is available in the OHSBBA Scholarship Fund Account.

To apply for scholarship consideration students will submit a written essay along with this contract to the Band Director. The essay shall clearly explain the reason(s) a student believes their family should be considered eligible for this program. The Band Director will complete a personal interview of the Student and/or Guardian in order to fully understand the individual situation. The Band Director will bring those applications considered eligible for this program to the next OHSBBA Board meeting for confidential approval by the OHSBBA Board of Directors. A signed and executed copy ofthis contract will be filed and held with the OHSBBA President and the OHSBBA Student Account Treasurer.

I understand the above policies and procedures and hereby agree to abide by them in order to receive ScholarshipMatching Funds for my Individual Fundraising and Concession Work efforts. All fees must be paid annually by individual proceeds, concessions work, fundraising efforts or student/direct family member work hours. Student band fees are not waived or forgiven; any outstanding fees are reported to OHS administration.

Student Name (Please Print)Student Signature & Date

Parent Name (Please Print)Parent Signature & Date

Band Director SignatureOHSBBA President Signature & Date

/ SEMINOLECOUNTY / Joe Trybus / Dennis Line / Michele Byington / Whitney Astacio
Band Director / President / Treasurer

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/ Marc Kolodinsky / Daun Cooper / Janet Hey
/ Band Director / Vice-President / Secretary