Draft Minutes

ofa Meeting of

Yatton Parish Council

Amenities and Properties Committee

held on

25 September2017

atHangstones Pavilion

Meeting commenced: 6.30 p.m.Meeting ended: 7.20 p.m.

Present: Councillors: Paul Bane, David Crossman, Martyn Hooper,Graham Humphreys, Robert Jenner, Theresa Mullan, Ian Payne and Rebecca Spinks.

In attendance:Clerk and five members of the public


AAP16/17:Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillors Massimo Morelli and Andy Warren.

AAP17/17: Declarations of Interest




AAP18/17: Public participation

A several members of the public stated that a number of allotment plots, but one in particular needed attention to prevent them falling into a very poor state but they were also impacting on surrounding plots with seeding weeds which was demoralising for those who kept their plots in good order. The site was to be inspected and action taken accordingly.

A resident thanked the Committee for the prompt trimming back of two trees close to her property on Hangstones.


AAP19/17: Minutes of the Meeting held on 17 July 2017

The minutes of the meeting held on 17 July 2017were approved as a correct recordand signed by the Chairman.

AAP20/17: If the Committee wishes to exclude the public the following resolution must be passed:

That the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of agenda item(s) … on the ground that publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest [by reason of the confidential nature of the business] or [for other special reason which must be stated].’

** Not required.

*** The meeting was suspended the reconvened in order for members to speak to the Chairman of the Football Club.

AAP21/17: To discuss the fence surrounding pitch one at Hangstones.

The discussions on the requirements of the League in relation to the pitch fence for the levels the teams are playing at ensued. It was a possibility that teams may be promoted into a higher league that required pitch fencing at the end of this current season. It was highlighted that the fence had fallen into disrepair following its vandalism in April which had not yet been addressed.

RESOLVED: that the fence be repaired by the Football Club as soon as possible and the Committee would review it again at the end of the football season when it could be determined if it would be needed following any promotions.

AAP22/17: Play Area Working Group Report.

Chair Robert Jenner gave an overview of a recent site visit to all three play areas. The list of work required was to be prioritized and a visit to a play area in Clevedon was planned to get more ideas. The Clerk was to gain a price for shotblasting and repainting a piece of equipment as this could guide budget setting. It was suggested that an ear marked reserve could be established for the future refurbishment of play areas.

RESOLVED: to form a Play Area Working Group with members Robert Jenner, Becca Spinks, Massimo Morelli, Ian Payne and Graham Humphreys.

AAP23/17: To consider requesting inclusion in the 2018-19 budget for weed killing streets in the Parish.

RESOLVED: to carryout weed killing of all the streets in the Parish based on £500 per application. The Clerk was to ascertain if, when and how many times North Somerset Council undertook the work before any budget was allocated.

AAP24/17 To form a Hangstones Pavilion Working Group.

RESOLVED: to form a Hangstones Pavilion Working Group to look at future options for the building. Members were Robert Jenner, Ian Payne, Graham Humphreys, David Crossman and Martyn Hooper.


AAP25/17Clerks Report.

i) The sign to assist the parking problem in the Church Carpark was finished its position was to be established by the church.

ii) There was a lot of work being carried out in October including the Broadcroft path, fitness equipment surfacing, ball stop net repair, the moving and removal of certain pieces of equipment at Broadcroft, bench and cycle rack installation.

iii) A new office phone system and new outside door quotes were both in process.

iv) A further volunteer was required for Remembrance Sunday marshalling.

v) The cost of the office being at Hangstones May to September were to be claimed from North Somerset Council which they had agreed to fund..

vi) Councillors Ian Payne and Robert Jenner were to visit the allotments.

AAP26/17Future agenda items (Agenda Item 11).

War Memorial Project.

Play Areas Working Group Report

The future of the fence around pitch one at Hangstones end of 2017-18 season review.

Skatepark Painting.



Amenities 25/09/171 (of 2)