Amelia “Amy” Kraehe 1

Amelia “Amy” Kraehe

Assistant Professor of Art Education

University of North Texas

1155 Union Circle #305100

Denton, TX 76203-5017


Amelia “Amy” Kraehe 1


Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction (Area: Cultural Studies in Education)

The University of Texas at Austin, 2012

Dissertation: Creating Art, Creating Selves: Negotiating Professional and Social Identities

in Preservice Teacher Education. Committee: Keffrelyn D. Brown (Chair), Luis Urrieta,

Angela Valenzuela, Paul E. Bolin, and B. Stephen Carpenter, II.

M.A. in Art Education

The University of Texas at Austin, 2007

Post-baccalaureate Teacher Preparation in Urban Elementary Education

Georgia State University, 2001

B.A. in Studio Art

Wellesley College, 1999


State of Texas, All-Level Art (EC-12) Teaching License.

State of Georgia, Early Childhood Education Teaching License (PreK-5).


Social and cultural context of arts education; critical teacher education; politics of difference and identity; arts equity and anti-oppressive theory in art education.

Dr. Kraehe’s research andscholarshipfocus on the social, political and cultural contexts that influence education in and through the visual arts. Her researchexamines how the visual arts and art education reinforce and challenge systems of inequality, with a particular emphasis on the production of disciplinary knowledge and identities as they are correlated with race, class, gender, sexuality, and their intersections. Her current projects includelongitudinal research on conceptions of the artsand the production of artist identitiesin a multiethnic urban arts high schooland a series ofstudies that investigatehow art teachers develop critical sociocultural knowledge and equity literacy. Dr. Kraeheengages social and cultural theories of identity formation, critical race and feminist perspectives, as well as qualitative inquiry.


Amelia “Amy” Kraehe 1

Assistant Professor, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas, 2012 - present.

Courses taught:

  • Culture, Creativity and Education(Seminar in Art Education: Graduate level)
  • Theories of Identity and Agency (Readings in Art Education: Graduate level)
  • Critical Race Theory and Whiteness Studies (Readings in Art Education: Graduate level)
  • Art Teacher Leadership (Readings in Art Education: Graduate level)
  • Teacher Decision-making in the Culture of Accountability (Readings in Art Education: Graduate level)
  • Introduction to Research in Art Education (Graduate level)
  • Advanced Research Methods in Art Education (Graduate level)
  • Dissertation Proposal Writing (Readings in Art Education: Graduate level)
  • Constructing Visual Arts Practices (Undergraduate level)

Lecturer, School of Art and Design, Texas State University-San Marcos, 2012.

Course taught:

  • Art Theory and Practice(Undergraduate level)

Assistant Instructor,College of Fine Arts, The University of Texas at Austin,2009 -2010.

Courses taught:

  • Introduction to Visual Art Studies(Undergraduate level)
  • Art Materials, Processes and Techniques (Undergraduate level)

Arts Project Director, Institute for Community, University & School Partnerships, Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, The University of Texas at Austin, 2007 - 2010.

  • Ran the “Summer Leadership Institute” intensive arts program forminority youth.
  • Led professional development for arts and media instructors.
  • Supervised all volunteers, participants, and instructors.
  • Conducted program evaluation.

Assistant Instructor,College of Education, The University of Texas at Austin,2008 -2009.

Course taught:

  • Sociocultural Influences on Learning (Cross-listed with African and African American Studies: Undergraduate level)

Teacher Supervision Facilitator, elementary education field placements. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The University of Texas at Austin, 2007.

Teacher Supervision Facilitator, all-level art education field placements. Department of Art and Art History, The University of Texas at Austin, 2006.


Gallery Teacher, The Jack S. Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX,2006 - 2007.

Art Teacher, Austin Museum of Art, Laguna Gloria Art School (ages 3-14), Austin, TX,2005.

Art Teacher, Knowles Elementary School (PreK-5th grade), Leander Independent School District, TX,2003 - 2005.

Third Grade Teacher, Bethune Elementary School, Fulton County Schools, GA,2001 - 2003.

PEER-REVIEWED & BOOK PUBLICATIONS (*student collaborators)

Kraehe, A. M. (under review). Toward a theory of arts equity.

Kraehe, A. M., Acuff, J. B., & *Travis, S. (under review).Equity, the arts, and urban education: A critical review of research.

Kraehe, A. M., *Hood, E. J., & *Travis, S. (under review). “I'm so offended!”: Curriculum flash points in critical arts education.

Kraehe, A. M. (forthcoming). Sounds of silence: Race and emergent counter-narratives of art teacher identity. Studies in Art Education.

Kraehe, A. M., & Brown, K. D. (2014). Intersectional imagination: Arts-based strategies for teaching critical sociocultural knowledge. In C. A. Grant & E. Zwier (Eds.), Intersectionality and urban education: Identities, policies, spaces and power (pp. 171-191). Charlotte, NC:Information Age Publishing.

Kraehe, A. M., & Acuff, J. B. (2013). Theoretical considerations for art education research with and about “underserved populations.” Studies in Art Education,54(4), 293-309.

Brown, K. D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2012). Sociocultural knowledge and visual re(-)presentations of Black masculinity and community: Reading The Wire for critical multicultural teacher education. In A. L. Brown & J. K. Donnor (Eds.), The education of black males in a post-racial world (pp. 73-90). UK: Routledge. [Reprinted]

Kraehe, A. M., & Brown, K. D. (2011). Awakening teachers’ capacities for social justice with/in arts-based inquiries. Equity and Excellence in Education, 44(4), 37-41.

Brown, K. D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2011).Sociocultural knowledge and visual re(-)presentations of Black masculinity and community: Reading The Wire for critical multicultural teacher education.Race, Ethnicity and Education, 14(1), 73-89.

Kraehe, A. M. (2010). Multicultural art education in an era of standardized testing: Changes in knowledge and skill for art teacher certification in Texas. Studies in Art Education, 51(2), 162-175.

Kraehe, A. M., Foster, K. M., & Blakes, T. (2010). Through the perfect storm: From the challenges of Black education to contextually responsive solutions. Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society, 12(3), 232-257.

Brown, K. D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2010). The complexities of teaching the complex: Examining how future educators construct understandings of sociocultural knowledge and schooling. Educational Studies, 46(1), 91-115.

Brown, K. D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2010). When you’ve only got one class, one chance: Acquiring sociocultural knowledge using eclectic case pedagogy. Teaching Education, 21(3), 313-328.


Kraehe, A. M. (2010, Spring/Summer). Moving toward social justice in art education. Scope: The Newsletter of the Art Education Program at The University of Texas at Austin, 13-14. Retrieved from scope.cfm

Kraehe, A. M. (2009, July). LEAPing into the Arts. ICUSP Connection, 2, 1, 3. Retrieved from [Article produced for the newsletter of the Institute for Community, University and School Partnerships.]

Kraehe, A. M. (2009, July). Listening to their VOICES. ICUSP Connection, 2, 1, 5-7. Retrieved from [Article produced for the newsletter of the Institute for Community, University and School Partnerships.]

Kraehe, A. M. (Ed.). (2009, July). ICUSP Connection, 2. Retrieved from [Newsletter of the Institute for Community, University and School Partnerships.]

Kraehe, A. M. (Ed.). (2008, April). ICUSP Connection, 1. Retrieved from [Newsletter of the Institute for Community, University and School Partnerships at The University of Texas at Austin.]

Kraehe, A. M. (Ed.). (2007, Spring/Summer). Scope: The Newsletter of the Division of Visual Art Studies and Art Education at The University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved from

Kraehe, A. M. (2006, Fall). Scope: The Newsletter of the Visual Art Studies and Art Education Program at The University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved from

Kraehe, A. M. (2006, Spring/Summer). Scope: The Newsletter of the Visual Art Studies and Art Education Program at The University of Texas at Austin. Retrieved from


Hefner, D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2012). Proposal for a New M.A. Program in Art Education.San Marcos: Texas State University.

Kraehe, A. M., Straubhaar, R., & Foster, K. M. (2010, July). An evaluation of the third annual Summer Leadership Institute: A collaboration with Leadership Enrichment Arts Program. Austin: Institute for Community, University, and School Partnerships, The University of Texas at Austin.

Fox, S., Kraehe, A. M., & Foster, K. M. (2009, July). An evaluation of the second annual Summer Leadership Institute:A collaboration with Leadership Enrichment Arts Program. Austin: Institute for Community, University, and School Partnerships, The University of Texas at Austin.

Foster, K. M., & Kraehe, A. M. (2009, June). Embedded professional development: Summative report. Austin: Institute for Community, University, and School Partnerships, The University of Texas at Austin.

Refereed CONFERENCE PAPERS (* student collaborators)

Kraehe, A. M. (forthcoming). Cultural myths and the formation of critical art educators. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, New Orleans, LA.

Kraehe, A. M., & Acuff, J. B. (forthcoming). (In)equity and art education: The state of the field. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, New Orleans, LA.

Kraehe, A. M. (2014, November). Arts education, White property, and mass-mediated bodies of knowledge. Paper presented at the Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Kraehe, A. M. (2014,April). “Is he just saying that because I’m Black?”: Race, silence and becoming an art teacher. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, PA.

*Travis, S., *Hood, E. J., & Kraehe, A. M. (2014, March). Addressing the politics of sociocultural difference through personal narratives with preservice art teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, San Diego, CA.

*Hood, E. J., *Travis, S., & Kraehe, A. M. (2013, November). Sociocultural difference, personal narratives, and preservice art teachers. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Texas Art Education Association, Dallas, TX.

Kraehe, A. M. (2013, March). Racial counter-narratives in learning to teach art. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Kraehe, A. M., & Acuff, J. B. (2013, March). Theoretical directions for understanding race, class, sex-gender, and power in social justice-oriented art education. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, Fort Worth, TX.

Acuff, J. B., & Kraehe, A. M. (2012, November). (Re)constructing questions for the resurgence of critical multicultural art education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Philadelphia, PA.

Kraehe, A. M., & Brown, K. D. (2012, April). Aesthetic transgressions in learning to teach for social justice and equity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver,British Columbia, Canada.

Kraehe, A. M. (2012, March). Identities in the making: A social practice perspective on becoming an art teacher. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, New York, NY.

Kraehe, A. M., & Brown, K. D. (2011, November). Creative openings and intersections: Exploring arts-based practices in critical multicultural teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Chicago, IL.

Brown, K.D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2011, November). What happens when you only have one course? Eclectic-case pedagogy, intersectionality and preparing preservice teachers to teach for equity and social justice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Multicultural Education, Chicago, IL.

Brown, K. D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2011, April). Eclectic case pedagogy: A critical approach to sociocultural knowledge in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.

Kraehe, A. M. (2010, May). Dialogism and becoming an urban teacher in HBO’s The Wire. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association,

Denver, CO.

Brown, K. D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2010, May). (Un)covering the complex: How preservice teachers construct sociocultural knowledge in teacher education. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Denver, CO.

Kraehe, A. M. (2010, April). “Reality” show: Visualizing barriers to social justice in collaborative video cases. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, Baltimore, MD.

Brown, K. D., & Kraehe, A. M. (2009, November). Enhancing prospective teachers’ sociocultural knowledge through the use of an eclectic case-based pedagogy. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Studies Association, Pittsburgh, PA.

Brown, K. D. & Kraehe, A. M. (2008, October). The complexity of teaching the complex: Examining how future educators construct understandings of sociocultural knowledge and schooling. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Educational Studies Association, Savannah, GA.

Campana, A., & Kraehe, A. M. (2008, March). Breaking the mold: Beyond standards to action in art teacher education. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, New Orleans, LA.

Blakes, T., Campos, E., Kraehe, A. M., Martinez, M., & Platt, S. (2008, February). Confronting the crisis: Using community and university knowledge and resources to address challenges in schools. Paper presented at the annual Abriendo Brecha Activist Scholarship in the Americas Conference, Austin, TX.

Kraehe, A. M. (2007, November). Standardizing multicultural competence for Texas art teachers. Paper presented at the Texas Art Education Association Annual Conference, Galveston, TX.

Kraehe, A. M. (2007, November). Re-visioning multicultural competencies for Texas art teachers. Paper presented at the Texas Art Education Association Annual Conference, Galveston, TX.

Kraehe, A. M., & Campana, A. (2007, October). Portrait of possibility: Blurring the boundaries between art, education and activism. Paper presented at the annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, Marble Falls, TX.

Kraehe, A. M. (2007, March). Filling in the bubbles: Pre-service teacher assessment and multicultural art education. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, New York City, NY.

Boyd, J. E., Holliday, G., & Kraehe, A. M. (2007, March). Cultivating issues-based curricula for schools and community art centers. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Art Education Association, New York City, NY.

Kraehe, A. M., Boyd, J. E., Holliday, G. (2006, November). Reinvigorating the routine: Considerations for 21st Century art instruction. Paper presented at the Texas Art Education Association Annual Conference, Fort Worth, TX.

Holliday, G., Kraehe, A. M., Boyd, J. E. (2006, October). Regarding content and meaning: Investigating issue-basedcurriculum for a multicultural art education. Paper presented at the annual Curriculum and Pedagogy Conference, Marble Falls, TX.


Kraehe, A. M. (2013, April). Artful, Embodied, and Salient Reflections through Arts-Based Educational Research. Session chair at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Kraehe, A. M. (2013, April). Diverse Perspectives on Careers in Teaching. Session chair at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Kraehe, A. M. (2013, April). Identities, Languages, and Literacies. Session chair at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA.

Kraehe, A. M. (2012, November). Graduate Forum on Research in Art Education. Session chair at the annual conference of the Texas Art Education Association, San Antonio, TX.


Inside the Scholar’s Studio: The Craft of Visual/izing Research. Art Education Graduate Colloquium, School of Visual Arts, Pennsylvania State University (2013, October 15). University Park, PA.

Cultural Studies in Education Forum: Publishing and Presenting Research. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, The University of Texas at Austin (2013, March 20). Austin, TX.

Paradigmatic Currents withinArt Curriculum.Art Education Graduate Program, College of Visual Arts and Design, University of North Texas (2012, October 29). Denton, TX.


Faculty Micro-Mentoring Grant, 2014-2015. University of North Texas.

Project title: Collaborative Research Mentoring Project

Amount: $1,350 (funded)

Faculty Team Mentoring Grant, 2014-2015. University of North Texas.

Project title: Black Women’s Initiative (co-authored)

Amount: $4,000 (funded)

Research Enabling Grant, 2013-2014. University of North Texas.

Project title: Cultural Production of the Artsin Education

Award amount: $7,500 (funded)

Research Opportunity Grant, 2013-2014. University of North Texas.

Project title: Suburbanization and the Arts Magnet

Award amount: $7,500 (funded)

Faculty Team Mentoring Grant, 2013-2014. University of North Texas.

Project title: La Colectiva: Women of Color Mentoring Group (co-authored)

Amount: $4,000 (funded)

Research Initiation Grant, 2013. University of North Texas.

Project title: Urban Arts Magnet Schools

Award amount: $7,500 (funded)

Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, 2013. University of North Texas.

Project title: Mobilizing “the Arts” in the Public Imaginary

Award amount: $5,000 (funded)


National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2014-2015.

Project title: Bridging the Creativity Divide: School Cultures That Yield Academic and

Creative Success

Award amount: $55,000 (unfunded; semi-finalist in a pool of approximately 200 candidates)

National Art Education Foundation, 2014-2015.

Project title: Making Art Work for Everyone: A Comparative Study of the Perceived Value of the Visual Arts for Parents and Students

Award amount: $10,000 (unfunded)

National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2013-2014.

Project title: Achieving Equity and Attracting Diversity through Arts Magnet Schools: A Multi-sited Case Study

Award amount: $55,000 (unfunded; semi-finalist in a pool of approximately 300 candidates)

Greater Texas Foundation, 2013-2016.

Project Title: Race, Class, and the Arts Magnet: The Politics and Possibilities of Achieving Equity and Excellence in Texas High Schools

Award amount: $90,000 (unfunded; receivedexternal invitation and institutional nomination)

Leadership Enrichment Arts Program, 2010.

Project Title: Summer Leadership Institutewith the Institute for Community, University, and School Partnerships.

Award amount: $7,000 (funded)

Leadership Enrichment Arts Program, 2009.

Project Title: Summer Leadership Institutewith the Institute for Community, University, and School Partnerships.

Award amount: $7,000 (funded)

Leadership Enrichment Arts Program, 2008.

Project Title: Summer Leadership Institutewith the Institute for Community, University, and School Partnerships.

Award amount: $3,500 (funded)


Recipient, Mike Hogg Endowed Fellowship. The University of Texas at Austin. 2011-2012. Awarded $27,700.

Recipient, Ford Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Honorable Mention. 2010 and 2011.

Recipient, David Bruton, Jr. Graduate School Fellowship. The University of Texas at Austin. 2010. Awarded $1,000.

Recipient,Carolyn J. and John H. Young Endowed Presidential Fellowship in Education. The University of Texas at Austin. 2009. Awarded $3,500.

Recipient, Marshall F. Wells Scholarship and Fellowship Endowment. The University of Texas at Austin. 2006. Awarded $2,190.