FEBRUARY 15, 2008

President Linda Lutts called the meeting to order at 10:15 a.m.


Cindy Bitter, Upper Arlington Linda Lutts, Sharonville

Marcia Soos, Shadyside Janice Speicher, Dublin

June Allison, Yellow Springs Kathy Kaluger, St. Clairsville

Karen Woodward, Gahanna Brenda Fisher, Montgomery

Angela Zeleznik, Independence Clyde Bellinger, Coldwater

Darryl Dever, Lobbyist

Lobbyist Darryl Dever reported on pending legislation:

HB 181 (additional court costs for moving violations): bill is currently in limbo, was amended by Senate and sent back to the House but they have not accepted the bill. Darryl says he has asked for a language change, to be able to transmit funds on the 20th of the month instead of the first day. This bill could possibly be dealt with this spring and is still marked as an emergency, so when it gets signed into law, it will be effective immediately.

HB 154/SB 252 (abolish Mayor’s Courts): The House of Representatives has accepted the substitute bill 154. The Senate bill has had one hearing. The issues are still the same, who hires the clerk, who hires the magistrate and population. Darryl presented several amendments from the Legislative Service Commission which addresses the issues. The substitute bill will deal with the appointment and the pay schedule of the clerk. One suggestions is if a municipality has a charter that already address this issue, then it will remain according to the charter. If a municipality doesn’t have a charter, then the clerk issue will be dealt with by the legislative authority. The substitute bill will also deal with the appointment of the magistrate. The municipality will submit a list of three magistrates and the judge will select from the list. Darryl is not sure when voting on the bill will happen.

The minutes from the September 19, 2007 board meeting were reviewed. There were no additions or corrections. Kathy Kaluger motioned to approve the minutes with a second from June Allison. The minutes were approved.

Treasurer Marcia Soos presented the treasurer’s report with an ending balance of $27,840.80. Marcia will keep the running balance of funds available to the education committee as a separate line item in the treasurer’s report. Marcia discussed 2008 membership, and so far we have 163 members paid and 4 vendors, which is slightly less then previous years. Kathy Kaluger motioned to accept the treasurer’s report with a second from June Allison. The report was filed for audit.


Cindy Bitter updated us on the directories:

She obtained printing quotes for 250 directories. The quotes were $1200.00 and $915.00. She also mentioned the directories would have the same navy blue cover color. There was some discussion of the pros and cons of staying with the same cover color. June Allison motioned that we change the color of the cover, up to Cindy’s discretion, with a second from Angie Zeleznik. The motion was approved. Marcia Soos motioned to spend $915.00 (or less) for printing 250 directories with a second from Kathy Kaluger. The motion was approved.

Karen Woodward gave the education committee update:

- The Kent State seminar is planned. Two buses will be available for an offsite event. The committee decided on an acrylic jar, with emblem, as the certification gift. The cost is $787.25 for 96 gifts. Angie Zeleznik motioned to approve spending $787.25 for the clerk gifts, with a second from Kathy Kaluger. The motion passed.

- Karen stated the room for the board meeting Wednesday night is arranged, with pizza and salad ordered for dinner.

- She reminded all the area representatives to have the points to her by March 15, 2008. The education committee will take care of the certificates.

- Karen said she also took care of ordering the pin rockers.

- She said Jackie Fugett obtained a price on the blue tote bags of $4.71 each for 150 bags; a total of $706.50. After discussion, Kathy Kaluger motioned to purchase 150 tote bags, with a second from Clyde Bellinger. The motion was approved.

- Angie Zeleznik and the Northeast Association is arranging for the speaker for the awards dinner on Thursday evening.

- June Allison asked Karen to obtain a list of the Kent State attendees. Karen will contact Dr. Melinda Holmes.

- The education committee has signed a two year agreement with the Embassy Suites in Dublin, Ohio for the next two fall conferences. The dates are Thursday, September 25, and Friday, September 26, 2008 and Thursday, September 24 and Friday September 25, 2009. The room prices are $121.99 for 2008 and $125.99 for 2009. The agenda for the fall 2008 conference is set.

- The spring 2009 conference is Thursday, April 23, and Friday, April 24, 2009 in the Cincinnati area. The Southwest Association of Mayor’s Court Clerks will be making the arrangements with the education committee organizing the agenda.

June Allison commented of the good job Darryl Dever is doing as our lobbyist, with agreement from the board members. She said we need to relate to all our members statewide how hard he is working for us.

Marcia Soos motioned to adjourn the meeting with a second from Cindy Bitter. The meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m.

The next board meeting is Wednesday, April 22, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at the Bertram Inn (Kent State conference).

Submitted by Secretary Janice Speicher