Local 003
Council (AGM)May 12-13, 2011
- Call to Order 1220 Recess @ 1611 reconvened 0907
- Introduction of Officers and Guests :
Cec Cardinal- Chair
Amanda McMurren- Vice-Chair
Clarke McChesney - Secretary
Linda Laminman- Treasurer
Derrick Karbashewski - Provincial Executive Representative
Guest: Carol Anne Dean MSO
Guy Smith: AUPE President
Glenn Scott\Eraz Raz\Sandra Azocar: AUPE Vice -Presidents
Bill Dechant, AUPE Executive Treasurer: speaks to new convention process: electronic balloting/Thursday mandatory \bear \pit for election speeches etc...
GSBC RESULTS total 83.59 in favour local 003 55.19 returned 61% local 003 56% return.
Contact Jim Petrie or Local chair if initial payment as per new contract not received.
- Adoption Of Previous Minutes: January 21, 2011 M/S/C
- Business arising from minutes:
- Reports from officers;
Chair: Written and attached M/S/C
Vice Chair: Written and attached M/S/C
Secretary: Written and attached M/S/C
PE Rep: Written and Attached M/S/C
Treasurer: Written and Attached M/S/C
Proposed budget for 2011 presented:
Motion for incumbent treasurer to review and research the feasibility of a report disclosing individual cost breakdown to the Local M/S/D
Motion to accept amended budget M/S/C
Todd RossChapter (8) Motion:
As per the 2010 AUPE Constitution Article 18 Component Officers 18.01 d i) The Treasurer shall be the Financial Officer of the component and shall chair the Finance Sub-Committee, therefore I will be making the following motion at the AGM.
That local 3 form a three member Finance Sub-Committee, to deal with all aspects of local 3’s financial concerns and to make recommendations to local council for its consideration. The Treasurer would chair as per the constitution and two other members not already elected to Local 3’s executive, would be elected from the local council reps. M/S/WD
Motion: To accept current Local 003 Executive, as the Finance sub-committee as per the constitution. M/S/C. Passed May 12, 2011.
New Motion :That local 3 form a three member Finance Sub-Committee, to deal with all aspects of local 3’s financial concerns and to make recommendations to local council for its consideration. The Treasurer would chair as per the constitution and two other members not already elected to Local 3’s executive, would be elected from the local council reps. M/S/D
Motion From previous meeting Ross Chapter (8): To elect Finance Sub-committee as per constitution 22.03 (c).
Rationale: By following the constitutionthere will be continuity/ perceived accountability. M/S/D
Motion: To accept current Local 003 Executive, as the Finance sub-committeeM/S/C. From January 21, 2011 council meeting.
New Business:
Elections of Local 003 Executive positions, for2year terms.
Chair Nominated: Derek Karbashewski
Vice-Chair Nominated: Clarke McChesney
Secretary Nominated: Bill west
Treasurer Nominated: Amanda McMurren
Provincial Executive Nominated: Hal Griffith
Motion: To elect Local 003 delegates to the 2011 AUPE convention as noted below. M/S/C
Motion: to have Local 003 chair represent the local at the AUPE convention annually as a delegate. M/S/C
Motion: to have any chapter with more than 300 delegates automatically receive additional member M/S/C
Motion: for each chapter with a compliment of one per full 100 members receive an seat at convention M/S/C
Motion: to have remaining 2 delegate seats be allocated to chapters with the lowest membership. M/S/D
Motion: To have the 2 remaining delegates and 3 observers be selected via a lottery with the number of entries be based on full compliment or part of 100 members . M/S/D
Motion:To have any chapters desiring any of the remaining allocated spots, be it Observer or Delegate, have the opportunity to be voted on . M/S/C
Motion: To elect Local 003 delegates to the 2011 AUPE convention as noted below. M/S/C
Motion: the alternates be selected as per ranking at Local 003 AGM annually
Convention Delegate allocation.
Chair=1 seat+24 Delegates= 25 totalseats + 3 observers
Current years allocation
148/ CCC = 1 356/ ERC = 3 216 /FSCC = 2
212/CRC = 2 105/PRCC = 1 71/CVE North = 1
68/MHRC = 1 271 EYOC/Prob = 3 71/CVE South = 1
163/LCC =2 217/CYOC = 2 305/Sheriff North =3
158/Sheriff South = 1 105/RDRC = 1
Observers: PR/ RDRC/ Calgary Sherriffs
Motion: To have Local chair be represented at Convention Annually as a Delegate. M/S/C
Bargaining: Chapter Chairs and Council Reps must document Work-load concerns and queries in order to acquire more front line workers moving through the proper channels IE: UMC process to be stressed to members by Local reps.
Internal/Compassionate Transfers:
Annual Leave process: Antiquated and not provincially consistent, UMC topic
Anti-Privatization sub committee: Terry Maclean, Babs Owaru, Amanda McMurren, Troy Merrill.
OH and Safety Committee report: Written and attached
Motion: the Local 003 OH&S Committee Chair call a L3HSC meeting be held before the Next council meeting and call out no more than 8 members , including the CHAIR
Uniform Committee /assignee: Major vest concerns possibly being allocated over and or under carry vests.
Scott Conrad Volunteers to be Uniform Committee rep from south.
New ERC: No regard for committee by new director/Mike Tholenar stating he is exercising the “Management right to manage”.
Frontline committee members wish to resign from this committee due to lack of integrity.
NERC to open January 12-13 2013
Concerns surrounding opening: How to man this facility, staff shortages, Training of new hires
January 16th 2013, the old ERC to be closed permanently.
Jail currently 70% completely.
Video visiting area to be manned by non-Union members
Chapter 10: Probation officers speak directly to safety concerns with volatile clients, Panic alarms not encouraged and functioning. Major health and safety concerns. health and safety liaison will take to provincial; committee.
Topics for Dan MacLennan bursaries: All ideas to be emailed to
Peace Officer Memorial delegates
Sherriff’s North : 1 Adam Zasada
Sherriff’s South: 1 Brian Tighe
CVE: 1 Eric larsen
CPO: 2 Dave young
Stephanie McCallum
Troy Merrill
Motion: to Elect additional CPO in lieu of no csw applications being received by the cut off date. M/S/C
Next Meeting September 16th, 2011