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Commentary by Elizabeth Wallace, Oregon

Always read between the Lines

Nov. 29th, 2009

Portland Oregon Federal IRS Case conviction

Defense Attorney found dead directly after verdict

Nov. 23rd, 2009 they were found guilty Nov. 24th, 2009 Tuesday attorney found dead. It this coincidence or connection ?

This quote is on the a subversive web-page always on top of the big news to insult and destroy the people-you can always find truth in the lies and corruption by "reading between the lines". So how does Quatloos continually find national issues immediately posting counter-productive opinions? (Their quote)

"Terror is nothing other than prompt, severe, inflexible justice."- Robespierre

Will the IRS now try and set Marcel up on involvement with his attorneys death ? It would be theIdiom: "par for the course".

This is one of several articles on Marcel B. and his case as he is convicted here in Portland, Oregon:

Just reading this it is obviously he is correct in his statement the problem is he should have been smart enough to direct this from this type of court and judge knowing they would convict him and now I hear he wants to appeal this: this article is by Bryan Denson of the Oregonian: to comment:


His attorney was from the Metro Federal Public Defense Attorneys office Nancy S. Bergeson in Portland, Or. She was murdered shortly after his conviction :

This adds such an unusual twist to this case and I believe her death is the key that may save Marcel and the others bringing her killers to exposure and why they did this to her( without a smoke screen to cover it up )

Here is an article from Utah and this statement was not in the Oregonian as they interviewed this judge. Note how interesting it is that they mention Marcel in this article and even allow his comments to be posted:

Is this possible(they) did this to make a connection to Marcel and to make a loud and clear statement to "any attorney" who would dare actually defend her client against the powers that be ?They haven't done it as yet, but all signs point to this possibility.

Vernice Trease, a friend of 20 years and a state judge in Salt Lake City, said Bergeson was a mentor in the Salt Lake Legal Defender Association. "Whatever it is that she thought was right, and was appropriate for her client, she stood up and advocated for them," Trease told The Oregonian . Earlier this week, Bergeson defended Roy Bendshadler, 48, of Portland. He was convicted Monday of defrauding the government of more than $9 million in a tax-avoidance scheme that involved preparing more than 1,000 returns on the theory that compensation for personal labor is not taxable. "I'm gut-punched sick because I lost my advocate," said Bendshadler, who planned to appeal. "She was a fighter. She risked sanctions by the judge when she repeatedly objected to the prosecution putting hearsay documents into the records." This is the judges bio:

/ Judge Vernice S. Trease was appointed to the Third District Court by Gov. Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. and sworn in February 2007. She serves Salt Lake, Summit, and Tooele counties. Judge Trease graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations from Lewis and Clark College and received a law degree from the University of Utah College of Law in 1988. Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Trease served the community of Salt Lake County as a public defender attorney with the Salt Lake Legal Defender Association. She was a senior trial attorney, capital qualified attorney, team leader, and assistant director of the office of more than 60 lawyers. She also worked at Utah Legal Services. Judge Trease has served as a member of the Utah Commission on Racial and Ethnic Fairness in Criminal and Juvenile Justice System and is a recipient of the Utah Minority Bar Association's Community Service Award. She is a member of the David K. Watkiss-Sutherland II Inns of Court.

The following is an amazingly good commentary by Bob Hurt from Florida in regards to this case. Here it is only Nov. 29th and this news has traveled across the country.

Tax Crime Public Defender Nancy S. Bergeson Dead of Homicide

So, is it possible as she learned the truth while defending Marcel after 21 months and showing her defense of him and this truth ( they ) murdered her ? Their corruption has no limits !! Everyone who believes in exposing the lies of IRS should be helping ( for free ) in this case and making a public show of support to find Nancy's killers.

More comments on the case from 2008:

Nancy Bergeson

Why does it not surprise me that Nancy S. Bergeson, the diligent public defender

who represented Marcel Roy Bendshadler in the tax crimes case in which a Portland USDC jury found Bendshadler guilty Monday, suffered a gruesome murder on Tuesday?

She was found dead in her Portland Oregon home at her laptop keyboard in her
pajamas on Tuesday. Of all the defense attorneys in the case, only
Bergeson showed any sincere belief in the innocence of her client. Why?
Because she really believed Bendshadler innocent. Why? Because for 21
months of their relationship in his case, Bendshadler had explained to her
much of the skullduggery typical of the IRS and DOJ in tax crime cases,
including subornation of both judge and jury, and many other dirty tricks,
such as lugging into the courtroom many boxes to make the jury think the DOJ
had a mountain of evidence against the defendants, so as to twist their
minds and pervert their judgment. Her own research and observation
corroborated the picture Bendshadler had painted for her

And note that Bendshadler, 49, holds a Master's degree in Constitutional
Law, and has argued at least one case before the Idaho Supreme Court. He
has studied income tax law and IRS behaviors for years. He knows his
subject very well and has watched with others in the tax honesty community
across America while the DOJ racked up a putative 95+% win ratio in tax
crime cases, a phenomenal win record, even for the biggest law firm in the
world, the U.S. Department of Justice. Many believe such a win could not
happen without suborning both judges and juries repeatedly throughout the

Now, I suspect that Bergeson got so close to the truth in her own
investigations over the months of association with Bendshadler that she
became a dire threat to the IRS and DOJ, putting both at severe risk of
exposure of their crimes that deprived Bendshadler of due process. As you
know from my earlier report, Bendshadler said the jury seemed bright, alert,
and friendly toward him one day, and then later returned a guilty verdict
against him, atypical of such a jury.

For this reason, the IRS and DOJ people associated with the case have become
highly elevated in MY suspect list . I would feel no surprise at the
discovery that one or more of them bore direct or indirect guilt for
Bergeson's death.

"She held my hand for 21 months through this ordeal. Now she's dead, and
Judge Ann Brown wants to know whether the defense will seek an extension of
time for the sentencing hearing, " said Bendshadler in an interview
Wednesday. "You may now SCREAM BLOODY MURDER, for Nancy Bergeson," he concluded in sadness. We agree. As the mob at the DOJ might say, Bergeson now "sleeps with the fishes." Bob Hurt

BobHurtSuit200707smallBob Hurt

2460 Persian Drive #70
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Comments to articles: Request of all IRS information experts to help in this case: ( Hands out of your pockets its time to pro bono some work on this case for the sake of everyone in this country )

Bergeson's family and comments make it clear...... as you read this below she had no fears of her clients ( it is unfortunate her sister does not understand the fear she neglected to see and dismissed as she defended Marcel was of the IRS and what they were capable of doing should she go up against them and not just play out the usual attorney/court room game of non-defense. Bergeson, actually believed and defended her client. Perhaps other times she defended a client due to her duty but in this case, she actually believed in her client seeing the truth before her eyes for the first time. I am sure, her "family/husband also knows the truth and concord with her in regards to the truth in the IRS matters with Marcel. It is also possible he knows the dangers to himself and his career should he publicly open his mouth in regards to his sister-in-laws death. What I would hope for is that her death (does) bring him to this level and defense of her through a more intense research of the corruption levels of IRS and what they do to so many people. This is the time he will need all of the evidence and help he can get to expose her killer and through this expose the IRS. Anything all of you so well informed and involved in regarding IRS and their ability to actually set out to destroy or even murder someone trying to expose them should consider this a worthy cause to send him his information and seek on their own time any information that would help them find her killer and free Marcel and the other men on convicted unjustly.

Marian Bergeson, her mother and a former California legislator and state education secretary

Her sister, Julie McCormick, and others have described Bergeson as a marathon runner, mountain climber, skier and boat paddler. She was strong enough to beat her teenage nephews at arm wrestling so family members don't imagine someone overpowering her.

Bergeson also didn't express concern that a client would do her harm, family members said.

McCormick said her husband is a county public defender and often discussed case strategies with Bergeson.

She didn't talk about fears of retribution or retaliation by clients, McCormick said. "You always worry about that, but this was not a concern she ever expressed," her sister said."The irony in this to me is she defended people who committed crimes, and she was such their advocate," McCormick said. "If this person could do something so horrific to her ... She would have been probably their best ally, and this person takes her out. That's what kills me."

Contact this radio station for any help or donations of material, time and evidence :

M. Roy Bendshadler, J.y.D.
Constitutional Counselor
Host of The Constitutional Live Monday Afternoon, 3-5pm P.T. Crusader's Show

“I find it laughable that they would admit that they are NOT going to "prove" this element of the "crime." Based on that fact alone, I could stand up and say when the DOJ "rests" to the Judge:
Ma'am, you are hereby ordered to dismiss this case. The DOJ has failed to establish the critical element that the IRS is an Agency of the United States Government, and since this is a case of "Defrauding the United States Government" the DOJ has, under FRCP 12(b)(6) "Failed to State a Claim upon which Relief can be Granted" and therefore has failed to establish the basis for any "conspiracy" to exist against the United States Government."
Then sit down and shut up. Marcel B

Robert McKee v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 2006 (9th Cir)

Here is a 2004 Department of Justice case also involving Marcel B: this has statements in it

As most educated Americans know too well how many citizens are now sitting in prison for the same issues. This case should be a priority for every American seeking justice. as we all know how many are now sitting in prison for the same issues. The element making this all the more imperative is the tragic murder of this women which anyone "reading between the lines" knows there is some involvement with her strong defense of Marcel and who killed her a day later as she planned to continue the fight for him. This is an act of terrorism to go so far with their corruption they would actually take another human beings life. Please, consider putting some time and effort into this matter.