To all CDANZProfessional Members

Notificationof the 14thAnnual General Meeting of the

Career Development Association of New Zealand

In order to streamline our AGM and PD events for 2011, we have sent out additional information in advance so that less time is spent reading reports, etc.

Following are:

  • The programme for the day;
  • The outcome of Executive Nominations;
  • Remits – rationale;

The 2011 Annual Reportsare provided separately

14th Annual General Meeting : Programme

To be held in association with a 6-hrday of PD for all members.

Date: Monday 14 November 2011

Time: 10am – 4:30

Location:Wellington – Miramar Golf Links (opposite Airport carpark and within walking distance)

Format of the day:

10-10:20 Registration and morning tea

10:20-10:30 Megan open the day

10:30-11:30 Sir Robert Jones

11:30-1pm AGM

1-1:45 Lunch and networking

1:45-2:45Panel Discussion with Ray and Dai Henwood

2:45-3:15 Sue Mortlock: Ethics

3:15-4:00 Afternoon Tea / Networking and nibbles

Please RSVP to Ruth Missen :

by 30 october 2011.

for catering purposes. please indicate any specific dietary needs you may have.

Thank You.National Executive Committee Elections 2011

A big thank you goes to those of you who encouraged and supported professional members to put their names forward for the 2012 Executive Committee. We are delighted with the response and as we did not have enough nominations to result in an election process, we are pleased to announce the 2012 Executive Members are as follows:

From the existing Executive the following people are to continue:

  • Megan Smith, Waikato – President (completing her 5thand final year)
  • Claire Pearce, Wellington – (completing her 4thand final year)
  • Ruth Missen, Bay of Plenty – (beginning her 2nd term)
  • Ivan Hodgetts, Otago & Southland – (beginning his 2nd term)

Newly appointed members to the Executive are:

  • Heather Carpenter, Gisborne & Hawkes Bay
  • Kaye Avery, Auckland
  • Sam Young, Nelson & Marlborough and
  • Hana Seumanu-Ikenasio, Auckland.

The new Executive Committee represents a wide range of regions and work contexts, which will serve members well.

Rationale for Remits 2011

The large number of remits this year resulted in some debate about how pedantic an organisation needs to be in making minor changes to a constitution via the remit process. The National Executive decided it was better to be completely transparent and put all changes forward by remit. In 2011 remits essentially fall into three categories:

  1. Remits to align with strategic direction.
  2. Remits in response to feedback from members.
  3. Remits for minor adjustments and tidying up of official documents.

Remits to align with strategic direction

Remits: 1, 2, 3, 7, 12, 14, 18

The strategic direction outlines what the focus of the organisation will be for the next few years. This has been a very useful document in our relationship building with other organisations over the past year, as it clearly articulates what our purpose is and where our priorities lie. The strategic plan identifies our desire to be inclusive and provide a national voice for career development in New Zealand. This meant considering if there was a place in CDANZ for all those working in career development in New Zealand and we some ways in which the we could better serve this goal.


In line with our aim to be an association inclusive of all those working in the career development sector, remit 12 proposes a change from ‘career practitioners’ to ‘person working in career development’. This also aligns with the association name change made in 2008.

Membership Categories

In addition to aligning the membership categories with the strategic direction, effort was made to keep categories within a clear pathway, and as consistent as possible with other national career development associations. The proposed structure:

Remits 1 & 2 propose removing the categories of Subscriber and Affiliate. Those who currently fit in the Subscriber category may choose to apply for the proposed Member category or may simply keep in touch with CDANZ via our website and LinkedIn groups. We currently have no Affiliate Members and relationships with other Associations tend to occur under a jointly developed Memorandum of Understanding.

The proposed category of Member (remit 7) is open and provides an immediate place for all those connected to career development. For example, students of career development, individuals new to a job in the sector, individuals working in an aligned area (such as human resources) - providing a sense of belonging and a place to connect with others in career development. The ability to vote at branch level encourages participation in local activities and engenders a sense of contribution to the profession.

The proposed change (remit 3) from Life Membership to Fellow, recognises that the term Life is often associated with a one-off financial subscription to secure ongoing (i.e. life) membership with an association. The term Fellow is designated in recognition of the contribution made by the recipient member to the association. Fellow is a term used by both CDAA and NCDA.

Remit 14clarifies that changes to the rules of the Association pertaining to Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct and membership criteria – which sit outside of the Constitution - will also be subject to a remit process via the Annual General Meeting. Other processes, policies and decisions (for example, advertising, web provider, voting process etc) will be determined by the National Executive as the elected representatives of the membership.

In order to efficiently meet the needs of its membership, CDANZ relies on the voluntary hours of many members. In order to be efficient in how it uses that time, the Association must use procedures which don’t unnecessarily burden those volunteers. To that end, remit 18proposes that a percentage of the Professional Development (PD) Diaries of Associate and Professional Members are audited annually. The current process sees all Diaries audited at a massive cost in volunteer hours. This historical process is not outlined in the Constitution or the Procedural Handbook, and is no longer a viable approach given the changing nature of volunteerism in NZ. Auditing a randomly selected percent of the PD Diaries is an approach consistent with other national professional associations.

Remits in response to feedback from members

Remits: 9, 17

The requirement for 50 professional development hours per annum for Professional Members has been a frequent topic of feedback directed to the National Executive through Branches and forums such as LinkedIn. Research of other national professional associations and international career development associations indicates a reduction to 30 hours would be consistent with current continuing professional development expectations. Remit 17 proposes a reduction in professional development from 50 to 30 hours, allowing members to consider that aspect of the Professional Member criteria and vote according to their preference.

Remit 9 aligns the constitution with the procedural handbook and clarifies for Associate Members that “full rights to be elected to or sit on a Branch Committee” includes the role of Branch Chair. Given the roles and responsibilities at Branch level, the Executive do not believe there is any risk to the organisation in allowing Associate Members to carry the role of Branch Chair.

Remits for minor adjustments and tidying up of official documents

Remits: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16