3909 Arctic Blvd, Suite 400

Anchorage, AK 99503

(907) 222-9500  fax (907) 222-9501



Gerad Godfrey, External Relations Manager

Alutiiq LLC

(907) 222-9500

Alutiiq wins National Safety Council award for work on project in Texas

KILEEN, TX – The National Safety Council selected an Alutiiq Construction Division project for one of its highest honors - the 2011 National Safety Council Perfect Record Award. The council presented the award for Alutiiq’s work on the Fort HoodMultiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) project in Killeen, Texas.

The Council is the nation’s largest and oldest organization dedicated to saving lives by preventing injuries and deaths. Less than 2 percent of the Council’s 53,000 members received awards.

To win this award, a project must have 12 consecutive months without an occupational injury or illness to an employee or subcontractor and a minimum of 10,000 employee hours worked during the time period. The Fort Hood project recorded 11,127 hours and was overseen bythe U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Savannah District.

“Alutiiq is honored to receive this award, which is an affirmation of our commitment to safe and exemplary work by our dedicated employees and our highly skilled contractors at Fort Hood,” said DickHobbs, Alutiiq’s President and CEO.

Alutiiq’s Construction Division provides a wide range of construction services for the military in the southwest, including projects in Texas, New Mexico and Colorado.

Alutiiq is dedicated to delivering cost-effective, quality service and solutions to its customers. In addition to operations in Texas, Alutiiq has operations worldwide, from Prudhoe Bay on Alaska’s North Slope to Japan.

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About Alutiiq, LLC

Alutiiq, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Afognak Native Corporation, an Alaska Native corporation formed under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Alutiiq has diverse operations nationwide, with core competences in: operations and maintenance, logistics services, construction services, security services, youth services, training, information technology services, oil field services, leasing and bioenergy. Learn more about Alutiiq at .